Life Coaching for Women Blog
15 Helpful Tips When You Are Feeling Lost, Sad And Hopeless
We all experience many emotions during the day. But what happens if one recurring feeling keeps coming through? Especially if it is a negative one.
If you are someone who is feeling lost, sad or hopeless, you may find your whole life is being affected and you are struggling to cope.
Feeling sad and lost can stem from a variety of reasons. It could be due to undergoing a significant loss, facing major life changes, experiencing a lack of purpose or direction, feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities, or struggling with unmet expectations.
19 Easy Powerful Tips : How to Deal with Social Anxiety Disorder Fast
Anyone who suffers from social anxiety disorder will understand how debilitating this condition can be. The crippling fear of being in social situations, mixing with other people and feeling fear and anxiety overtake you.
If you are looking for ways to deal with social anxiety disorder fast, continue reading to discover what you can do to start reducing your anxiety today so you can begin to socialise with other people, work more freely and enjoy your life without the dread of social anxiety controlling you.
23 Simple Success Tips: How do I Train Myself to Think Big, Fast?
As a coach, one of the main areas I work in with clients is thinking BIG! They often want to know how to train themselves to think big and get the results they want fast.
15 Effective Strategies on How to Change your Thinking About Shame
Shame is a very coming emotion for humans but can cause great suffering and pain. We often feel it as an unpleasant, disturbing sensation in the pit of our stomach. It is often related to a sense of failure or the thought that we have done something immoral or embarrassing.
It is a complex emotion that will feel different to each person but is an emotion that everyone will have experienced in their lives. Many people can carry shame around with them for many years. Situations from when they were children can still cause them to feel shame many years later.
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We will all react to shame in our own way, and we can all experience it for different reasons. The one thing that many people will have in common is their desire to know how to change their thinking about shame.
How to Deal with Seasonal Adjustment Disorder 17 Effective Strategies
Seasonal adjustment disorder or seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that comes and goes during the seasons. Most people who suffer from SAD do so during the winter months, though there are people who can feel fine during the winter months and who suffer during the summertime. SAD can often be known as winter depression because it is more prevalent during the winter months.
19 Ways How to Stop Catastrophizing Thoughts
It is surprisingly easy to fall into the trap of catastrophizing no matter how level-headed we are. Jumping straight away to the worst-case scenario and imagining all sorts of terrible things until you are in a state of anxiety and stress.
We can all be prone to thinking the worst at times, it is a part of what it is to be human. The odd irrational thoughts we have that life is always going to be awful, and that the situation that we find ourselves in is never going to change.
Most of us will snap out of this way of thinking after we have examined the irrational thoughts that we are having and have replaced them with new, positive ones.
Other people though will tend to catastrophize about a situation and will begin to see it as being far worse than it is or will imagine that there will never be a change in their circumstances. These are people who are prone to catastrophize thinking.
19 Best Ways of Dealing With Negative Automatic Thoughts Today
We generally tend to spend a lot of our lives working on automatic thoughts. You don’t think, “I will get up in the morning and go to work”, instead you just do. The same with getting dressed, showering, having your breakfast or locking your front door. These are all actions that the brain just does automatically without you needing to think about them. The brain works from habits, habits learned over a long period of time. In the main these automatic thoughts help us in our day to day activities they save us time and aid our progress throughout the day.
21 Powerful Easy Ways: How to Train Your Mind to Work for You Now
The brain is a complex organ in the body and can work either for us or against us. Much of how we live our lives is governed entirely by the thoughts that we have in our brain, from socializing to what job we do, to where we live and what we wear, we listen to the thoughts that our brain sends us, and act on them.
Why do You Wake at 3.00 am Every Night? 17 Best Tips for Relaxed Sleep
We all know the scenario, you wake up and before you even check your clock, you know that it’s going to be 3.00 am and that you will then spend the next hour or so, tossing and turning, trying to get back to sleep, all the while your brain will be ruminating on all of the things that you really don’t want to be thinking about. Everyone will have been in this situation at some time or another but why does it happen? And what can we do to stop it from becoming a regular pattern?
17 Tips for How You Get rid of Feelings of Guilt
From time to time, we’ve all had that feeling, a sinking sensation in the pit of our stomach when we realize that we have done something wrong; forgotten someone’s birthday, spent too much money on a purchase, made an excuse to not socialize with a friend, usually harmless occurrences, but they leave us feeling guilty none the less. Guilt, a powerful emotion that we have in life that can overtake us at times.
The Benefits of CBT for Menopause Symptoms
CBT or cognitive behavioural therapy is a non-medical treatment that focuses on how what you think and believe has a direct effect on how you feel and behave. It teaches you tools and techniques for coping with the problems that you are experiencing. CBT as a treatment involves talking with someone to identify any negative thoughts and patterns that you may have and then investigates ways that you can change your thinking and feeling enabling you to make changes in a positive way behaviorally in the future. CBT treatment combines cognitive - things that you think and behavior - things that you do. It is a common treatment for a range of mental problems such as anxiety and depression.
Tricking Your Brain into Believing Something New.
The brain is a very powerful organ, a supercomputer capable of the most amazing feats. It manages the activities that our bodies perform on a daily basis. It processes the information that comes into and goes out of our bodies and it operates our emotions and all of our cognitive abilities, such as our memories and our thoughts.
How to Stop People Pleasing: 19 Steps to Stop People Pleasing
Are you the type of person who finds it hard to say no? Do you say yes to everything even when sometimes you are screaming No!! inside? Do you want everyone to like you and so find that you are never true to yourself? If this is you then it’s time you learned to stop trying to please everyone and focus on yourself.
A Holistic Approach to Anxiety and Stress: 21 Holistic Solutions
We all know the benefits of a good diet and exercise for the well-being of our physical health but they are also fundamentally important for our mental health as well. Following good holistic practice in life is one way that will keep you mentally fit and healthy. More and more people are seeing the benefits of following a holistic lifestyle when dealing with conditions such as anxiety, stress, and depression as a way to deal with their symptoms.
How do You Cope When You Feel Lonely?: 21 Tips for Overcoming Loneliness
We can all feel lonely from time to time it is a normal human emotion and there are many reasons for it. One person’s experience of being lonely may be different from another, each experience will be personal to the individual. Many people choose to be alone, they prefer living alone and they are happy to be away from busy social situations. For many though, loneliness is not a lifestyle choice, the ONS in the UK has found that 45% of adults feel lonely from time to time which equates to roughly 25 million people.
How to Deal with Grief in a Healthy Way : 19 Ways to Effectively Deal With Grief
Loss is an inevitable part of living, we can’t go through life without experiencing loss of some sort or another and grief is the natural process that we will go through to help us to heal from it. There is no quick fix to dealing with grief and no one-size-fits-all either. Whether it is the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, moving home, the loss of a beloved pet, loss of physical ability, or loss of financial security. Whatever the circumstances the feelings of grief and loss will be present and knowing how to deal with them and how to get through the period is crucial.
Can Limiting Beliefs be Overcome? : 15 Steps to Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs
There are occasions in life when we are apt to blame other people when we do not achieve goals that we have set, whether that be a job, promotion, or weight loss, we often look for all external excuses but don’t look to ourselves as the reason. When things don’t go our way, it is always easier to blame someone or something else but more often than not it can be our self-limiting beliefs that hold us back from achieving the things that we want from life.
How Do You Adapt and Overcome A Difficult Situation?: 15 Easy Tips
As we move into the Autumn months, the changes are far greater this year than just the leaves falling from the trees or the crispness in the air first thing the morning. This Autumn is bringing with it many changes in the new post covid world. Nobody could have imagined as we saw at the start of a new decade in January, that it would be such a tumultuous year. The way we work, socialize, travel, eat and interact with each other has changed beyond recognition.
How You Can Help to Challenge Negative Self-talk: 15 Easy Tips
The way we talk and think about ourselves can have a very powerful effect on our mental and emotional state. This can be good or bad but for many people the way they talk to and about themselves internally is bad.
Psychologists term this negative self-talk, cognitive distortions and it is both very unhelpful and harmful. This type of mental bad habit can take us to places we really don’t want to go to. Therefore you have to ask yourself why do you do it?
10 Easy Tips for Overcoming Spotlight Syndrome: Overcome the Spotlight Effect
The way we talk and think about ourselves can have a very powerful effect on our mental and emotional state. This can be good or bad but for many people the way they talk to and about themselves internally is bad.
Psychologists term this negative self-talk, cognitive distortions and it is both very unhelpful and harmful. This type of mental bad habit can take us to places we really don’t want to go to. Therefore you have to ask yourself why do you do it?