Life Coaching for Women Blog
15 Simple Tips: How to Handle Stressful Situations in the Workplace
Stress seems to be an inevitable part of life these days and for many people, stress in the workplace is commonplace. If you are someone who is dealing with this situation at the moment, it can make life difficult and can begin to have repercussions in every area of your life.
You may feel depressed or stressed going to work each day, it could be causing anxiety-related illnesses and it could also be affecting your home life as well.
If this seems all too familiar to you, you may be looking for ways to deal with the situation you have found yourself in. You could be asking “How can I handle stress in my workplace?”
19 Easy Tips: How to Stop Feeling Emotionally Overwhelmed
Feeling overwhelmed is an emotion which can come upon anyone at any time. It isn’t necessarily connected to a person who suffers from any mental health conditions. There are many reasons why someone can feel this way.
The causes of feeling overwhelmed can be various reasons, from work situations, relationships, and everyday stress to health conditions and burnout. There is no one reason why overwhelming feelings can suddenly come upon a person.
23 Easy Stress-Relieving Helpful Tips for How to Cope with Ageing Parents
Watching parents age and decline can be a traumatising, emotional and stressful time for many people, especially if they are caregivers.
Finding ways to cope with ageing parents can often seem exhausting and you can feel as if your life is no longer yours.
It can also be made more difficult if you are offering advice they won’t take, they are refusing to relinquish control when they need to, or they are no longer capable of making their own decisions but refuse to see.
When you are placed in situations such as the ones mentioned above, you need practical tips and advice to hand so you have coping strategies in place when you need them.
How to Increase Your Resilience to Stress and Anxiety for 2023
There can be no doubt about it the last few years have been an incredibly stressful time for many and with so much looming on the horizon, you may be wondering about how to increase your resilience to stress and anxiety for 2023.
Globally, there has been a pandemic, war, talks of recession, rising energy, fuel and food bills and a general sense of uncertainty, so it is no wonder that many people are starting to feel stress and have anxiety levels rising as we start to approach 2023.
17 Easy Tips: What to Do When You Feel Like You Are Falling Apart
One thing that we all need to be aware of in life, is that there are going to be times when it really sucks, times when we seem to just keep getting knocked down and don’t seem to be able to get up. These feelings are going to happen to everyone at some time in life, no one will escape them. Life is all about positive and negative experiences. What we need to know is how to deal with them when it happens, how to face up to living when it feels like you are falling apart.
How to Cope When Life Seems Overwhelming
Sometimes life throws situations at us that we have absolutely no control over and what has happened in 2020 has been one of those times. When the WHO declared the Covid 19 outbreak a global pandemic, peoples' lives changed overnight. Nobody has been able to escape the fallout of this year and yet so many people have tried to take control of what has been happening in their lives and have suffered as a result. Or they have gone to pieces and felt that they could do nothing and again have experienced stress and anxiety
How to Face Your Fears : Facing Fears Head on
Fear is an emotion that we all have at various times in our lives. It is a normal part of being human and is also essential as a way of keeping us safe. The feeling of fear helps us notice when something could harm us, it is, therefore, a necessary component of human life. For many people though, the fears that they have done more harm than good. Instead of being there to keep them safe, they can end up destroying their lives or placing a stranglehold on them.