How to Make Your Thoughts Become Reality, 9 Easy Tips
Can your thoughts create your reality?
“Change your thoughts and you change your world”
What you think about becomes your reality. This is a certain fact that we can’t escape. You need to be thinking about how to make your thoughts become the reality that you want to be living and release thoughts that don’t serve you.
Proof that our thoughts create reality
Remember when you were young and could spend endless hours daydreaming about something that you wanted? Usually, a new toy or gadget that looked like it would change your life.
You would then go on and on about it to parents or family, about how this object was the one thing that you wanted above everything else and how you needed it in your life.
Then usually, when Christmas Day came around, there it was, under the tree or in your stocking, and you felt that all your dreams had come true and you had got the one thing that you wanted above everything else. Well, the truth is that your thoughts brought that to you.
Yes somebody else bought it and wrapped it and put it under the tree, but your desire and the thoughts that you created in your mind made your wish your reality. This is the power of your thoughts. They can bring into your life your dreams and desires.
Unfortunately, it works with negative thoughts as well. Things that you don’t want can also be brought into your life through your thinking, even if you don’t realise it. You have the power to control what appears in your life through your mind, therefore, you need to make sure that you are using your mind in a way that is going to serve you and not in a way that is going to harm you.
“Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts.”
How do you create reality?
What you think about, you bring into being. How many times have you been told “Be careful what you wish for” but never paid much attention? We tend to underestimate the power that our minds have over everyday occurrences. More often than not, we are not even aware of the thoughts that are going on in our minds, even if they have the power to bring about negative results.
Why is this? Why do we not have control over what we are thinking? How can we serve ourselves better by being in control of our minds?
More often than not we blame external factors for what is going on in our lives. We blame our boss when we don’t get what we want from our careers.
We blame family members for holding us back in life. We blame our hormones for us being overweight or tired or not wanting to exercise.
In fact, we can find an external reason to appoint blame on every negative thing that befalls us in life.
What we never really seem to do is blame ourselves for what happens in our lives. If however, we looked at ourselves, we would see that so often we are the ones who are the architects of our disasters in life and we are the ones who have the power to change if only we learned to control our thinking.
The power of your thoughts
Our thoughts, feelings and actions are all linked. There can never be a feeling without a thought having preceded it.
This is the only way that we work, we don’t have feelings and then thoughts, it is always the other way around. Therefore, what you think is always going to affect how you feel and the actions and results that you then get.
This is the order of the universe. If you want to create your reality in a determined and desired way, you have to learn how to control your thinking, it is that simple.
If you have negative thoughts constantly, you are going to see negative consequences. For example, someone who thinks they are never good enough will bring this reality into their lives.
Feeling that you are not good enough or not worthy will leave you feeling discouraged and despondent, which in turn will stop you from trying, thus perpetuating your belief that you are not good enough.
To get the results that you want in life you have to change your thoughts, it’s the only way.
How to make thoughts into reality
Now you understand that it is your thoughts that will always create the reality that you have, the next step is understanding the steps you need to take to have the reality that you want.
That means having the thoughts in your mind that are going to serve you and bring you the life that you want and, removing the thoughts from your mind that are producing the results that you don’t want. Following the nine steps below will help you to create thoughts that are going to bring positive results into your life.
Have well-defined written goals
When you know what you want from life it is much easier to set about ways of achieving it. Planning your future and setting future-focused goals means that you look far more optimistically at your life.
You will plant positive affirmative thoughts in your mind that are going to be the ones that get you to where you want to be.
Writing down your goals is a more powerful tool than just thinking about them. It will reaffirm in your mind what it is that you are chasing and will make you far more likely to achieve your goals.
Keep track of your habits.
Being aware of bad habits is important when creating your thoughts. Sometimes we can have bad habits that we aren’t even aware of and that can make us think in negative ways. Habits are routine behaviours that often are created in our subconscious mind and that become a fixed way of thinking.
Check the habits that you have and make sure that they are positive habits that are going to aid you. If they are bad habits then you must make sure that you start to eliminate them from your thinking before they cause you more harm.
Use your daydreaming to be creative in a useful way
Daydreaming, that blissful occupation you used to do so much of when you were younger, thinking of all the things that you wanted, from favourite toys to snacks, future careers to fun times. Youth often seems to have been one long daydream. Even as adults, we spend a lot of our time in this state of contemplation.
Have you ever thought about how much time daydreaming takes up in a day? On average we spend eight minutes every hour daydreaming, that’s a lot of time spent on thoughts that could be serving us. Make sure that when you are daydreaming, you are using the time to think about positive, productive thoughts that are going to be helpful to your future.
Learn how to be more productive
Much of our thinking happens when we are in our default mode network, this is when we are doing something and having passing thoughts at the same time, such as driving and thinking about a shopping list, or walking and thinking about housework.
These thoughts occupy our minds but aren’t really that useful to us. Instead, we need to learn to be more productive in our thinking. When we have time on our hands that isn’t taken up with thoughts about work etc, we need to spend these moments in more productive thinking ways. thinking positively and constructively to make changes in our lives and to make our lives better. Don’t just let your thoughts wander, make sure your thoughts have a purpose.
Examine your belief system
Do you have a belief system that works for you? Are your beliefs helping you or holding you back? We all have a belief system, it’s what gives us our values and our rules to live by. They need to be beliefs that are going to move us forward and produce positive results so check to make sure that you have a belief system that is serving you and if not, look to change it.
Surround yourself with people who support you and help you
So much of our thinking is learned from other people and can either help or hinder us. Self-limiting beliefs are often the product of our childhood years when family and peers influenced how we thought about ourselves and we often carry these thoughts with us into adulthood.
Make sure that the people who are in your life are the ones who are going to be of value to you. If you have somebody who is always feeding you negativity, you are going to take these thoughts as your own Have people who are going to lift you and make you think positive thoughts, people who are going to be of benefit to you and not people who are going to drag you down.
Observe your emotions
Thoughts will always appear before an emotion but it is still worth noting that you should be aware of the emotions that you have going on in your body. Sometimes we can hang onto emotions due to habit.
Stress or anxiety can often be present because of the way we live or because we just become accustomed to these feelings being part of our experiences. The same can be said for unhappiness. At times we may not be aware of the emotions that have overtaken us. Checking in with yourself and observing your emotions is an important part of life.
Consider your life to be part of the grand design
Think in terms of your life being linked to everything else. Your thoughts create everything that is around you and it is important to consider how your life fits into the world that you live in. If there seems to be some incongruity in your life then you may need to change your thoughts to fit in with what is around you.
Assess your thoughts by usefulness and importance
Are you aware that the thoughts you are having are important or useful to your life? Do you constantly ruminate on thoughts that are unimportant or destructive? Make sure that you are fully aware of the thoughts that you are having and if you need to, make sure that you switch to thoughts that are going to serve you more constructively and importantly.
“Every thought we think is creating our future”
The power of your thoughts
The question of how to make your thoughts become reality is one that we should all take some time to contemplate. We know that the power of our thoughts is what produces our world. If you could only ever have positive thoughts and imagine where you could be living and what you could be doing, your life would be amazing. We all have the capacity inside of us to start thinking in a way that is going to bring us the life that we truly want, we just need to believe that the thoughts we have are what produce our surroundings.
Once you fully understand the significance of your thoughts, you then have the choice to decide what you think about.
If you choose to think positive, constructive thoughts, then you are going to be blessed with abundance and a contented life. If you choose negative thinking then that is what is going to show up.
So what do you want from your life? Have you decided what direction you want to be going in? What do you want your life to look like?
If so then start putting the magic of thinking into action. Think of the life that you want, concentrate on your thoughts and then watch as they start to appear in your life.
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