Life Coaching for Women Blog

Change, Feeling Trapped Sharon Crossett Change, Feeling Trapped Sharon Crossett

15 Helpful Strategies to Stop Feeling Trapped by Life

There can be many times in your life you will feel trapped. You could be feeling trapped by life at this precise moment. If you can relate to this you will no doubt be looking for ways to lose this feeling and feel free again.

Feeling trapped can be different for everyone. Some people may feel trapped because of a bad relationship, while others may feel trapped because of overbearing family members, a bad job, ill health, or a lack of money.

Each reason for feeling trapped can differ from person to person but the feelings will be the same.

Feeling trapped often manifests as a profound sense of confinement. It can create an internal struggle, where hopes and dreams seem out of reach, leaving you feeling powerless and stuck in your current circumstances.

This sensation may be accompanied by anxiety, frustration, or sadness, as the desire for change clashes with the inability to take action.

The weight of expectations or responsibilities can further exacerbate the feeling, making it challenging to envision a path toward freedom or fulfilment.

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