Life Coaching for Women Blog
How to Change My Life for the Better: 15 Master Tips
Have you been asking yourself, “How do I change my life for the better?” Do you want more from your life? Do you feel you are missing out on something and you want to start making changes?
If any of these questions resonate with you, you need to start looking at your life and make changes. This is a step-by-step process, that you can begin today.
Firstly, reflect on what aspects of your life you'd like to change and set clear, achievable goals.
Next, develop a plan that includes small, manageable steps toward these goals.
Practice self-discipline and maintain a positive mindset by focusing on progress rather than perfection.
Finally, surround yourself with supportive people who inspire and motivate you.
19 Helpful Ideas: Why Am I So Emotionally Unstable?
Are you feeling highly emotional or emotionally unstable at this moment in time?
Are you wondering why you are feeling this way and looking for helpful ways to soothe your feelings?
Many women will feel emotionally unstable at different times in their lives. Emotional instability can stem from various factors.
Factors such as stress, fluctuating hormones, and life traumas. Then there are issues such as starting a new job or career, the end of a relationship, moving home and bereavement that can bring up feelings of emotional instability.
If you lack the support of friends or family, lack confidence and have a poor self-care routine, you can also find feelings of emotional instability can be exacerbated.
When you understand what your underlying causes are then you will be able to address the emotional challenges you are facing and it will bring stability to your life.
23 Vital Tips: How To Stop Feeling Lost In Your 20s
Many women feel lost at many different stages of their lives. This feeling isn’t reserved for someone in their middle or later years as is more commonly thought, feelings of loneliness and isolation can strike anyone at any age and in any kind of social or economic group.
10 Simple Steps: How To Have An Active Mindset Today
Are you someone who lives life to the full? Makes plans and sets goals and always has opportunities on the go?
Do you surround yourself with like-minded people and feel that you are getting the best out of your life? If this is you, then you are no doubt someone who has an active mindset.
An active mindset is a mental state characterized by a proactive and engaged approach to life. It involves being fully present in the current moment, taking the initiative to pursue goals, and maintaining a positive attitude towards challenges.
Individuals with an active mindset seek growth opportunities, view setbacks as learning experiences, and embrace change as a natural part of life.
This mindset prioritizes taking action, being resilient in the face of adversity, and continuously striving for personal development. By cultivating an active mindset, individuals can navigate life with purpose, passion, and a sense of empowerment.
10 Crucial Steps: How Do You Make Important Decisions?
Everyone needs to make decisions in life, whether they are big or small have huge consequences or are simple outcomes there’s no getting away from them.
Because of this, decision-making is a crucial skill that we need to learn due to its direct impact on the course of our lives.
Whether considering a career change, a change in relationship, a house move, or daily adjustment to routines, the process of decision-making requires thoughtful analysis, weighing of options, and consideration of potential outcomes.
To get the correct outcome therefore learning to strike a balance between logic in the situation and what your intuition is saying can often be key when navigating the complexities of decision-making.
15 Helpful Tips When You Are Feeling Lost, Sad And Hopeless
We all experience many emotions during the day. But what happens if one recurring feeling keeps coming through? Especially if it is a negative one.
If you are someone who is feeling lost, sad or hopeless, you may find your whole life is being affected and you are struggling to cope.
Feeling sad and lost can stem from a variety of reasons. It could be due to undergoing a significant loss, facing major life changes, experiencing a lack of purpose or direction, feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities, or struggling with unmet expectations.
19 Inspirational Ideas When You Have No Direction in Life
Do you know where you are going in your life? Have you made a plan, set goals or have a set direction all mapped out? Or are you like many women, adrift in your life wondering where you are going, what you are doing and what you want your life to look like?
15 Super Important Questions to Discover Your Life Purpose Today
Do you have a purpose in life or are you just drifting from one day to the next going through the motions?
Do you find you spend day after day doing the same things on a rinse-and-repeat basis…..get up, go to work, come home, watch TV, go to bed?
If this is how your life is looking then you need to find your life purpose and quick!
Although you may think you are happy and content at this moment in time and everything is just fine thank you very much, without a purpose in life you can very soon become lost, and dissatisfied and start to drift until you end with a life you no longer love or even recognise.
15 Helpful Tips: Why do I Feel so Lost in My Career Path
There are many reasons for feeling lost in life. Life changes can bring with it many conflicting feelings and as you move through your life, one of the biggest feelings which often comes up is feeling lost in your career path.
There are many reasons for this. Today, more than ever, there are so many outside influences affecting your life.
17 Powerful Ways for How to Deal with Executive Stress Now
Executive stress is a term used for stress affecting executives within their work environment. The term executives refer to people within an organisation who hold executive positions, these positions come with high levels of responsibilities. decision-making and stress.
The pressure these individuals face on a day-to-day basis can be enormous, having accountability for whole companies and workforces, with critical decisions being made and a huge amount of accountability within the company.
If you are someone who is suffering from executive stress, you could always be looking for ways to deal with it.
23 Vital Ways an Online Life Coach can Help you Empower Yourself Today
Over the last few years, online life coaching has become more and more popular. People see the many benefits of using coaches when they are looking for ways to empower themselves and make major changes in their lives.
Life coaches can help you to set goals, and break down obstacles standing in your way of achieving what you want. They are there to give you guidance and support when you need it to challenge any negative thinking and to offer accountability for reaching desired outcomes.
17 Easy Ways: How to Help to Sleep During Menopause
Anyone who has suffered or is suffering from disturbed sleeping patterns associated with menopause will understand straight away the issues this symptom can bring.
You are lying there at night, staring at the ceiling counting down the hours until you have to get up or tossing and turning pleading with yourself to go to sleep aware of how tired and irritable you will be the next day if you don’t get some sleep.
19 Easy Natural Ways: How to Deal with Menopause Hot Flushes Fast
Are you one of the women wondering how to deal with hot flushes? Those very uncomfortable moments when you feel that you are almost on fire.
Hot flushes have to be one of the biggest issues for many women going through menopause. They can strike any time and anywhere and can leave you feeling extremely stressed, overwhelmed and embarrassed.
There are different procedures you can use that can help to combat hot flushes, and natural remedies and fixes can be incorporated into your daily routines to can alleviate these feelings that I will discuss.
19 Natural Easy Ways: How to Deal with Menopause Mood Swings
Menopause can be a challenging time of life for some women. There are many symptoms that can begin to rear around their mid-forties that can cause problems day to day. Changes to your hormone levels can play an important role in your mental health as well as physical health.
Fortunately, we are now living in a time when discussing menopause is no longer taboo and there is much more help and advice available to women than at any other time and yet many women still find that they are at a loss when it comes to recognising and dealing with the symptoms of menopause.
21 Effective Survival Techniques: How to Deal with Divorce as a Woman
There are many emotional traumas in life and along with bereavement, divorce is no doubt the biggest. Learning how to deal with divorce as a woman can be crucial to moving on with your life afterwards.
Nobody goes into a marriage expecting to get a divorce but unfortunately, it happens and it can be a very sad, stressful and difficult time for all involved in the separation.
Men and women will handle divorce differently, for women it can often be a far more visceral experience, deep feelings can come to the surface and they can experience a roller coaster of emotions, from anger and denial to guilt and sadness.
The emotional side of divorce can have a big impact on women's physical health as well, with diet, sleep, stress and substance abuse all causing health issues.
Having a support network of friends and family can be an enormous help both practically and emotionally and knowing what to expect and setting up ways to cope can aid in getting through this difficult period.
15 Powerful Transforming Ways: How Can a Life Coach Change Your Life?
Have you heard of life coaching but have been left wondering, “How can a life coach change your life?”. Life coaching has been growing more and more popular over the last few years as more and more people come to see the benefits that having a life coach can bring.
Life coaching can work on many levels and for every area of your life. It can help you to organise your time, plan and reach goals, have better relationships with yourself and other people, develop your career, plan your life, get healthy and lose weight, in fact, any area of your life can be improved by using a life coach.
There are so many benefits to having a life coach that many people are now reaching out to help them improve areas of their lives that they need to work on so that they get fast, lasting results. People have started to see the advantages of investing in themselves in the short term for long-term gain.
19 Easy Inspiring Tips: How to Stop Feeling Lost in Your 60's
Are you feeling lost in your 60s? Have you just turned 60 and are feeling depressed? Do you feel that you have lost your mojo and are wondering how to get it back? Or do you feel that at 60 that’s it, you feel too old and there’s no way that you can start over?
How Can NLP Help Me: 15 Best Ways Neuro-linguistic Programming Helps You
Neuro Linguistic Programming has been used to change the way people think and act since 1975 when it appeared in Robert Bandler and John Grinder’s book The Structure of Magic I.
Neuro linguistic programme is very beneficial for many people. This is a very gentle modality that looks to solve issues by examining the use of language and senses in different situations.
NLP enables you to have better relationships and a better understanding of others which is particularly helpful in work situations and in home life.
Unlike various therapies that can go on for a number of years, NLP usually only takes a small time frame in order for the effects to be felt.
17 Best Tips on How to Stop Obsessively Thinking About Food
If you suffer from food obsession, you could find that it is starting to rule your life. You might constantly question how to stop obsessively thinking about food, or be constantly on the lookout for the best diets or ways in which to change your life so you are no longer ruled by food.
An unhealthy preoccupation with food can start to have consequences in all areas of your life, from your job, and health to your relationships. You can find yourself thinking about meals that you are going to be eating instead of concentrating on work, spending too much time planning meals instead of being with family and you can discover that it takes up too much space in your mind, leaving you with little room to think about anything else.
There is, of course, the major issue of health. An unhealthy obsession with food can leave you either overweight with health issues or underweight with health issues, which in both instances can be mental problems as well as physical problems.
15 Easy Steps on How to Set Goals and Accomplish Them
January 1st….must start the new year off with a whole list of resolutions that I am going to achieve this year. January 8th…..well seem to be back to my old ways and have broken all of my resolutions already! Have you heard this before? Are you guilty of this? If so you aren’t alone, in fact, research has shown that only 9% of people see their resolutions through until the end of the year.
stationary goals journal
Why is it that we pick possibly the most depressing time of the year to set new goals and resolutions for ourselves, in the northern hemisphere anyway? Why do we find it so difficult? Shouldn’t we be given a manual on how to set goals and accomplish them?