Life Coaching for Women Blog

Laws of Attraction, Manifestation Sharon Crossett Laws of Attraction, Manifestation Sharon Crossett

Law of Attraction: 10 Powerful Ways to use it In Your Life

If you have heard of the Law of Attraction, you may be keen to understand more about it. Is it an amazing way to attract everything you want into your life, or is it all smoke and mirrors?

The Law of Attraction is a fairly simple principle based on the idea that like attracts like. This means the energy you put out into the universe is what you attract back into your life, whether that is good or bad energy.

The law of attraction states that your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs shape your reality, whether consciously or unconsciously.

If you are someone who focuses on positive outcomes and genuinely believes in your desires, you will naturally align yourself with opportunities that will lead you toward success.

Conversely, if you are someone who dwells on negativity or doubt, you may unintentionally attract more obstacles and challenges.

This law of attraction therefore suggests that by shifting your mindset and emotions, you can create a life that reflects your highest aspirations.

In essence, the Law of Attraction works by aligning your thoughts, actions, and energy with the reality you want to manifest.

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Feeling Stuck, Changes Sharon Crossett Feeling Stuck, Changes Sharon Crossett

Feeling Stuck In Life: 15 Easy Ways To Free Yourself

Are you at a point in your life at the moment where you feel stuck? Do you lack direction, and purpose and feel your life is unfulfilled but you have no idea how to make changes?

If this sounds familiar to you, you aren’t alone. These feelings are common to many people.

The feeling of being stuck is common but sometimes it can be difficult to pin it down to an actual cause.

Feeling stuck often manifests as a lack of motivation, indecision, or a sense of being overwhelmed.

You may experience frustration, restlessness, or feel like you’re on autopilot with little progress.

Common symptoms include procrastination, self-doubt, or feeling disconnected from your goals.

Recognizing these signs is the first step toward taking action to move forward.

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Proageing, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett Proageing, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett

Aging Gracefully Secrets: 17 Best Aging Tips for You

Though many people fear the process, we are lucky to experience ageing. For some they worry about illness, looking older and the prospect of losing loved ones.

The attitude you adopt to aging will determine how you go through the process. One of the best attitudes to adopt is the attitude of aging gracefully.

Aging gracefully means embracing the natural process of growing older with self-confidence, a positive attitude, and the practice of self-care.

It’s about maintaining your physical and mental health, nurturing your relationships, and celebrating the wisdom that comes with age.

Rather than resisting change and fighting the aging process, it’s a mindset of acceptance and self-love.

Ultimately, it’s finding joy and purpose at every stage of life.

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Proageing, Lifestyle Sharon Crossett Proageing, Lifestyle Sharon Crossett

21 Fascinating Secret Signs A Woman Will Age Well

What does the term ageing well mean to you? Is it looking good, feeling great, having plenty of energy or still being driven and focused into your twilight years?

Society often drives home the message that ageing well is all about looking young. They feed the belief that ageing well is a purely aesthetic quality, having wrinkle-free skin and looking like you are in your 20s.

The fact is, ageing well is more, much more than this. It is a whole holistic package. It is of course how you look to some extent but also how you feel, behave and what you believe.

Someone can be 25 going on 85 if they have the wrong mental attitude, no matter how young they look. Whereas, someone in their 80s can have the mental attitude of a 30-year-old and can still come across as young and vibrant.

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Relationships, Change Sharon Crossett Relationships, Change Sharon Crossett

21 Uplifting Ideas: How to Find Yourself Again in a Relationship

Are you at the stage in your life where you are wondering how you can find yourself again in a relationship? Are you wondering how everything has changed so much and what happened to you?

Relationships are tricky to navigate and take work and commitment. In the beginning, everything seems so easy, it’s all romance, laughter, shared enjoyment and excitement but people can lose themselves in relationships very quickly if they aren’t careful and then problems can begin to arise and relationships can start to break down.

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Coaching, Decision making Sharon Crossett Coaching, Decision making Sharon Crossett

15 Helpful Tips: Why do I Feel so Lost in My Career Path

There are many reasons for feeling lost in life. Life changes can bring with it many conflicting feelings and as you move through your life, one of the biggest feelings which often comes up is feeling lost in your career path.

There are many reasons for this. Today, more than ever, there are so many outside influences affecting your life.

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Mindfulness, Affirmations Sharon Crossett Mindfulness, Affirmations Sharon Crossett

10 Powerful Morning Affirmations for Mindfulness for You to Start Right Now

If you are looking for ways to calm your mind then look no further than the practice of using powerful morning affirmations for mindfulness.

hands flower

Affirmations are short sayings repeated over and over until they become part of your belief system. Most affirmations will be in connection to yourself, short sayings you will repeat in a positive manner in order to affirm a belief you want to uphold.

The way you speak to yourself matters greatly. Have you ever found yourself saying derogatory things such as, “I’m useless” for example?

A simple saying like this doesn’t seem too bad as an isolated case but the problem with this sort of negative thinking is the thoughts will start to grow and more and more negative thinking will appear until you have no good thoughts about yourself, only negative ones. This is where the damage starts to your sense of well-being.

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Depression, Negative thinking Sharon Crossett Depression, Negative thinking Sharon Crossett

23 Inspirational Tips: How Do You Think Positively When Feeling Down and Depressed

We can all look for ways to think positively when feeling depressed or down. Sudden bouts of the blues can strike anyone at any time. Often these feelings can stem from a sudden occurrence, be hormonal or because of an underlying health condition. Whatever is causing your mood change or the feelings of depression you may be suffering from, we all know they can bit quite debilitating and can have an effect on all areas of our lives.

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Coaching, Change, Transformation Sharon Crossett Coaching, Change, Transformation Sharon Crossett

15 Powerful Transforming Ways: How Can a Life Coach Change Your Life?

Have you heard of life coaching but have been left wondering, “How can a life coach change your life?”. Life coaching has been growing more and more popular over the last few years as more and more people come to see the benefits that having a life coach can bring.

Life coaching can work on many levels and for every area of your life. It can help you to organise your time, plan and reach goals, have better relationships with yourself and other people, develop your career, plan your life, get healthy and lose weight, in fact, any area of your life can be improved by using a life coach.

There are so many benefits to having a life coach that many people are now reaching out to help them improve areas of their lives that they need to work on so that they get fast, lasting results. People have started to see the advantages of investing in themselves in the short term for long-term gain.

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Goals, Coaching, Habits Sharon Crossett Goals, Coaching, Habits Sharon Crossett

19 Important Reasons Why You Should be Setting Goals for Yourself Now

Do you know what you will be doing in 5 years’ time? How about 5 months’ time? Tomorrow? Does it matter if you have no clue as to where your life is heading and what you want to be doing with it? The answer is yes if you want to succeed in life, if you want to grow and progress and see yourself flourish and live life to the full.

Goal setting is there for you to get the best out of life. Without goals in front of you, you will lack focus and drive. Goal setting gives you not only the impetus to get out there and do something, but it also gives you structure and determination.

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Pro-ageing, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett Pro-ageing, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett

17 Powerful Ways For How to Cope With Turning 50 When You are Feeling Lost

Let’s be honest no matter how we sugar coat it, it isn’t easy getting older, and the big milestones, seem even more daunting. Changes that occur in our body can make us start to think about ageing and our own mortality. Those little aches and pains we get, joint stiffness when we move, and our eyesight deteriorating can all be depressing signs that we are getting older.

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Stress, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett Stress, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett

17 Easy Tips: What to Do When You Feel Like You Are Falling Apart

One thing that we all need to be aware of in life, is that there are going to be times when it really sucks, times when we seem to just keep getting knocked down and don’t seem to be able to get up. These feelings are going to happen to everyone at some time in life, no one will escape them. Life is all about positive and negative experiences. What we need to know is how to deal with them when it happens, how to face up to living when it feels like you are falling apart.

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Goals, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett Goals, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett

How to Build Your Self-Worth and Increase Confidence as a Woman

Self-worth, one of those buzz words that we hear so often now, but what exactly does it mean? There seem to be so many “self” words, from self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-care, that it is hard to distinguish one from another.

Self-worth comes from within, it is an internal sense of being that is achieved by acquiring self-love, self-acceptance, and self-understanding.

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Goals, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett Goals, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett

17 Powerful Reasons to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

At different times in our lives, we are all required to take risks; without them, there can be no real growth in life. This ability to take risks and step outside of our comfort zone can change our lives in many ways.

For many though, the mere thought of stepping out of their comfort zone brings about severe anxiety which leaves them rooted in the same place in life.

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Coaching, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett Coaching, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett

15 Simple Things for How to Figure out What Makes You Happy

We are often led to believe in life that following a certain path and achieving set goals will give us everything that we want and that this will lead to us being happy as if in some way, happiness is a goal to be reached, an endpoint in life. This is not what being happy is about. Happiness is not some final destination or something to be earned once you have put in the hard work, happiness is about living, day to day doing things that you love, that bring you satisfaction, and things that you want to be doing.

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Gratitude, Positive Habits Sharon Crossett Gratitude, Positive Habits Sharon Crossett

How to Practise Gratitude in the Morning: 19 Tips to Start Practising Gratitude Daily

Practicing gratitude is one of the simplest, quickest, and most effective ways of transforming your life for good. It costs nothing but can bring you all that you want from life. Apart from giving you your material desires, it can enrich your life in so many other ways, from emotional well-being to healthier relationships to an overall feeling of satisfaction and abundance.

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Positive Thinking, Habits, Goals Sharon Crossett Positive Thinking, Habits, Goals Sharon Crossett

How to Set Positive Intentions for the Day: 25 Good Intentions for the New Year

As a new year dawns, it is very tempting to start a list of resolutions that will often be abandoned halfway through the month. Let’s face it in the Northern hemisphere, when we are confronted with long cold days, very little sunshine, and are having to spend a large part of our time under artificial lighting, setting resolutions and sticking to them is destined to failure. It is the time of the year that our bodies crave carb-rich foods, chocolate, and the odd alcoholic drink. We don’t fancy going out into the cold to exercise and on top of all of that, we have the comedown from Christmas and New Year celebrations.

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