Life Coaching for Women Blog
10 Simple Steps: How to Get Unstuck Emotionally in Life
We can all be emotional from time to time. Every day, in fact, our bodies can be flooded with different emotions and happiness. frustration, anger, and joy to name a few.
At times though, we can become emotionally stuck. This may be something you have or are experiencing and are looking for ways in which to get emotionally unstuck.
There are different things you can do to become emotionally unstuck, the first thing though is you have to acknowledge and accept your feelings without judging or being harsh on yourself.
One of the simplest ways to do this is to jot down what you are experiencing in a journal so you can reflect on your thoughts.
Then identify any limiting beliefs holding you back and reframe them into more positive and affirming statements. Have people around you who are supportive and encourage you to express yourself.
19 Easy Powerful Tips : How to Deal with Social Anxiety Disorder Fast
Anyone who suffers from social anxiety disorder will understand how debilitating this condition can be. The crippling fear of being in social situations, mixing with other people and feeling fear and anxiety overtake you.
If you are looking for ways to deal with social anxiety disorder fast, continue reading to discover what you can do to start reducing your anxiety today so you can begin to socialise with other people, work more freely and enjoy your life without the dread of social anxiety controlling you.
How Can NLP Help Me: 15 Best Ways Neuro-linguistic Programming Helps You
Neuro Linguistic Programming has been used to change the way people think and act since 1975 when it appeared in Robert Bandler and John Grinder’s book The Structure of Magic I.
Neuro linguistic programme is very beneficial for many people. This is a very gentle modality that looks to solve issues by examining the use of language and senses in different situations.
NLP enables you to have better relationships and a better understanding of others which is particularly helpful in work situations and in home life.
Unlike various therapies that can go on for a number of years, NLP usually only takes a small time frame in order for the effects to be felt.
How do You Get Rid of Brain Fog in Menopause Naturally? 15 Ways
You walk into a room and forget why. You can’t remember the name of someone you have just been introduced to and feel mortified or, you are fed up with constantly looking for things you have just had and can’t remember where you put them.
These everyday occurrences seem innocuous enough but you can’t get rid of the nagging feeling that something is wrong with you and you are starting to lose your memory at a young age
How to Make Your Thoughts Become Reality, 9 Easy Tips
What you think about becomes your reality. This is a certain fact that we can’t escape. You need to be thinking about how to make your thoughts become the reality that you want to be living and release thoughts that don’t serve you.
Why do You Wake at 3.00 am Every Night? 17 Best Tips for Relaxed Sleep
We all know the scenario, you wake up and before you even check your clock, you know that it’s going to be 3.00 am and that you will then spend the next hour or so, tossing and turning, trying to get back to sleep, all the while your brain will be ruminating on all of the things that you really don’t want to be thinking about. Everyone will have been in this situation at some time or another but why does it happen? And what can we do to stop it from becoming a regular pattern?