Life Coaching for Women Blog

Negative Automatic Thoughts., CBT Sharon Crossett Negative Automatic Thoughts., CBT Sharon Crossett

19 Best Ways of Dealing With Negative Automatic Thoughts Today

We generally tend to spend a lot of our lives working on automatic thoughts. You don’t think, “I will get up in the morning and go to work”, instead you just do. The same with getting dressed, showering, having your breakfast or locking your front door. These are all actions that the brain just does automatically without you needing to think about them. The brain works from habits, habits learned over a long period of time. In the main these automatic thoughts help us in our day to day activities they save us time and aid our progress throughout the day.

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Holistic Health, Goals, Well-being Sharon Crossett Holistic Health, Goals, Well-being Sharon Crossett

25 Best Tips on How to Slow Down, Enjoy Life and Relax

Even though we now live in an age where we have more time-saving devices than ever before, many of us never have enough time and the time that we do have is spent in a whirlwind. The time-saving devices have meant that we take on more and more commitments and, as a result, our lives have become more hectic.

Instead of revelling in having more quality time to enjoy doing what we love, we often find ourselves bemoaning the fact that we don’t have enough time which leaves many of us stressed and unhappy.

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Goals, Holistic Health, Journaling Sharon Crossett Goals, Holistic Health, Journaling Sharon Crossett

21 Positive Health Benefits of Journaling You Should Know Now

Who remembers sitting in their bedroom when they were younger, writing in their diary. Writing down all of that was going on in life; who said what, who did what, and most importantly, how you felt about it all.

Childhood diaries encapsulated our personalities; stickers of our favourite pop stars. actors or celebrities, written in multi-coloured ink with drawings inside; or diaries with a lock and key so nosey siblings couldn't go peeking to see what had been written.

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Pro-ageing, Coaching, Holistic Health Sharon Crossett Pro-ageing, Coaching, Holistic Health Sharon Crossett

The Pro-Ageing Revolution: What is the Pro-Ageing Movement?

As revolutions go, the Pro-aging revolution will have up to now have passed many people by. But that is something that is changing. This is a movement that is starting to take hold of the beauty industry, bloggers, media, and major influencers. This is a revolution that is changing the way society views age and all the connotations that go with it.

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Gratitude, Positive Habits Sharon Crossett Gratitude, Positive Habits Sharon Crossett

How to Practise Gratitude in the Morning: 19 Tips to Start Practising Gratitude Daily

Practicing gratitude is one of the simplest, quickest, and most effective ways of transforming your life for good. It costs nothing but can bring you all that you want from life. Apart from giving you your material desires, it can enrich your life in so many other ways, from emotional well-being to healthier relationships to an overall feeling of satisfaction and abundance.

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Anxiety, CBT, Stress, Thinking Sharon Crossett Anxiety, CBT, Stress, Thinking Sharon Crossett

How to Cope When Life Seems Overwhelming

Sometimes life throws situations at us that we have absolutely no control over and what has happened in 2020 has been one of those times. When the WHO declared the Covid 19 outbreak a global pandemic, peoples' lives changed overnight. Nobody has been able to escape the fallout of this year and yet so many people have tried to take control of what has been happening in their lives and have suffered as a result. Or they have gone to pieces and felt that they could do nothing and again have experienced stress and anxiety

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Anxiety, CBT, NLP, Coaching Sharon Crossett Anxiety, CBT, NLP, Coaching Sharon Crossett

9 Proven Ways: How to Deal With Anxiety Disorder Naturally

We have all had that feeling at some point or other in our lives…..a feeling of worry, fear, nerves, apprehension. It's a normal human experience and part of who we are and where we have evolved from. Anxiety... it’s something that everyone will experience at some point in their lives, irrespective of who they are and what they do, it can strike anyone regardless of sex, age, or background.

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Goals, Gratitude, Coaching Sharon Crossett Goals, Gratitude, Coaching Sharon Crossett

How do You Live in the Present Moment (5 Easy Tips)

All that we have in life is the present moment but it is a concept that very few people truly understand or experience in today’s busy world. We are so focused on racing from one thing to the next, that we never really stop to appreciate the time that we are living in right now. We seem to vacillate so much between past and present, life was better in the past, everything will happen in the future that we lose complete sight of living in the now, the present moment in time. For many people, this leaves them feeling dissatisfied with life and always craving something else.

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Anxiety, Stress, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Sharon Crossett Anxiety, Stress, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Sharon Crossett

How to Face Your Fears : Facing Fears Head on

Fear is an emotion that we all have at various times in our lives. It is a normal part of being human and is also essential as a way of keeping us safe. The feeling of fear helps us notice when something could harm us, it is, therefore, a necessary component of human life. For many people though, the fears that they have done more harm than good. Instead of being there to keep them safe, they can end up destroying their lives or placing a stranglehold on them.

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