Life Coaching for Women Blog

Self-care, Empowerment Sharon Crossett Self-care, Empowerment Sharon Crossett

How To Make Time For Me? 21 Simple Solutions

Do you constantly ask yourself, “Why do I struggle to make time for myself?” You aren’t alone, many people ask this question constantly in their lives and can never come up with an answer.

There can be many reasons why you struggle to make time for yourself but most of them will be because of where you place your priorities.

They are normally focused on everyone and everything else but very rarely are they focused on you.

Struggling to make time for yourself often stems from external responsibilities and internal pressures. Many women juggle work, family obligations, and social expectations, leaving little room for personal self-care.

Additionally, there can be a deep-rooted belief that prioritizing self-care is selfish or unimportant compared to meeting others’ needs.

This mindset can create a cycle of neglecting personal well-being, causing stress and burnout.

Recognizing self-care's essential role in overall health and happiness is crucial to breaking this cycle and carving out the necessary time for oneself.

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Self-care, Well-being, Holistic Health Sharon Crossett Self-care, Well-being, Holistic Health Sharon Crossett

21 Easy Activities For Well Being For Boosting Health Fast

The concept of well-being is a complex combination of factors which isn’t just about physical health. If someone were to ask you how you are, you would undoubtedly answer them whilst thinking about your physical body. You would probably not go into a detailed discussion about your emotional well-being as this would seem almost a taboo subject.

Well-being though is a complete mix of physical and emotional facets within us and one so often affects the other that to separate the two areas is difficult.

As a coach, when discussing well-being with my clients, I would spend time and look at their emotional, physical, mental and social well-being when devising a wellness programme for them.

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Holistic Health, Self-care Sharon Crossett Holistic Health, Self-care Sharon Crossett

23 Amazing Life Tips for Spring Cleaning for Your Mind, Body and Soul

There are many amazing tips for spring cleaning your mind, body and soul that can totally transform your life.

In the same way that you clean your home and prepare for the warmer months ahead after winter has passed, you can cleanse your mental and emotional state by cleaning your whole self.

This is the time of new beginnings, everything is starting to reappear after the dormant winter months, flowers are blooming, temperatures are rising and emotionally and mentally, you probably feel brighter and more positive.

What better time then is there than now to give your mind, body and soul a good clean?

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Goals, Self-care, Holistic Health Sharon Crossett Goals, Self-care, Holistic Health Sharon Crossett

19 Super Simple Tips: How to Recharge Yourself Mentally and Spiritually

Most of us want to take care of our physical and mental health and one of the simplest ways of doing so is to recharge our batteries as much as possible. This means taking some well-earned rest and time for ourselves, stepping away from life’s pressures and doing something that we love and having a mental and physical rest.

Recharging your batteries is an essential way to eliminate stress and overwhelm from your life, and to remove the build-up of pressure that modern living brings.

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CBT, Self-care, Self-limiting beliefs Sharon Crossett CBT, Self-care, Self-limiting beliefs Sharon Crossett

21 Powerful Easy Ways: How to Train Your Mind to Work for You Now

The brain is a complex organ in the body and can work either for us or against us. Much of how we live our lives is governed entirely by the thoughts that we have in our brain, from socializing to what job we do, to where we live and what we wear, we listen to the thoughts that our brain sends us, and act on them.

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Self-care, Anxiety, CBT, Thoughts Sharon Crossett Self-care, Anxiety, CBT, Thoughts Sharon Crossett

Why do You Wake at 3.00 am Every Night? 17 Best Tips for Relaxed Sleep

We all know the scenario, you wake up and before you even check your clock, you know that it’s going to be 3.00 am and that you will then spend the next hour or so, tossing and turning, trying to get back to sleep, all the while your brain will be ruminating on all of the things that you really don’t want to be thinking about. Everyone will have been in this situation at some time or another but why does it happen? And what can we do to stop it from becoming a regular pattern?

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