Life Coaching for Women Blog
Law of Attraction: 10 Powerful Ways to use it In Your Life
If you have heard of the Law of Attraction, you may be keen to understand more about it. Is it an amazing way to attract everything you want into your life, or is it all smoke and mirrors?
The Law of Attraction is a fairly simple principle based on the idea that like attracts like. This means the energy you put out into the universe is what you attract back into your life, whether that is good or bad energy.
The law of attraction states that your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs shape your reality, whether consciously or unconsciously.
If you are someone who focuses on positive outcomes and genuinely believes in your desires, you will naturally align yourself with opportunities that will lead you toward success.
Conversely, if you are someone who dwells on negativity or doubt, you may unintentionally attract more obstacles and challenges.
This law of attraction therefore suggests that by shifting your mindset and emotions, you can create a life that reflects your highest aspirations.
In essence, the Law of Attraction works by aligning your thoughts, actions, and energy with the reality you want to manifest.
Be Do Have Mindset And Model: 10 Things You Need To Know
The Be Do Have model is a coaching model that has been used for many years to reframe goal setting. Its origins though date back to the Vedas, a large body of Sanskrit religious texts written in Ancient India.
The concept of "Be Do Have" in personal development and coaching fields, emphasises the importance of mindset and identity in achieving your goals.
This model suggests that for you to attain the things you desire in your life - (Have) you first need to adopt a certain mindset and identity (Be) that aligns with those desires.
This mindset will naturally influence your actions (Do), leading to the desired outcomes - BE, DO, HAVE.
This framework encourages you to focus on becoming the person you wish to be, thereby taking actions that are congruent with your goals and aspirations.
This approach builds a deeper self-awareness and alignment in all areas of your life, ultimately paving the way for you to live a successful and purposeful life.
The Be Do Have concept has its roots in timeless principles taught by thought leaders like Stephen R. Covey, Bob Proctor, and Jim Rohn.
These leaders have stressed true success and fulfilment come from being the right person first.
Free Your Mindset: 21 Essential Tips for Freeing Your Mind
Do you feel like your mind is holding you back? Do you stop yourself from doing things because of a fear of failure?
Maybe you constantly tell yourself you can’t do something because of one bad experience or because you believe the opinions other people have of you.
If you are feeling stuck because of the limitations your mind places on you, then you need to discover ways to free your mind.
It involves letting go of self-doubt, fear, and anxiety, allowing you to think more clearly and creatively.
Freeing your mind creates space for new ideas and perspectives to flow in. It allows you to grow and will give you a sense of empowerment.
This process encourages a positive mindset, where you can focus on your goals and aspirations without the burden of mental clutter.
Ultimately, freeing your mind helps you embrace life's possibilities and develops the confidence you need to pursue your dreams.
How To Make Time For Me? 21 Simple Solutions
Do you constantly ask yourself, “Why do I struggle to make time for myself?” You aren’t alone, many people ask this question constantly in their lives and can never come up with an answer.
There can be many reasons why you struggle to make time for yourself but most of them will be because of where you place your priorities.
They are normally focused on everyone and everything else but very rarely are they focused on you.
Struggling to make time for yourself often stems from external responsibilities and internal pressures. Many women juggle work, family obligations, and social expectations, leaving little room for personal self-care.
Additionally, there can be a deep-rooted belief that prioritizing self-care is selfish or unimportant compared to meeting others’ needs.
This mindset can create a cycle of neglecting personal well-being, causing stress and burnout.
Recognizing self-care's essential role in overall health and happiness is crucial to breaking this cycle and carving out the necessary time for oneself.
Feeling Stuck In Life: 15 Easy Ways To Free Yourself
Are you at a point in your life at the moment where you feel stuck? Do you lack direction, and purpose and feel your life is unfulfilled but you have no idea how to make changes?
If this sounds familiar to you, you aren’t alone. These feelings are common to many people.
The feeling of being stuck is common but sometimes it can be difficult to pin it down to an actual cause.
Feeling stuck often manifests as a lack of motivation, indecision, or a sense of being overwhelmed.
You may experience frustration, restlessness, or feel like you’re on autopilot with little progress.
Common symptoms include procrastination, self-doubt, or feeling disconnected from your goals.
Recognizing these signs is the first step toward taking action to move forward.
31 Uplifting Believe In Yourself Quotes: Improve Confidence Now
If you want to improve your confidence, a simple, effective technique is to repeat positive quotes. Positive quotes can play a significant role in shaping your mindset and building resilience.
Positive quotes will remind you of your potential and build your power of belief, helping to uplift and motivate you even in the most challenging of times.
One of the best quotes for believing in yourself is by Ralph Waldo Emerson: "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
This quote encapsulates the essence of self-empowerment, encouraging us to tap into our inner strength and capabilities, ultimately guiding us toward achieving our goals and fulfilling our potential
15 Powerful Secrets: Changing Thinking From Negative To Positive
We can all be guilty of negative thinking from time to time. And we can all benefit from changing our thinking from negative to positive. So many thoughts pass through our minds every day, it is little wonder we have negative thoughts as well as positives.
17 Best Growth Mindset Vs Fixed Mindset Examples
Do you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset and are you aware of the difference? The mindset you have will determine the results you get in your life. People with a fixed mindset will often stay rooted where they are whilst people with a growth mindset will stride through life.
10 Empowering Steps: How To Find What Inspires Me?
Inspiration, the stimulation to do something creative is a feeling many of us will experience at different times in our lives. Inspiration can come from various sources, ranging from nature and art to personal experiences and the stories of others.
It can appear from witnessing acts of kindness, understanding the resilience of those who face adversity, or even engaging in reflective practices such as journaling mindfulness and meditation.
Great artists, poets and writers talk about the spark of inspiration, often the precursor to some amazing work of art.
It can also be the catalyst which ignites a desire for change, encouraging you to explore your potential and pursue your goals.
Regardless of whether it is a writing that resonates within you, a story that opens new perspectives, or a moment of clarity during a quiet, mindful walk, inspiration spurs growth and encourages you to envision a bigger, brighter future.
How To Stop Feeling Trapped Caring For An Elderly Parent
Many people will find themselves in the stressful situation of looking after elderly parents.
Taking care of elderly parents can be incredibly stressful due to a combination of emotional, physical, and financial challenges.
The emotional weight can stem from the deep love and concern for your parent’s well-being, coupled with the fear of losing them or witnessing their decline.
Physically, looking after elderly parents often requires significant time and energy, impacting personal responsibilities and daily routines.
Additionally, navigating medical decisions, managing medications, and coordinating healthcare services can be overwhelming, especially if you are not familiar with the complexities of elderly care.
Financially, the burden of expenses related to healthcare and potential long-term care solutions can strain resources, leading to anxiety and uncertainty about the future.
This mix of responsibilities and emotions can create a high level of stress, making it essential to seek support and develop coping strategies.
I Feel Stuck In Life:17 Easy Ways To Freedom
Almost everyone will feel stuck at some time or other in their life. This is a natural state to be in and signifies that change is needed in your life. Most people will experience the same feelings emotionally and physically.
Getting stuck in life often means feeling trapped in a routine or situation that no longer serves your growth or happiness.
It manifests as a sense of stagnation, where progress toward personal or professional goals seems unreachable, and the motivation to change diminishes.
This state can arise from various factors, including fear of the unknown, overwhelming responsibilities, or a lack of clarity about one’s aspirations.
When you feel stuck, you may experience frustration, anxiety, or resignation, realizing that a shift in mindset or action is necessary to break free and pursue a more fulfilling path.
19 Golden Ways for How to Attract Abundance Fast
Abundance is something most of us crave in some area or other of our lives. But what exactly does attracting abundance mean and how can you bring more of what you want into your life…..fast?
There are some things you need to do in order to attract abundance, you need to start making some shifts in your life.
Attracting abundance means cultivating a mindset that welcomes prosperity, fulfilment, and opportunities into your life.
To be abundant, you need to shift from a scarcity mentality to one that recognizes and wholeheartedly embraces the potential for growth and success.
By cultivating positive thoughts, setting precise goals, and aligning your actions with your intentions, you will create a magnetic force that draws in abundant resources—whether they be health, finance, relationships or experiences.
Abundance is more than being wealthy. Abundance is a holistic approach to living that appreciates the richness of life and the experiences you have in yours.
Abundance allows you to feel gratitude for what you already have, thereby opening doors to even greater possibilities.
19 Helpful Ideas: Why Am I So Emotionally Unstable?
Are you feeling highly emotional or emotionally unstable at this moment in time?
Are you wondering why you are feeling this way and looking for helpful ways to soothe your feelings?
Many women will feel emotionally unstable at different times in their lives. Emotional instability can stem from various factors.
Factors such as stress, fluctuating hormones, and life traumas. Then there are issues such as starting a new job or career, the end of a relationship, moving home and bereavement that can bring up feelings of emotional instability.
If you lack the support of friends or family, lack confidence and have a poor self-care routine, you can also find feelings of emotional instability can be exacerbated.
When you understand what your underlying causes are then you will be able to address the emotional challenges you are facing and it will bring stability to your life.
19 Easy Tips: How to Stop Feeling Emotionally Overwhelmed
Feeling overwhelmed is an emotion which can come upon anyone at any time. It isn’t necessarily connected to a person who suffers from any mental health conditions. There are many reasons why someone can feel this way.
The causes of feeling overwhelmed can be various reasons, from work situations, relationships, and everyday stress to health conditions and burnout. There is no one reason why overwhelming feelings can suddenly come upon a person.
15 Super Important Questions to Discover Your Life Purpose Today
Do you have a purpose in life or are you just drifting from one day to the next going through the motions?
Do you find you spend day after day doing the same things on a rinse-and-repeat basis…..get up, go to work, come home, watch TV, go to bed?
If this is how your life is looking then you need to find your life purpose and quick!
Although you may think you are happy and content at this moment in time and everything is just fine thank you very much, without a purpose in life you can very soon become lost, and dissatisfied and start to drift until you end with a life you no longer love or even recognise.
15 Helpful Tips: Why do I Feel so Lost in My Career Path
There are many reasons for feeling lost in life. Life changes can bring with it many conflicting feelings and as you move through your life, one of the biggest feelings which often comes up is feeling lost in your career path.
There are many reasons for this. Today, more than ever, there are so many outside influences affecting your life.
10 Powerful Morning Affirmations for Mindfulness for You to Start Right Now
If you are looking for ways to calm your mind then look no further than the practice of using powerful morning affirmations for mindfulness.
hands flower
Affirmations are short sayings repeated over and over until they become part of your belief system. Most affirmations will be in connection to yourself, short sayings you will repeat in a positive manner in order to affirm a belief you want to uphold.
The way you speak to yourself matters greatly. Have you ever found yourself saying derogatory things such as, “I’m useless” for example?
A simple saying like this doesn’t seem too bad as an isolated case but the problem with this sort of negative thinking is the thoughts will start to grow and more and more negative thinking will appear until you have no good thoughts about yourself, only negative ones. This is where the damage starts to your sense of well-being.
23 Inspirational Tips: How Do You Think Positively When Feeling Down and Depressed
We can all look for ways to think positively when feeling depressed or down. Sudden bouts of the blues can strike anyone at any time. Often these feelings can stem from a sudden occurrence, be hormonal or because of an underlying health condition. Whatever is causing your mood change or the feelings of depression you may be suffering from, we all know they can bit quite debilitating and can have an effect on all areas of our lives.
21 Easy Powerful Tips: How to Stop Feeling a Failure in Life Today
More than ever people feel as if they are failing in their lives.
We all live in what seems like an endless cycle of perfect images on social media, people with perfect lives, perfect bodies, relationships, homes and careers, for many it seems hard to reconcile their own lives with what they are exposed to and they feel like they have failed for not having this perceived perfect world.
Of course, it’s all smoke and mirrors, nobody has a perfect life, and those images that we see on social media aren’t real. Behind the filters, the staged sets and poses life for everyone have flaws and imperfections.
People have equal amounts of success and failure, so why do some people only ever look at the failures in their lives? What is it that makes some people feel that everything they do is worthless whilst others always just look at their successes?