10 Powerful Morning Affirmations for Mindfulness for You to Start Right Now
How can I practise calming my mind?
If you are looking for ways to calm your mind then look no further than the practice of using powerful morning affirmations for mindfulness.
Affirmations are short sayings repeated over and over until they become part of your belief system. Most affirmations will be in connection to yourself, short sayings you will repeat in a positive manner in order to affirm a belief you want to uphold.
The way you speak to yourself matters greatly. Have you ever found yourself saying derogatory things such as, “I’m useless” for example?
A simple saying like this doesn’t seem too bad as an isolated case but the problem with this sort of negative thinking is the thoughts will start to grow and more and more negative thinking will appear until you have no good thoughts about yourself, only negative ones. This is where the damage starts to your sense of well-being.
The more negatively you speak to yourself, the more negatively you will think about yourself. This will then lead to you feeling anxious, upset and depressed. You could begin to lack motivation and start to withdraw from your life and those around you. If you want to feel good about yourself then you have to speak positively to yourself.
Using positive morning affirmations is a very simple yet highly effective way of boosting your confidence and calming your mind, leaving you feeling positive, happy and relaxed. Using these affirmations allows you to say I am giving myself permission to celebrate me, to boost your self-confidence and to reflect on how great a person you are.
Can affirmations get rid of anxiety?
When you live in the present moment you will feel less anxious. Most people will feel anxious about circumstances in their future. Their minds will move to a situation further ahead and will imagine all sorts of stressful outcomes that haven’t even happened.
Their brains will see these thoughts as facts and will start to worry over them, bringing on feelings of anxiety and stress.
When you live in the present moment, you will be focused solely on what is happening now, which should give you a greater level of calmness and relaxation, bringing you inner peace, which is good for your mental health and overall well-being.
Developing a morning routine of positive affirmations using mindfulness will help you to eliminate anxiety from your life. Positive affirmations will flood your body with positive energy. When you use positive language and are kind to yourself, it will automatically raise your positive energy levels, make you feel happier and make you feel grateful. All of these positive emotions will have a huge effect on your mental and physical well-being.
What are the three Ps of affirmations?
Affirmations are all about thinking positively. Although most of us would like to always think in a positive mindset, there are times when more negative thinking will come to the fore. This is where positive affirmations are especially useful. When thinking about creating positive affirmations, think about the 3 Ps;
Present tense
Make sure the affirmations you are using are filled with positive thoughts and there are no words of negation in them. Your affirmations should be aspirational, and have goals in them you aspire to or ways of living you want to be living.
They should be said in the first person and be all about you, for example, “ I am doing what I love most in the world” when talking about your job, even if it isn't your dream job at present.
They should be constructed in the present tense, “ I have all I need in life at this moment in time” for example. You need to say your affirmations as if what you want from your life is already in it.
Your affirmations also have to be believable and realistic, your brain needs to believe them. Therefore, instead of saying “ I am rich beyond my wildest dreams” you could say “ I have everything I need in my life at this moment.” These subtle differences can help your brain to fully take on board what you are saying to it so it is far more likely to bring you everything you desire.
You need to say your positive affirmations every day, morning and evening so they start to go into your subconscious and become your reality. Choose times when you will have a regular reminder to do them such as when you brush your teeth. This will mean it becomes a habit much quicker and you are more likely to create a lasting routine.
Your affirmations should be associated with positive feelings such as feeling safe and secure, and feeling happy and loved. Your affirmations should give your life meaning and be ones you enjoy saying. The more you say them, the easier it will become to repeat them and to believe in them until very quickly, they will become second nature to you and you will believe everything you are saying.
10 Powerful Morning Affirmations
Repeat these ten positive affirmations daily and see a real change in your life.
1. At this moment in time, I have absolutely everything I need
This is a positive affirmation filled with gratitude. The more grateful you are in life the more you will have to be grateful for, it’s that simple.
When you focus on everything you have in your life, you begin to fully appreciate everything you have. Even if there are things lacking in your life, by focusing on what you do have you will be putting yourself into a position of receiving more.
This affirmation highlights all you have and offers real thanks for it. The language is positive and it is said in the present tense with personal meaning.
Say this affirmation morning and evening to be grateful for all you have in your life and to attract more into it.
2. I only focus on those things in my control and release those that are not
This is an affirmation to repeat to help with stress and anxiety. When you focus on situations and circumstances you have no control over you can become stressed and anxious.
Even when you know you can’t control a situation, by giving thought to it you are devoting energy which could be used in a better more productive way.
Say this affirmation when you want to focus your thoughts only on the things you have some control over.
This is where your positive energy should be going. Focusing your time and energy where you have control is a powerful symbol to the universe of being in control of your life and you will then be given more situations where you have full control, leading to a more relaxed and happy way of living.
3. My heart is overflowing with gratitude and my mind is completely calm
Practising gratitude will bring you inner peace. The more grateful you are, the happier and more contented your life will be.
When you don’t practice gratitude, you will see lack and want everywhere which will lead to you being stressed, unhappy and discontented with your life.
Fill your mind with thoughts of love and joy and gratitude for everything you have. once you start thinking of all the things you have to be grateful for more and more will follow until you end up with an abundance of things to be grateful for.
Remember, it’s not just material possessions you should be grateful for, it is your health, friends, family, food, clean running water, living without fear, the job you do, the place you live……the list is endless.
4. In this moment I am filled with the absolute joy of being alive
Life is the most precious of gifts we have but how much time do you spend being grateful for being alive?
There is so much joy to be had in life and for those whose life is taken far too young, it is a gift they would always long for.
Life is sometimes something that can be taken for granted. If you sat and thought about really being alive and all it gives you, you would begin to understand the precious gift life is and it would fill you with joy.
Spend time each day, focusing on the gift of life you have been given and be grateful for this gift.
When you spend time affirming your joy at being alive it will put everything else in your life into perspective.
Nobody has a perfect life, as humans we spend so much time chasing the perfect way of life, the perfect relationship, home, career, lifestyle and friends when really what we should be celebrating is the fact we are alive. Focus all of your energy on giving thanks for the fact you are living here and now in this moment and for all of the wonderful possibilities you have in life because you are alive.
5. I am harnessing the power that exists in this moment to transform my life
Everything in life is made from energy. This energy can be used to bring anything into your life. The more positively you think in life the better your life will become because you are using the power of positive energy to bring what you want into existence.
By harnessing positive energy, you can improve every area of your life, from your relationships with yourself as well as other people, your career, and your health, every aspect of your life can be improved when you harness the power of positive energy.
Your imagination is one of the most important tools you have at your disposal, make sure you use it to bring great things into your life.
Imagine what you want to bring into your being, focus on it when you practise your affirmations and it will become a part of your reality.
6. This day is a beautiful gift full of unlimited potential
Each day you wake up is an opportunity to fulfil your potential in some way. The gift of life should never be taken for granted.
Think of the people you know who have had their lives cut short and think about all of the potential they had to contribute to the world.
Now, think about all of the potential you have to offer the world. Imagine all of the amazing things you could do with your life if you tapped into the unlimited potential inside of you.
The things you could create, the difference you could make not just in your own life but in the lives of those around you.
Even if times feel difficult or you are going through issues at this present moment in time, remember they will always pass, life never stays in one place forever.
It is you who creates the reality of your own world so by using the power of positive affirmations you can create an amazing world to live in for yourself and those around you.
View each day as a beautiful gift that is filled with unlimited potential and use this affirmation to do great things.
7. The happiness I feel today creates tomorrow's perfect memories
The only time we ever have to live in is NOW. By living your life in this present moment you can create the life you want to be living. Think about it for a moment, everything you do in the present moment will affect your future life. If you sit and dwell on negativity, you will make choices and plans with a negative outcome. You will dwell on past events and take them into your future, thus creating a life you don’t want to be living.
Instead focus your energy on feeling happy and positive in this present moment, even if your life isn’t perfect use the power of mindfulness and positive affirmations to bring positive energy into your life.
This will make you feel happy, you will be filled with joy in the things you do have. This will then create a happy, positive energy around you which will bring more happiness and positivity to you.
Your future will be filled with more happiness and positivity because of the mindset you have today. Create tomorrow’s perfect memories today by embracing the power of positivity.
8. I am so excited to embrace this wonderful day and all the beautiful surprises coming my way
Nobody knows what life has in store for them, so why focus on negative expectations when you can focus on positive events happening to you?
Life is a series of good and bad circumstances and we can’t deny this. Everyone is going to have good times and bad times, there’s no escaping that fact.
Embrace the day in a positive mindset and focus on the good in your life and the good that will come into it.
This will mean even when you are experiencing bad times, your brain will be focused on the good times coming back because it will know to anticipate them.
Focusing on the positives in life and being excited by great events happening to you will impact every area.
It will help your mental and physical well-being, it will improve your relationships, boost your self-esteem and help you to create a life you want to be living.
9. I am resonating in perfect harmony with the power of the universe
If you have heard of The Law of Attraction, you will understand the power of this affirmation. Every second you are thinking you are creating your reality, and you are always thinking, either consciously or subconsciously. Your brain never switches off, it never stops working, and thoughts are always going through your brain.
So why not tap into the power of the universe and use the amazing power within it to bring everything you want into your reality? The Law of Attraction is a simple principle which states you will bring into your life everything you focus on. The good and the bad. What your mind dwells on will become your reality so dwell on the good things the things you want to have in your life, focus on them, practice your daily affirmations and they will become your reality by using the power of the universe.
10. I have total belief in the incredible person I am and what I can give to the world
Imagine all you could achieve if you had total belief in yourself. How many times have you held back from doing something amazing because you didn’t believe you could do it?
Jobs you didn’t apply for, relationships you never had, places you’ve never been to or experiences you’ve never embraced.
Now imagine you believed totally in yourself, believed you could do anything and even if you had a setback, you have the belief in yourself that you could pick yourself up and still come out on top. Imagine where you could be in your life with this belief system.
Use this affirmation to totally transform your life and become the incredible person that is inside you. Focus all of your positive energy on you and in time, you will transform into the person you are meant to be.
Final Thoughts
Make today the day you put the practice of morning affirmations for mindfulness into place if you want to start creating real, lasting, positive change in your life.
Everyone can struggle at some time or another with negative thinking, this is all part of being human and living in the world we live in. You can make a real and lasting difference to your life and other results you have in it by creating a morning mindset of meaningful positive affirmations.
Finding affirmations you feel comfortable saying and believing in is the first step, and then setting time aside each day to repeat them until they become part of your daily routine is the next step.
Using positive affirmations every day will help you to live in the present moment in time, and stop worrying and stressing over future events. They will increase your physical and mental well-being and help to boost your self-confidence.
If you would like to discover more about the power of positive affirmations and mindfulness book a free discovery call and start creating the life you want to be living today.
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