Life Coaching for Women Blog
Be Do Have Mindset And Model: 10 Things You Need To Know
The Be Do Have model is a coaching model that has been used for many years to reframe goal setting. Its origins though date back to the Vedas, a large body of Sanskrit religious texts written in Ancient India.
The concept of "Be Do Have" in personal development and coaching fields, emphasises the importance of mindset and identity in achieving your goals.
This model suggests that for you to attain the things you desire in your life - (Have) you first need to adopt a certain mindset and identity (Be) that aligns with those desires.
This mindset will naturally influence your actions (Do), leading to the desired outcomes - BE, DO, HAVE.
This framework encourages you to focus on becoming the person you wish to be, thereby taking actions that are congruent with your goals and aspirations.
This approach builds a deeper self-awareness and alignment in all areas of your life, ultimately paving the way for you to live a successful and purposeful life.
The Be Do Have concept has its roots in timeless principles taught by thought leaders like Stephen R. Covey, Bob Proctor, and Jim Rohn.
These leaders have stressed true success and fulfilment come from being the right person first.
10 Powerful Morning Affirmations for Mindfulness for You to Start Right Now
If you are looking for ways to calm your mind then look no further than the practice of using powerful morning affirmations for mindfulness.
hands flower
Affirmations are short sayings repeated over and over until they become part of your belief system. Most affirmations will be in connection to yourself, short sayings you will repeat in a positive manner in order to affirm a belief you want to uphold.
The way you speak to yourself matters greatly. Have you ever found yourself saying derogatory things such as, “I’m useless” for example?
A simple saying like this doesn’t seem too bad as an isolated case but the problem with this sort of negative thinking is the thoughts will start to grow and more and more negative thinking will appear until you have no good thoughts about yourself, only negative ones. This is where the damage starts to your sense of well-being.
15 Super Easy Ways: How Mindfulness Can Help You Achieve Your Goals
We all have goals that we want to achieve in life, whether it is to purchase your dream home, find your ideal partner, reach your ideal weight or attain your perfect career, goals that we set ourselves propel us forward to gaining bigger and better rewards in life.
10 Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Practicing Gratitude
We all race through life wanting the perfect job, home, partner, family, and social life. In order to achieve all these wishes though, we put a huge amount of strain on our mental and physical well-being. But how many of us have ever wondered if it is all just smoke and mirrors, if this perfect life that we are all seeking is just a mirage and that we don’t need to be chasing after the perfect life because what we all have is pretty good anyway.