19 Simple Ways: How To Stop Worrying What Others Think

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Why do I keep worrying about what others think?

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Are you one of those people who goes through life doing your own thing without a second thought to the opinion of others or do you stress and ruminate over the thoughts you believe other people are having about you?

If you fall into the second category, there will be several reasons for your behaviour. Often, worrying about what others think stems from a deep-rooted desire to be validated and accepted by those around you. If you believe your self-worth is tied to the opinions of others, then you will seek their approval and could also be constantly comparing yourself to them.

This behaviour can create a cycle of self-doubt and anxiety that can be incredibly damaging to the relationship you have not only with other people but also with yourself.

If you have experienced rejection or judgement, this can also make you overly concerned with the need to fit in. This can stifle your true, authentic self and leave you at odds with your core values and beliefs, making your world unaligned.

How do I stop caring what others think?

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The opinions of other people DO NOT define your worth. This is something you have to stop caring about immediately.

To understand your values and beliefs start a practice of self-reflection and begin to focus on what really matters to you. This can be done either on your own but it’s beneficial to hire a life coach to talk you through the practice.

Challenge any negative beliefs and thoughts you may have acquired related to the way other people perceive you by questioning the validity and then replacing these ideas with alternatives.

Surround yourself with people who you know love and support you and have your best interests at heart. Avoid the people who talk about others behind their backs and who never have a good word to say about anyone.

These are the people who have low self-esteem and believe the way to boost it is to run other people down. This kind of toxic behaviour is what you should be avoiding at all costs.

Engage in hobbies and interests that make you feel good, inspire you and occupy your time to give you less time for rumination and contemplation.

The simplest way to remember this is to use the phrase “You Do You and Let Me Do Me” to sum up how you should approach these thoughts.

19 Simple Ways

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1. Keep focused on your own personal goals

Instead of worrying about what other people are thinking, spend your time, focus and energy on building and developing your own personal goals.

Having a goal is the best way to focus and draw your mind to positive, creative situations. This will take your mind away from the opinions of others and in doing so you will create a better life, boost your confidence and self-esteem and live a more fulfilled and aligned life.

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2. Ask yourself “ Why should I care what other people think? ”

Ask yourself honestly, this simple question, “Why should I care what other people think?” When you answer honestly, you will then have a greater understanding of the way your mind is working and you will be able to start making changes.

The question will fire a powerful shift in your perspective. You will be able to focus on your values and beliefs and look internally instead of seeking external validation from others.

You will then be able to see that your self-worth doesn’t come from what others think about you, but more from what really matters to you, your personal growth and development.

3. Construct a strong sense of your own personal identity

When you understand yourself, you will no longer seek the validation of other people because you will be fully accepting of who you are. To fully understand yourself, you need to focus on self-reflection and understand your core strengths and what you most desire from your life.

Instead of seeking validation from outside sources, you will learn to trust your judgment and prioritize your own feelings and beliefs. This shift in thinking will improve the relationship you have not just with yourself but with other people and will make your life happier and more aligned.

4. Remember everybody is obsessed with themselves

Think of all of the time and wasted energy you put into worrying about what other people are thinking and then take this thought on board.

Most of the time people are only thinking about themselves. Many people are obsessed purely with what is going on in their own lives not what is happening to other people.

We all navigate our lives through the lens of our own experiences, feelings, and struggles. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of others' opinions or expectations, you can acknowledge that everyone is dealing with their challenges.

Embracing this truth is transformative. It will encourage you to focus on your goals and growth. By centring your energy on what you want rather than being consumed by how others perceive you, you will become more confident.

5. Be confident of the person you are and the actions you take

Being confident in who you are changes your life in many ways. It is more than just accepting yourself, it will help you to recognise your unique strengths and the positive impact you make in life.

Accepting who you are and your unique talents is a crucial step toward fulfilment and growth. When you believe in your abilities, you will seek opportunities that align with your values, giving you a sense of purpose. This will allow you to take risks, even during tough times, and will benefit you and those around you.

6. Reframe your thinking

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Reframing your thinking to stop worrying about what others think can be a transformative step toward personal empowerment.

Begin by recognizing that the opinions of others are often shaped by their own experiences and biases, which may not reflect your true character or abilities.

Shift your focus from seeking validation to embracing your values and goals. When you prioritize your self-worth over other people’s judgments, you create a space where your confidence can thrive.

By being kind to yourself and affirming your unique qualities, you can gradually let go of the fear of judgment, allowing yourself the freedom to pursue your passions without the weight of others' expectations.

7. Don’t be a people pleaser

Don’t be a people pleaser, instead, focus on what truly matters to you. Constantly seeking validation from others can lead to anxiety and dissatisfaction, as you may find yourself compromising your own needs and values.

You need to live your life your way and not for the benefit of the people. You can’t control other people’s ideas or opinions, there’s no point even trying. All it will do is drain your energy and how you feel about yourself.

When you prioritize your own happiness over the approval of others, you prevent the build-up of worry and you live an authentic life of your choosing.

8. Accept yourself for who you are

No one is perfect, everyone has flaws. Finally accepting yourself for who you are will prevent you from worrying about what other people think. You don’t need to try and be perfect around others when you accept this simple, yet liberating fact.

You are you and that is all that matters. Make peace with who you are, love yourself flaws and all and you will find that with this attitude the people who love, respect and appreciate you will be there for you.

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9. Be forgiving of yourself if you make a mistake

Everyone makes mistakes from time to time this is all part of being human.

There isn’t a person alive who hasn’t made a mistake at some time or another. When you make a mistake, be forgiving. Acknowledge it and move on. You can’t go back in time and change it, the only thing you can do is move forward.

There is no point in worrying about what someone else may think, as they too will make mistakes from time to time. Just move on and ignore the opinions of other people.

10. Keep the belief that you are going to dictate how you feel

Keep the belief that you are the architect of your own emotions. By recognizing that your feelings are not dictated by the opinions of others, you allow yourself to cultivate a mindset anchored in self-acceptance and confidence.

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When you refuse to let outside influences dictate your self-worth, you create a space for you to grow and develop. Focus on what truly matters to you and align your thoughts with your values.

11. Don’t assume others are thinking negative thoughts about you

Don’t assume others are thinking negative thoughts about you; often, your worries about others' perceptions are unfounded.

Most people are focused on their own lives and concerns, leaving little time to dwell on any actions you may be taking.

Remember, the narrative in your mind is just that—a narrative. Challenge those thoughts and shift your energy towards positive actions and self-improvement, rather than being preoccupied with what you think others might be thinking.

This shift can lead to greater confidence and personal freedom.

12. Understand everybody has opinions

Understanding that everyone has opinions can free your mind. It’s important to recognize that people form judgments based on their own experiences, beliefs, and biases. When you focus your energy on worrying about what others think, you may become paralyzed by their perceptions, which can affect your life.

Ultimately, the only opinion that truly matters is your own. Be true to your feelings and decisions. When you accept yourself you will acknowledge that not everyone will align with your choices. Let go of the fear of judgment from others.

13. Develop and maintain a personal support group

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Have a group of people around you who are there to support you and build you up.

Friends, family members and work colleagues who love and respect you should be the only people who you concern yourself with.

A supportive network of people will make you feel good about who you are and what you stand for. Once this is set firmly in your head you won’t worry about the opinions of others.

14. Learn to recognise those things that activate your worrying

We will all have certain triggers that will activate particular worries so get to know what yours are and you will be able to adopt coping mechanisms for when they appear. Get to fully understand your activating worries to regain power over your life.

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Often people will pick on things they know worry or concern you as a means of holding power over you. When you are in control they won’t be able to do this.

15. Develop your own personal power phrase

A personal power phrase is a handy tool to have when you are worrying about the opinions of others or what they may be saying.

Like a positive affirmation, this power phrase can be there to reaffirm your positive belief systems about yourself when you are feeling weak.

Repeat your phrase to yourself when you’re feeling vulnerable. Over time, your brain will believe this phrase as absolute fact, empowering you and building your self-confidence.

16. Recognise a stranger’s opinion of you is not that important

Why do you care about what a stranger thinks of you? They aren’t in your life, they have no control over anything you do or the results you get in your life…..unless you let them!

Somebody else’s opinion of you is none of your business. It doesn’t represent your truth so just let it go.

17. Remember it’s only your opinion of yourself that matters

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The only opinion you ever really need to think about is your own. Even people who have your best interests at heart will always be talking about your life from their perspective.

The only one who ever fully knows the truth about your life is you.

You are the only one who ever fully knows you so be mindful of the fact that your opinion is the one that matters.

18. Focus on helping other people to become less self-conscious

Focusing on helping others become less self-conscious can create a supportive environment where everyone can express themselves without fear of judgment. By encouraging open dialogue about insecurities and the pressures of societal expectations, you can help them to worry less about the opinions of others.

Shared feelings and experiences foster a sense of community and belonging. This all helps with positive reinforcement to build self-confidence and belief.

19. Restrict your exposure to social media

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As useful as social media can be at times, there’s no doubt it can have a very destructive side as well.

Social media can help to feed the flames of doubt and insecurity.

Restricting your exposure to social media can be a powerful step in alleviating the stress of worrying about what others think.

You don’t need a superficial curated version of someone’s life to compare against your own.

This intentional distancing helps to reduce anxiety and fosters a healthier mindset, allowing you to make decisions based on your aspirations rather than societal expectations.

Final Thoughts

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Embrace self-acceptance, learn to love yourself flaws and all and be mindful of the people you let in and share your life with.

You are the only person who ever needs to think about the opinions you have.

Begin acknowledging that you cannot control others' perceptions, and their opinions often say more about them than they do about you.

Focus on identifying your values and goals, which will help you prioritize your well-being over external judgments.

Remember, the journey towards self-confidence is ongoing; practice mindfulness techniques to ground yourself in the present and reduce anxiety about others’ perspectives.

Ultimately, investing time in what brings you joy and surrounding yourself with supportive individuals will reinforce your ability to live freely, unencumbered by the need for approval.

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Sharon Crossett

At 50, I walked the path of transformation and now dedicate my life to guiding other women on their journeys to fulfilment.

As an accredited life coach with a diploma in Psychology, NLP, CBT, and certifications in Mindfulness, Meditation, and holistic counselling, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to my practice.

My mission is simple yet profound: to help women get unstuck and create real, lasting change in their lives. I've been there myself, making drastic changes to now live a life I truly love—one that brings me joy and alignment.

This personal experience, combined with my professional expertise, allows me to offer unique insights and strategies to my clients.

If you're ready to transform your life and step into your full potential, I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Book a life coaching course with me, and together, we'll create the joyful, aligned life you deserve


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