Life Coaching for Women Blog
How to Change My Life for the Better: 15 Master Tips
Have you been asking yourself, “How do I change my life for the better?” Do you want more from your life? Do you feel you are missing out on something and you want to start making changes?
If any of these questions resonate with you, you need to start looking at your life and make changes. This is a step-by-step process, that you can begin today.
Firstly, reflect on what aspects of your life you'd like to change and set clear, achievable goals.
Next, develop a plan that includes small, manageable steps toward these goals.
Practice self-discipline and maintain a positive mindset by focusing on progress rather than perfection.
Finally, surround yourself with supportive people who inspire and motivate you.
15 Powerful Secrets: Changing Thinking From Negative To Positive
We can all be guilty of negative thinking from time to time. And we can all benefit from changing our thinking from negative to positive. So many thoughts pass through our minds every day, it is little wonder we have negative thoughts as well as positives.
21 Powerful Life Purpose Coaching Questions For You
We all ask questions about the purpose of life from time to time. Whether it is the big, soul-searching questions such as “Am I on the right track?” or "What legacy do I want to leave behind?" to more everyday questions such as, "What activities make me feel most fulfilled?"
Life purpose questions are reflective inquiries that help you explore your values, passions, and goals.
By contemplating these questions, you will gain clarity on what truly matters to you and identify your path in life.
Engaging with life purpose questions encourages deeper self-awareness and can guide decision-making processes, ultimately leading to a more meaningful and intentional existence.
I Feel Stuck In Life:17 Easy Ways To Freedom
Almost everyone will feel stuck at some time or other in their life. This is a natural state to be in and signifies that change is needed in your life. Most people will experience the same feelings emotionally and physically.
Getting stuck in life often means feeling trapped in a routine or situation that no longer serves your growth or happiness.
It manifests as a sense of stagnation, where progress toward personal or professional goals seems unreachable, and the motivation to change diminishes.
This state can arise from various factors, including fear of the unknown, overwhelming responsibilities, or a lack of clarity about one’s aspirations.
When you feel stuck, you may experience frustration, anxiety, or resignation, realizing that a shift in mindset or action is necessary to break free and pursue a more fulfilling path.
19 Simple Ways: How To Stop Worrying What Others Think
Are you one of those people who goes through life doing your own thing without a second thought to the opinion of others or do you stress and ruminate over the thoughts you believe other people are having about you?
If you fall into the second category, there will be several reasons for your behaviour. Often, worrying about what others think stems from a deep-rooted desire to be validated and accepted by those around you. If you believe your self-worth is tied to the opinions of others, then you will seek their approval and could also be constantly comparing yourself to them.
This behaviour can create a cycle of self-doubt and anxiety that can be incredibly damaging to the relationship you have not only with other people but also with yourself.
If you have experienced rejection or judgement, this can also make you overly concerned with the need to fit in. This can stifle your true, authentic self and leave you at odds with your core values and beliefs, making your world unaligned.
15 Helpful Strategies to Stop Feeling Trapped by Life
There can be many times in your life you will feel trapped. You could be feeling trapped by life at this precise moment. If you can relate to this you will no doubt be looking for ways to lose this feeling and feel free again.
Feeling trapped can be different for everyone. Some people may feel trapped because of a bad relationship, while others may feel trapped because of overbearing family members, a bad job, ill health, or a lack of money.
Each reason for feeling trapped can differ from person to person but the feelings will be the same.
Feeling trapped often manifests as a profound sense of confinement. It can create an internal struggle, where hopes and dreams seem out of reach, leaving you feeling powerless and stuck in your current circumstances.
This sensation may be accompanied by anxiety, frustration, or sadness, as the desire for change clashes with the inability to take action.
The weight of expectations or responsibilities can further exacerbate the feeling, making it challenging to envision a path toward freedom or fulfilment.
19 Easy Tips For Finding Yourself Again When You Feel Lost
There can be many times when you feel lost in life. This is not a situation that is restricted to age or social circumstances.
Anyone can feel lost whether in a loving committed relationship or single, whether they have their dream job and lifestyle or are just starting in life.
There are many reasons for feeling lost in life.
Bereavement or divorce can be a factor, leaving home or University, starting a new job or moving to a new location or just lacking in self-confidence.
The one thing most people would agree on is when you are feeling lost in life, it can be overwhelming and disorienting.
The first step to finding yourself is to slow down and permit yourself to explore your thoughts and emotions.
Spend time working on your inner thoughts to understand the reasons for your feelings.
15 Helpful Tips When You Are Feeling Lost, Sad And Hopeless
We all experience many emotions during the day. But what happens if one recurring feeling keeps coming through? Especially if it is a negative one.
If you are someone who is feeling lost, sad or hopeless, you may find your whole life is being affected and you are struggling to cope.
Feeling sad and lost can stem from a variety of reasons. It could be due to undergoing a significant loss, facing major life changes, experiencing a lack of purpose or direction, feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities, or struggling with unmet expectations.
19 Inspirational Ideas When You Have No Direction in Life
Do you know where you are going in your life? Have you made a plan, set goals or have a set direction all mapped out? Or are you like many women, adrift in your life wondering where you are going, what you are doing and what you want your life to look like?
21 Uplifting Ideas: How to Find Yourself Again in a Relationship
Are you at the stage in your life where you are wondering how you can find yourself again in a relationship? Are you wondering how everything has changed so much and what happened to you?
Relationships are tricky to navigate and take work and commitment. In the beginning, everything seems so easy, it’s all romance, laughter, shared enjoyment and excitement but people can lose themselves in relationships very quickly if they aren’t careful and then problems can begin to arise and relationships can start to break down.
21 Effective Ways: How to Organise Your Thoughts When You Feel Overwhelmed
Feeling overwhelmed can strike at any time. Let’s face it, the world we all live in today can be very overwhelming for most people at some time or another.
Fast-paced jobs, deadlines, pressures at work, family concerns, making enough money, saving enough money, getting on the property ladder and staying on it, keeping up with technology, keeping up with everyone in your circle, the list can go on and on leading to more and more feelings of overwhelm.
When you feel this level of overwhelm and stress, you may find it hard to focus on what you are doing and need to do.
Your thoughts can begin to drift off into areas you don’t want them to go to, and you can feel as if you are trapped.
Even if you are aware that your thoughts are irrational, unhelpful or maybe unfounded, it can be difficult to stop them from popping up in your head, causing more and more complications and distractions and overwhelm.
17 Super Helpful Ways: How Women Can Stop Feeling Unfulfilled in Life
Are you feeling unfulfilled? Do you feel like there is something missing from your life but you just can’t put your finger on what it is?
Are you looking for ways you can stop feeling unfulfilled in your life? Everyone can have times in their lives when they feel unfulfilled.
These can range from small niggles about not reaching certain goals to full-on existential crises’ about what you are doing, where you are going and what your life means.
Whether you are just struggling at the moment to be motivated in your life or whether there are more deep-rooted issues as to why you are feeling this way, the good news is there are steps you can take to overcome the feelings you have at this moment in time and to get you back on track with living your best life.
15 Powerful Transforming Ways: How Can a Life Coach Change Your Life?
Have you heard of life coaching but have been left wondering, “How can a life coach change your life?”. Life coaching has been growing more and more popular over the last few years as more and more people come to see the benefits that having a life coach can bring.
Life coaching can work on many levels and for every area of your life. It can help you to organise your time, plan and reach goals, have better relationships with yourself and other people, develop your career, plan your life, get healthy and lose weight, in fact, any area of your life can be improved by using a life coach.
There are so many benefits to having a life coach that many people are now reaching out to help them improve areas of their lives that they need to work on so that they get fast, lasting results. People have started to see the advantages of investing in themselves in the short term for long-term gain.
19 Easy Inspiring Tips: How to Stop Feeling Lost in Your 60's
Are you feeling lost in your 60s? Have you just turned 60 and are feeling depressed? Do you feel that you have lost your mojo and are wondering how to get it back? Or do you feel that at 60 that’s it, you feel too old and there’s no way that you can start over?
21 Easy Quick Tips: How Do I Make a Five-Year Plan Step By Step?
Having goals is always going to be an ideal way of achieving what you want in life. Goals set you on the course that you need to be going on, they give you direction and act as an incentive to achieve what you want and what you need. Without goals you can be like a boat without a rudder, drifting off in one direction without the means to bring you back on course.
Having a focus can help in all areas of your life, from finding the ideal job, home, partner or lifestyle. Knowing what you want and then setting a plan to get it is highly satisfying and productive. Having a fixed goal in mind means that you always know what direction you are meant to be going in and having a 5-year plan means that you can visualise and set goals that will really change your life.
15 Easy Tips: How to Talk to Yourself in Your Head Positively
You live in your head all of the time and so you need to know how to talk to yourself in your head in a way that is going to be beneficial to you.
That internal constant chatter can either raise you up or bring you down depending on what you say to yourself.
Self-talk is that inner chatter that is influenced by your subconscious mind that highlights your thoughts, feelings, questions and beliefs. The way that you speak to yourself will determine how you feel about yourself and how you treat yourself. It will also determine how other people view you and treat you.
People who are confident in themselves and their abilities will have a good inner dialogue but people who look negatively towards themselves, and have little or no self-confidence will talk negatively to themselves.
How to Deal with Seasonal Adjustment Disorder 17 Effective Strategies
Seasonal adjustment disorder or seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that comes and goes during the seasons. Most people who suffer from SAD do so during the winter months, though there are people who can feel fine during the winter months and who suffer during the summertime. SAD can often be known as winter depression because it is more prevalent during the winter months.
How do You Get Rid of Brain Fog in Menopause Naturally? 15 Ways
You walk into a room and forget why. You can’t remember the name of someone you have just been introduced to and feel mortified or, you are fed up with constantly looking for things you have just had and can’t remember where you put them.
These everyday occurrences seem innocuous enough but you can’t get rid of the nagging feeling that something is wrong with you and you are starting to lose your memory at a young age
How to Make Your Thoughts Become Reality, 9 Easy Tips
What you think about becomes your reality. This is a certain fact that we can’t escape. You need to be thinking about how to make your thoughts become the reality that you want to be living and release thoughts that don’t serve you.