23 Simple Success Tips: How do I Train Myself to Think Big, Fast?
What is the method of thinking big?
As a coach, one of the main areas I work in with clients is thinking BIG! They often want to know how to train themselves to think big and get the results they want fast.
We will all be aware of the great success stories in life, the people such as Tony Robbins, for example, who has become hugely successful in his area of expertise, and now makes a living telling others to “dream big” or to develop a “millionaire mindset” to become the person that they long to be.
Tony Robbins is right everyone can dream big and go out there and get what they want, become successful, make a real difference in life and live the life they want to be living. Here’s the rub, it isn’t going to happen to everyone because unless you have the right mindset, you will remain stuck.
The good news is that you can change your thinking, can train yourself to think big and get what you want from life, and it doesn’t mean spending a fortune, becoming a different person or having to make many changes in your life.
What you need to do is to develop a method of thinking Big! A way to think and live that brings you the results you want quickly. Everyone has the power to harness a practice of thinking big, of bringing about change in their lives. It all starts with how you view yourself and your belief mindset — we will get into that later.
“Believe Big. The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. Think little goals and expect little achievements.”
What is the difference between thinking big and thinking small?
All the results that you get in your life will come through your thinking. This may be a harsh sentence to read and believe, especially if, up to this point in life, you feel that things haven’t gone your way through no fault of your own, you’ve missed out because of other people, you believe that at times in your life you have been a victim.
The fact is that many people who seem to miss out on so much in life do so because they are thinking too small, they need to develop bigger thoughts.
You do have the power to change what happens in your life, to think big and to get the results that you want.
The difference between thinking big and thinking small is everything you are missing out on.
Train yourself to think big, not small and you will start to have a life you have always wanted.
What happens when you think big?
When you think big, you break away from the limits that you have imposed on yourself.
Have you ever wondered why some people who seem to have come from similar backgrounds to you have gone on to achieve so much?
That’s because they have harnessed the power of thinking big. They have moved out of their comfort zone and pushed themselves, channelling all their energy into becoming the person they have always wanted to be.
When you think big, you get better results in life it’s as simple as that. You will have more success, more money, more freedom and more enjoyment from life. Put simply, your life can be transformed when you start to think big.
23 Simple Success Tips
1. Understand your Why
Why do you want to think bigger? What is it that you want to achieve in life? How do you want your life to look? You need to understand your why before you can begin to bring about change in your life.
If you are only doing something to please someone else then you aren’t going to be successful. If your thinking doesn’t align with your core values and beliefs then you won’t be living a life that is truthful. You need to fully understand your why before you can bring about change.
2. Let your imagination run wild
Your imagination can take you anywhere you want to go! Read that sentence again and really absorb it.
Your imagination has the power to bring about whatever you want in life, so let it run wild.
Don’t cage in your thoughts or keep them small and timid, have bold big thoughts as that is how you will achieve great things in life.
3. Have total unshakeable belief in yourself
You are the one who needs to believe in yourself even if nobody else does. The truth is, your thoughts are the only ones that matter anyway, so despite what anybody else may think or say, have a total, unshakable belief in yourself and you are off to a good start. When you believe it, that’s when it will happen.
4. Create a vision board
Vision boards are excellent tools to power your thinking into achieving the results you want from your life, and they are fun to do into the bargain.
A vision board is exactly what it sounds like, a board full of all of the visions that you see from your future life; your dream home, career, places to holiday, hobbies, and ideal partner..whatever thought you have in mind, you can place it onto your vision board and the bigger the better.
Position your vision board full of all your pictures somewhere you will see it often and study it in detail. Whilst studying it, imagine that you are looking at a genuine snapshot of your life. These are the visions that you will bring into your life with consistent thinking and believing.
5. Address your self-limiting beliefs
Self-limiting beliefs can be the destroyers of big thoughts. If you are someone who has them, you need to address them before you can bring about positive change in your life. Once you listen to self-limiting beliefs, they can stifle anything positive in your life and leave you stuck, buffering your way through life.
6. Develop an ultra-positive state of mind
There are can-do and can’t -do people in life. If you want to achieve anything in life, you must be a can-do person.
Your mindset needs to be ultra-positive, and you must believe you can achieve whatever you put your mind to, even if it means you are totally outside your comfort zone.
Your self-belief can get you to wherever you want to go even if people around you aren’t as optimistic or have doubts in your abilities, you need to keep the faith, stay strong and be ultra-positive.
7. Practise positive visualisation techniques
Visualisation is another powerful tool that you can use to train your brain into thinking big thoughts. Visualisation works in the same way as vision boards, but the pictures here are in your mind.
Visualise the thought you are having in great detail, go into as much detail as you can and create a vivid image in your mind. Now constantly refer back to this image, make it so it seems real and something that has happened in your life.
8. Identify one thing and stay focused on it
Focus is the key to success. Despite many people believing that the brain is good at multi-tasking, it always copes better when it focuses on one task at a time.
Whatever thought you are having, make it one thought at a time, you will see much better results this way.
Jumping from one thing to another will only mean you end up with unfinished tasks and will be far less productive.
9. Design specific goals for yourself
Do what is right for you and what works for you. Design your goals with YOU in mind, nobody else. Regardless of the opinions of other people, always follow your gut instinct and do what you believe works for you, it will make you happy and bring you the results you are looking for.
10. Have a “winner’s” daily routine
A quick read of the day-to-day lives of some of the world’s most successful people will show you how important a daily routine is to make a success of your life.
From getting up early to working out, eating well, continuing to learn and having a well-planned and executed day.
These are the daily routines of winners. If you want to be a winner, then start planning a winning daily routine.
11. Find an accountability partner
When you are accountable to another person, you will find you are more successful in your endeavour. This is why people who work with coaches will often get the best results because they have someone to answer to.
If you only have to answer to yourself, you are more likely to stop your project when the going gets tough, or even worse, never get it fully off the ground.
Being accountable to someone else can also give you the support, help and encouragement you need. Someone who is there to celebrate the wins and pick you up when you find it hard or want to give up.
12. Create a step-by-step plan
Success is often down to planning. A well-created step-by-step plan will keep you on track, making sure that nothing gets overlooked and will highlight how far you have left to go.
Nothing is left to chance or missed out when you have planned well.
13. Start to live outside your comfort zone
You are no doubt happy in your comfort zone. You know what goes on there, what you will and won’t do. But are you happy there really? You will never grow unless you move out of your comfort zone. You need to move outside of that safe space if you are going to have big thoughts and achieve big things in life.
Your comfort zone is really the place that confines you and keeps you limited when you want more. Start to live outside it that’s where the magic happens.
14. Reward yourself for small successes
If you want to have big thoughts and continue having big thoughts, start to reward yourself every time you achieve something, even if it’s only a small success.
Rewards will mean you are more likely to carry on with your winning actions.
Your brain loves being rewarded and will be motivated to continue with the same actions to keep receiving those rewards.
15. See failure as a chance to learn
Always try and adopt the attitude that there is no such thing as failure. Even if you get a result you don’t want, don’t see it as a failure view it as a learning curve.
You can learn so much from things not working as you want them to. You will also develop resilience and persistence, two winning character traits.
16. Live and work with passion
Passion will drive you to where you want to be in life. If you live your life filled with passion you will have a great life.
Think now of the things that you love to do. How much time do you devote to them? How great do they make you feel? What drives you to do them? What value do they give your life?
Live and work with passion in your life and it will drive you to have bigger and better thoughts.
The more passionate you are about your life the more complete and satisfying your life will be.
17. Apply massive amounts of action
The idea behind taking massive amounts of action means that you continue to take action until you achieve your desired result. Winners aren’t quitters and people who win are the people who keep on going until they get what they want.
Commit to taking massive action in your life. Think about what you want and then go for it. Don’t let setbacks knock you off course, carry on moving forward.
18. Ignore the naysayers
If someone says you can’t go out of your way to prove them wrong. Naysayers and negative people always seem to be around to tell you what you can’t do, how you will fail, and what you are doing wrong. These are usually the people who don’t achieve anything in their lives either. Ignore these people, remove them from your life if you can and believe in yourself and do your own thing.
19. Be flexible, adapt and refocus
Thinking big often means having the ability to be flexible, adapt and refocus.
When plans need to be changed or something doesn’t go right, you need to know that you can quickly adapt to a new situation without panicking, losing momentum or being thrown off track.
Acquiring these three key skills will help you to think big and achieve great results.
20. Create your mastermind network
Have people in your network that are going to be there to support you, build you up and give you great ideas. A mastermind network is a collective group of people who all have a great skill set, think big and get results. Make sure that you surround yourself with a mastermind network.
These don’t have to be people you know personally, they can be people you follow virally online whose podcasts you listen to or whose books you have read.
21. Take a long-term perspective
Big thinking is a long-term commitment and taking a long-term perspective is something you should be doing.
You need to give yourself time and space for big ideas to develop and work out, nothing great is achieved overnight.
Be ready and committed to taking the long-term perspective for the best results in your life.
22. Eliminate procrastination and excuses
You need to stop procrastinating and cut out excuses if you are serious about following through with big thoughts. As the poet Edward Young said, “Procrastination is the thief of time”
Excuses will always hold you back, be accountable in your life and for the actions you take and the results that you get. Eliminate procrastination and excuses if you want to be successful.
23. Cultivate the habit of discipline and consistency
Discipline and consistency will get you to where you want to go, faster than anything else. Discipline will help you to do things even when your motivation is lacking and consistency will mean that you will be able to keep going over a long-time period.
The benefits of developing these two skills mean that you will;
Strengthen any weaknesses you have
Accomplish your goals
Become a better person
Achieve more in life
Develop a real growth mindset
Become more confident
Develop better habits
Develop the ability to set bigger challenges.
Final Thoughts
If you have ever asked yourself ” How do I train myself to think big, fast?” by following the above tips you will be able to get the answers you need.
Your thoughts are going to determine what you get from your life so if you want a life that is full, successful, adventurous, fulfilling, accomplished and satisfying, then you need to start thinking big, fast.
The thoughts that you are having now, this moment are going to determine what your future looks like.
Start creating the thoughts now that are going to bring everything you want from life into your world.
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