Life Coaching for Women Blog
Aging Gracefully Secrets: 17 Best Aging Tips for You
Though many people fear the process, we are lucky to experience ageing. For some they worry about illness, looking older and the prospect of losing loved ones.
The attitude you adopt to aging will determine how you go through the process. One of the best attitudes to adopt is the attitude of aging gracefully.
Aging gracefully means embracing the natural process of growing older with self-confidence, a positive attitude, and the practice of self-care.
It’s about maintaining your physical and mental health, nurturing your relationships, and celebrating the wisdom that comes with age.
Rather than resisting change and fighting the aging process, it’s a mindset of acceptance and self-love.
Ultimately, it’s finding joy and purpose at every stage of life.
21 Tremendous Benefits of a Positive Attitude in Life
Would you consider yourself to be someone who has a positive attitude?
Do you look at life as a glass half full or glass half empty person.
The atttiude you have in your life will determine everything from the success you have to the quality of your realtionships.
A positive attitude is essential as it significantly influences how you perceive and respond to life's challenges.
It fosters resilience, enabling you to navigate difficulties with a sense of hope and determination.
A positive mindset can improve mental well-being, reduce stress levels, and enhance your relationships, creating a supportive environment for you to grow.
Additionally, maintaining positivity opens doors to new opportunities, encourages proactive behaviour, and enhances overall life satisfaction.
By cultivating a positive attitude, you empower yourself to take control of your experiences and pursue your goals with confidence.
21 Step by step Ways: How to Think Happy Positive Thoughts Today
Everyone can suffer from negative thinking from time to time. Life is always going to throw up circumstances that can make you think in a negative and unhelpful way. These times hopefully are fleeting.
What though if you are someone who constantly suffers from negative thinking? If you are stuck in a cycle of one negative thought after another? How can you turn off the negative chatter in your head and replace it with more positive proactive thoughts? How can you think happy positive thoughts……today?
15 Easy Tips: How to Talk to Yourself in Your Head Positively
You live in your head all of the time and so you need to know how to talk to yourself in your head in a way that is going to be beneficial to you.
That internal constant chatter can either raise you up or bring you down depending on what you say to yourself.
Self-talk is that inner chatter that is influenced by your subconscious mind that highlights your thoughts, feelings, questions and beliefs. The way that you speak to yourself will determine how you feel about yourself and how you treat yourself. It will also determine how other people view you and treat you.
People who are confident in themselves and their abilities will have a good inner dialogue but people who look negatively towards themselves, and have little or no self-confidence will talk negatively to themselves.
How to Cope With Things Out of Your Control: 19 Ways to Gain Control
Coping with life can seem overwhelming at times. No matter how old or what our circumstances are, we can all find moments when we feel out of control in our lives.
Although we live in an age where we have many time-saving devices and technology to hand, more money and free time and better living conditions than in any period in history, we can still feel that we have too much to do, are burdened down and are unable to control many situations in our lives.
When situations are out of your control or can lead to a build-up of stress and anxiety, it can affect everything from your relationships with yourself family and friends to your jobs and social lives.
You can also feel overwhelmed by the pressures of the world and find that life can at times be daunting.
How to Trick Your Brain into Positive Thinking
Is it possible to trick your brain? If so how can you trick your brain into positive thinking? The brain is a complex organ in the body that controls our thoughts and our behaviours. This amazingly intricate organ gives us the power to speak, think, imagine, create and solve problems. As well as all of the cognitive power that we have, it also controls the temperature of our body, our heart function and our breathing. It controls all of our movement, every action that our bodies perform. Simply put, without our brains working properly we would not be able to function on a cognitive or physical level.
Give Yourself Permission to be Happy - Allow Happiness In
How often do we wish happiness on other people? Birthdays, weddings, the birth of a child. obtaining a great job or just signing off from work at the weekend. For most of us, granting other people happiness comes automatically and with real sincerity. Why then do we find it so hard to grant ourselves happiness?
19 Powerful Tips: How do I Completely Change Myself Starting Today
Are you tired of you, of who you are and what you are doing? Do you wake up dissatisfied even though you may have the “good life” that we are all told is what we should be aiming for? Do you have a nagging feeling that you want something else, that there is something missing in your life but you don’t know what it is?
21 Power Tips for Setting Good Habits and Sticking to Them Beginning Now
Building habits and sticking to them can be tricky. I am sure that most of us at some time or another have set out with the best of intentions when it comes to starting a new routine, giving something up, exercising more, eating or drinking less, only to break the habit almost as soon as it has started. Why is it that we find setting good habits and sticking to them so difficult?
17 Powerful Ways For How to Cope With Turning 50 When You are Feeling Lost
Let’s be honest no matter how we sugar coat it, it isn’t easy getting older, and the big milestones, seem even more daunting. Changes that occur in our body can make us start to think about ageing and our own mortality. Those little aches and pains we get, joint stiffness when we move, and our eyesight deteriorating can all be depressing signs that we are getting older.
Starting a New Life Alone
Newly divorced, separated or bereaved and starting your life again on your own can be overwhelming. All of the couples things that you used to take for granted, dining out, holidays, always having a plus one may now have ended but that doesn’t mean that your life has. Navigating through can certainly have its hard moments but there are ways that you can get through and come out much stronger.
17 Easy Tips: What to Do When You Feel Like You Are Falling Apart
One thing that we all need to be aware of in life, is that there are going to be times when it really sucks, times when we seem to just keep getting knocked down and don’t seem to be able to get up. These feelings are going to happen to everyone at some time in life, no one will escape them. Life is all about positive and negative experiences. What we need to know is how to deal with them when it happens, how to face up to living when it feels like you are falling apart.
How to Use Anchoring for Positive Thinking: 5 Easy Steps to Anchoring
Anchors can also be used metaphorically by coaches with clients during NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) sessions when they are experiencing stress or anxiety, want to appear more confident, or want to change learned behaviour from a negative into a positive. These anchors are usually external stimuli, that when applied can trigger an internal response or feeling. If you thought of your own anchors for instance, how do you feel if you hear a particular piece of music that reminds you of a favourite time or a smell that reminds you of a loved one? Or think about an alarm going off and it may bring back memories of stress or fear.
How to Build Your Self-Worth and Increase Confidence as a Woman
Self-worth, one of those buzz words that we hear so often now, but what exactly does it mean? There seem to be so many “self” words, from self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-care, that it is hard to distinguish one from another.
Self-worth comes from within, it is an internal sense of being that is achieved by acquiring self-love, self-acceptance, and self-understanding.
17 Powerful Reasons to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
At different times in our lives, we are all required to take risks; without them, there can be no real growth in life. This ability to take risks and step outside of our comfort zone can change our lives in many ways.
For many though, the mere thought of stepping out of their comfort zone brings about severe anxiety which leaves them rooted in the same place in life.
17 Tips for How You Get rid of Feelings of Guilt
From time to time, we’ve all had that feeling, a sinking sensation in the pit of our stomach when we realize that we have done something wrong; forgotten someone’s birthday, spent too much money on a purchase, made an excuse to not socialize with a friend, usually harmless occurrences, but they leave us feeling guilty none the less. Guilt, a powerful emotion that we have in life that can overtake us at times.
15 Simple Things for How to Figure out What Makes You Happy
We are often led to believe in life that following a certain path and achieving set goals will give us everything that we want and that this will lead to us being happy as if in some way, happiness is a goal to be reached, an endpoint in life. This is not what being happy is about. Happiness is not some final destination or something to be earned once you have put in the hard work, happiness is about living, day to day doing things that you love, that bring you satisfaction, and things that you want to be doing.
How to Keep a Relationship Strong and Happy: 21 Essential Tips
We will all have many varied relationships during our lifetime, from school to work to home life and social life. These relationships will bring us joy and sorrow, will be complex and long-lasting, fun and fleeting. They will see us through the good times and the bad times of our lives.
Feeling Lost in Your 40s
We live in a society where we are led to believe that there are certain markers we should hit by a certain age; finishing school, college, getting your first job and meeting your life partner usually by your late 20s. Then marriage, family, buying a home, career advancement by your late 30’s. Life up until this point is all mapped out. We are programmed from an early age to follow this formula to bring us success and happiness, and to set us up for our later years, with a family we can rely on as we get older, financial security as we retire, and all the trappings of the world that we live in.
Tricking Your Brain into Believing Something New.
The brain is a very powerful organ, a supercomputer capable of the most amazing feats. It manages the activities that our bodies perform on a daily basis. It processes the information that comes into and goes out of our bodies and it operates our emotions and all of our cognitive abilities, such as our memories and our thoughts.