15 Powerful Ways To Stop Feeling Life Is Passing Me By

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What does "life pass me by" mean?

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Do you ever have a sudden realisation and say to yourself “Life is passing me by” but have no idea how to rectify the situation or soothe the way you are feeling? If so you aren’t alone. Many people suffer from this idea that their life is passing by and they can’t stop it.

The phrase "life passing me by" refers to the feeling that time is slipping away without meaningful engagement or fulfilment. It often signifies a sense of stagnation or missed opportunities, where you may feel disconnected from your aspirations or the world around you.

This sentiment can arise when you find yourself caught up in routines or distractions, realizing that you have not pursued your goals or passions.

The acknowledgement of this feeling can catalyze change, prompting a desire for personal growth and more active participation in shaping your life and experiences.

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Why do I feel like days are just passing by?

Many people experience the sensation that days are just slipping by, this is often due to the routines and monotony of daily life.

When you get caught up in repetitive tasks, your mind goes on autopilot, making days blend in a blur.

The same routine day in and day out, get up, go to work eat lunch, come home make dinner, go to bed… all while knowing this pattern will continue.

This feeling can also stem from a lack of fulfilling activities or personal goals, which may cause time to seem less meaningful. If you aren’t planning something different your life is going to be the same. You will end up in a rinse-and-repeat situation.

Additionally, the fast pace of modern life, combined with distractions from technology and obligations, can further contribute to this sense of time flying by.

To counteract this feeling, it can be beneficial to engage in new experiences, set personal goals, or practice mindfulness, bringing awareness back into each day.

15 Powerful Ways

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1. Determine your core values

Have you ever sat down and really investigated the core values you live your life by? Booking a session with a life coach can help you discover what they are and how they can affect the way you live your life. Why is this so important?

Determining your core values is crucial for creating a life that feels fulfilling and determined, rather than merely letting it pass you by. By identifying what truly matters to you—whether it's relationships, personal growth, health, or your career—you can set your daily actions toward values.

This alignment acts as a guide, steering your decisions and helping you prioritize what brings you happiness and fulfilment. Choices based on your core values give you a greater sense of purpose and direction.

2. Imagine your perfect life and make plans to achieve it

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If you feel life is passing you by, you need to wake up and do something about it. You can’t rely on anyone else to do this for you, you need to take control of your life.

What do you want your life to look like? If you could live the perfect life, what would it look like to you?

Start today to determine what you want your life to look like, what you want to do, where you want to live, where you want to go on holiday and how you want to spend your time.

Answer these questions and then start putting plans into action to achieve the desired results.

3. Examine each area of your life from a new perspective

Examine each area of your life from a new perspective to stop feeling like life is passing you by. Begin by reflecting on your daily routines, relationships, and personal aspirations.

Ask yourself what aspects bring you joy and which ones feel stagnant or unfulfilling. Consider setting aside time to discover more about yourself and use journaling or mindfulness exercises, to identify patterns that may be holding you back.

Challenge your current beliefs and habits by seeking new experiences or learning opportunities that inspire you to grow. Embracing a fresh point of view can empower you to reclaim control, allowing you to make intentional choices that align with what you want helping you to create a more fulfilling and vibrant life.

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4. Do you need to make some big decisions?

Feeling like life is passing you by can be a signal that it's time to make some significant changes.

Often, this sensation stems from stagnation or a fear of stepping outside your comfort zone.

By identifying the areas where you're feeling unfulfilled or stuck, you can start to implement the change needed to get your life moving again.

Making big decisions can at times seem daunting but until you get uncomfortable you won’t be able to fully move forward. Be prepared to tackle the big decisions and you will see the benefits in your life appear.

5. Are you on the right career path?

Are you happy and fulfilled in your current job or do you feel you are stagnating? Think about how much time you spend at work. It is going to be a large chunk of your waking time for a long time. It needs to be a place where you feel fulfilled, happy and motivated otherwise you are going to be left with the feeling life is passing you by.

If you are unsure of your career move, engage a life coach to help you work through your choices and the best direction to head in. A small investment upfront can make a massive difference to the quality of your life.

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6. Organize your time so that days don’t drift

Everyone can have the occasional day where they seem to drift from waking to bed with nothing getting done.

The difference is when this becomes a habit and one day becomes a week and so on.

If this sounds all too familiar to you at the moment, start taking the time to organise your day so it doesn’t drift away from you.

Get a physical planner or a digital one and begin each day mapping out how your day will look. Break it down into manageable chunks if it is easier.

Set designated breaks to stop you from tuning out and make sure you add in something you are passionate about it that is fun to reward yourself.

By spending time at the beginning of the day planning how you are going to spend your time, you will limit the chance of your days drifting off without you achieving anything and spending your time in a meaningful way.

7. Do the people you associate with inspire you?

The people you have in your life will either inspire you or leave you flat. Examine who you are spending your time with because they could be contributing to the feeling that life is passing you by. You need to have people who will lift your energy levels, people who have a lot going on and who are always excited to grow and challenge themselves.

Do a quick inventory of the people around you and adjust where necessary.

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8. Ask yourself “What am I passionate about in life?”

Fill your life with passions if you believe you aren’t moving in any direction. Your life shouldn’t be just about work or looking after other people. You owe it to yourself to have a fulfilling and motivated life.

Discover what your passions, hobbies or interests are and then make sure you are living a life filled with these pursuits.

This is one of the simplest and quickest ways to get your life back on track and moving forward.

9. What do I need to cut out of my life

To stop feeling like life is passing you by, it’s essential to identify and cut out distractions that drain your time and energy. This may include saying no to negative relationships that undermine your self-worth, eliminating excessive screen time that leads to mindless scrolling, and minimizing commitments that don’t align with your values or goals.

Additionally, consider getting rid of perfectionist tendencies that prevent you from taking action and embracing new opportunities. By creating a clearer space in your life, you can focus on meaningful activities that promote growth, fulfilment, and a stronger connection to your present moments.

10. Develop the practice of self-compassion

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Developing the practice of self-compassion is essential for overcoming the feeling as though life is passing you by.

When you treat yourself with kindness and understanding during difficult times, you’ll create an environment that allows for personal growth and resilience.

You need to look at your thoughts and emotions without judgment, this allows you to process them fully.

This simple shift in perspective allows you to engage more in your life, appreciate the journey you are on, and cultivate a sense of being that can transform your daily experience.

11. Discover how to live in a mindful way

When you are living mindfully, you are living in a very powerful way. Mindful living enables you to appreciate everything you have in your life. It means you’re grateful for all you have and that you can acknowledge every area fully without judgment or criticism.

Mindful living allows you to see what you need to change and what you can develop to make your life richer and fuller and to move you from a place of stagnation to one of boundless possibilities.

12. Learn to let go of the past

Are you hankering after experiences from your past? It could be a relationship, job, home or friends that are no longer in your life and constantly thinking about them is holding you back and preventing you from moving forward.

You need to learn to let go of the past to move on with your life. There will be many more experiences ahead of you if you release yourself from these past constraints.

You are meant to move forward in life, not backward.

13. Realise today is the first day of the rest of your life

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This may seem like a platitude, especially if someone says this to you when you are feeling down or vulnerable but in fact, it is just a true statement.

When you live mindfully, you will understand that today is the first day of the rest of your life as all you have is this moment and this day.

Your life is full of possibilities, starting from today.

Keep this in mind and you will become more engaged and excited about your life and everything that is ahead of you.

14. Understand you can achieve many things but not everything

Understanding that you can achieve many things, but not everything is crucial in preventing the feeling that life is passing you by. You need to recognise your strengths and set yourself realistic, attainable goals that represent you.

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Spend the time focusing on what is important to you and channel your energy in this direction, rather than becoming overwhelmed by an endless to-do list.

Acknowledge the thought that progress is the goal, not perfection. This will allow you to appreciate your journey and celebrate the victories you have along the way.

15. Try something new to make life more interesting

When you feel life is passing you by, often it is because you are stuck in a rut. To remedy these feelings, branch out and try something more interesting instead.

There are so many ways you will be able to spend your time and so many new hobbies and interests you can find to engage and enthral you.

Get out of your rut and stretch yourself in different directions. The more you push yourself, the more you will discover about yourself and the bigger and more exciting your life will become.

Start today. Challenge yourself to try something new, no matter how small, this one simple change in your life could be the start of something amazing for you.

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Final Thoughts

To stop feeling like life is passing you by, cultivate mindfulness in your daily routine.

This intentional act of living in the moment is a powerful tool to give you perspective on your life.

Take time out to reflect on your values and priorities; this will help you identify what truly matters to you.

As you look to make changes and move forward in your life, set attainable goals, both short-term and long-term, and break them down into actionable steps.

Surround yourself with supportive individuals who inspire and motivate you, and be open to new experiences that challenge your comfort zone.

Invest in a life coach to help you transition into your new life.

Remember, it’s never too late to take charge of your life and create the life you long to live and to release the feelings that life is passing you by.

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Sharon Crossett

At 50, I walked the path of transformation and now dedicate my life to guiding other women on their journeys to fulfilment.

As an accredited life coach with a diploma in Psychology, NLP, CBT, and certifications in Mindfulness, Meditation, and holistic counselling, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to my practice.

My mission is simple yet profound: to help women get unstuck and create real, lasting change in their lives. I've been there myself, making drastic changes to now live a life I truly love—one that brings me joy and alignment.

This personal experience, combined with my professional expertise, allows me to offer unique insights and strategies to my clients.

If you're ready to transform your life and step into your full potential, I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Book a life coaching course with me, and together, we'll create the joyful, aligned life you deserve


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