Life Coaching for Women Blog
21 Powerful Signs Your Higher Self is Talking to You
Are you someone who works on your gut instinct? Do you listen to the feelings inside and make opinions based on how you feel about them? If so you are someone who listens to your higher self.
A higher self is that innate part of you the powerful inner guide inside of you that works for your best interests. When you are aligned in life, that is your higher self, working for your best interests, in a positive, productive way so you live the life you want to be living.
The higher self is associated with multiple belief systems. It is seen as an omnipotent, intelligent, conscious being that is a person's true self.
21 Easy Activities For Well Being For Boosting Health Fast
The concept of well-being is a complex combination of factors which isn’t just about physical health. If someone were to ask you how you are, you would undoubtedly answer them whilst thinking about your physical body. You would probably not go into a detailed discussion about your emotional well-being as this would seem almost a taboo subject.
Well-being though is a complete mix of physical and emotional facets within us and one so often affects the other that to separate the two areas is difficult.
As a coach, when discussing well-being with my clients, I would spend time and look at their emotional, physical, mental and social well-being when devising a wellness programme for them.
23 Amazing Life Tips for Spring Cleaning for Your Mind, Body and Soul
There are many amazing tips for spring cleaning your mind, body and soul that can totally transform your life.
In the same way that you clean your home and prepare for the warmer months ahead after winter has passed, you can cleanse your mental and emotional state by cleaning your whole self.
This is the time of new beginnings, everything is starting to reappear after the dormant winter months, flowers are blooming, temperatures are rising and emotionally and mentally, you probably feel brighter and more positive.
What better time then is there than now to give your mind, body and soul a good clean?
19 Super Simple Tips: How to Recharge Yourself Mentally and Spiritually
Most of us want to take care of our physical and mental health and one of the simplest ways of doing so is to recharge our batteries as much as possible. This means taking some well-earned rest and time for ourselves, stepping away from life’s pressures and doing something that we love and having a mental and physical rest.
Recharging your batteries is an essential way to eliminate stress and overwhelm from your life, and to remove the build-up of pressure that modern living brings.
21 Easy Tips: How to Turn Your Brain Off and Relax More Today
How many of us have had one of those nights when we just lie there, looking at the ceiling with thoughts ruminating around our heads and unable to turn them off? Nearly all of us will have experienced this at some time or another but for many people, this is a common problem that causes them to have night after night of broken sleep.
15 Best Tips: How do You Survive Emotionally in the Winter
It isn’t just people who suffer from SAD (seasonally adjusted disorder) who suffer from winter blues. For many people, the winter months can prove to be a source of unhappiness and lethargy, that can leave them feeling depressed, unmotivated, and unhealthy. With shorter days, less natural light, and colder weather it can mean that even the most positive person can have days where they feel a bit blah!!
25 Best Tips on How to Slow Down, Enjoy Life and Relax
Even though we now live in an age where we have more time-saving devices than ever before, many of us never have enough time and the time that we do have is spent in a whirlwind. The time-saving devices have meant that we take on more and more commitments and, as a result, our lives have become more hectic.
Instead of revelling in having more quality time to enjoy doing what we love, we often find ourselves bemoaning the fact that we don’t have enough time which leaves many of us stressed and unhappy.
21 Positive Health Benefits of Journaling You Should Know Now
Who remembers sitting in their bedroom when they were younger, writing in their diary. Writing down all of that was going on in life; who said what, who did what, and most importantly, how you felt about it all.
Childhood diaries encapsulated our personalities; stickers of our favourite pop stars. actors or celebrities, written in multi-coloured ink with drawings inside; or diaries with a lock and key so nosey siblings couldn't go peeking to see what had been written.
How to Transform Yourself into a New Person - 17 Ways
Do you ever feel that you have never lived up to your true potential? Are there areas in your life that you have always wanted to transform? Are there goals and ambitions that you have wanted to achieve but have never managed to?
How do Women Get Over a Midlife Crisis? 19 Ways to Avoid a Crisis and Breakthrough
Are you experiencing a midlife crisis? How would you know if you were? Are the symptoms that you are feeling to do with hormonal changes, is it the onset of menopause that is making you feel the way that you do? Are you suffering from a bout of depression and can’t identify why? As many women move into the second half of their lives, they have a feeling that they are at a crossroads in life and they are not sure which direction they should be going in. They are dissatisfied with their life but don’t know which way to turn to fix them. There are ways though, to make the second half of your life the best half, to move you away from feeling dissatisfied and stuck to feeling fulfilled and free to live your life the way that you want to.
The Pro-Ageing Revolution: What is the Pro-Ageing Movement?
As revolutions go, the Pro-aging revolution will have up to now have passed many people by. But that is something that is changing. This is a movement that is starting to take hold of the beauty industry, bloggers, media, and major influencers. This is a revolution that is changing the way society views age and all the connotations that go with it.
Health Benefits of Self-Care : 5 Easy Tips
Self-care is something that is fundamentally important to us in life but it is, unfortunately, something that not enough people give any priority to in their lives. For many, the idea of self-care means thinking about yourself which can be taken as being selfish but this is not the case at all. Everybody needs to practice self-care in order to have a healthy mind and body and to be able to function well in their life and within their relationships.
How do I Manage My Time Effectively? 5 Easy Tips
Do you find that you don’t have enough time in the day? Are you always behind on work tasks? Do you often feel overwhelmed by responsibilities and find that you have too much to do and everything seems to overrun so tasks are never completed successfully? If this is the case you will probably benefit from time management tips so that you can manage your time more effectively.
What Helps Manage Menopause Symptoms?
Say the word Menopause and for many women, it strikes fear and dread into them. Once referred to as “The Change”, words that were laden with doom and gloom, this time in a woman’s life is rarely discussed and information about passing through this stage is sometimes hard to access. Many go through the whole experience and aren’t told anything about what to expect either before, during, or after.