Life Coaching for Women Blog

Be Do Have, Mindset, Mindfulness Sharon Crossett Be Do Have, Mindset, Mindfulness Sharon Crossett

Be Do Have Mindset And Model: 10 Things You Need To Know

The Be Do Have model is a coaching model that has been used for many years to reframe goal setting. Its origins though date back to the Vedas, a large body of Sanskrit religious texts written in Ancient India.

The concept of "Be Do Have" in personal development and coaching fields, emphasises the importance of mindset and identity in achieving your goals.

This model suggests that for you to attain the things you desire in your life - (Have) you first need to adopt a certain mindset and identity (Be) that aligns with those desires.

This mindset will naturally influence your actions (Do), leading to the desired outcomes - BE, DO, HAVE.

This framework encourages you to focus on becoming the person you wish to be, thereby taking actions that are congruent with your goals and aspirations.

This approach builds a deeper self-awareness and alignment in all areas of your life, ultimately paving the way for you to live a successful and purposeful life.

The Be Do Have concept has its roots in timeless principles taught by thought leaders like Stephen R. Covey, Bob Proctor, and Jim Rohn.

These leaders have stressed true success and fulfilment come from being the right person first.

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Sprituality, Well-being, Holistic Health Sharon Crossett Sprituality, Well-being, Holistic Health Sharon Crossett

21 Powerful Signs Your Higher Self is Talking to You

Are you someone who works on your gut instinct? Do you listen to the feelings inside and make opinions based on how you feel about them? If so you are someone who listens to your higher self.

A higher self is that innate part of you the powerful inner guide inside of you that works for your best interests. When you are aligned in life, that is your higher self, working for your best interests, in a positive, productive way so you live the life you want to be living.

The higher self is associated with multiple belief systems. It is seen as an omnipotent, intelligent, conscious being that is a person's true self.

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Self-care, Well-being, Holistic Health Sharon Crossett Self-care, Well-being, Holistic Health Sharon Crossett

21 Easy Activities For Well Being For Boosting Health Fast

The concept of well-being is a complex combination of factors which isn’t just about physical health. If someone were to ask you how you are, you would undoubtedly answer them whilst thinking about your physical body. You would probably not go into a detailed discussion about your emotional well-being as this would seem almost a taboo subject.

Well-being though is a complete mix of physical and emotional facets within us and one so often affects the other that to separate the two areas is difficult.

As a coach, when discussing well-being with my clients, I would spend time and look at their emotional, physical, mental and social well-being when devising a wellness programme for them.

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Menopause, Coaching Sharon Crossett Menopause, Coaching Sharon Crossett

17 Easy Ways: How to Help to Sleep During Menopause

Anyone who has suffered or is suffering from disturbed sleeping patterns associated with menopause will understand straight away the issues this symptom can bring.

You are lying there at night, staring at the ceiling counting down the hours until you have to get up or tossing and turning pleading with yourself to go to sleep aware of how tired and irritable you will be the next day if you don’t get some sleep.

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Menopause, Coaching Sharon Crossett Menopause, Coaching Sharon Crossett

19 Easy Natural Ways: How to Deal with Menopause Hot Flushes Fast

Are you one of the women wondering how to deal with hot flushes? Those very uncomfortable moments when you feel that you are almost on fire.

Hot flushes have to be one of the biggest issues for many women going through menopause. They can strike any time and anywhere and can leave you feeling extremely stressed, overwhelmed and embarrassed.

There are different procedures you can use that can help to combat hot flushes, and natural remedies and fixes can be incorporated into your daily routines to can alleviate these feelings that I will discuss.

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Catastrophizing, CBT, Thinking Sharon Crossett Catastrophizing, CBT, Thinking Sharon Crossett

19 Ways How to Stop Catastrophizing Thoughts

It is surprisingly easy to fall into the trap of catastrophizing no matter how level-headed we are. Jumping straight away to the worst-case scenario and imagining all sorts of terrible things until you are in a state of anxiety and stress.

We can all be prone to thinking the worst at times, it is a part of what it is to be human. The odd irrational thoughts we have that life is always going to be awful, and that the situation that we find ourselves in is never going to change.

Most of us will snap out of this way of thinking after we have examined the irrational thoughts that we are having and have replaced them with new, positive ones.

Other people though will tend to catastrophize about a situation and will begin to see it as being far worse than it is or will imagine that there will never be a change in their circumstances. These are people who are prone to catastrophize thinking.

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Menopause, Change, Thoughts Sharon Crossett Menopause, Change, Thoughts Sharon Crossett

How do You Get Rid of Brain Fog in Menopause Naturally? 15 Ways

You walk into a room and forget why. You can’t remember the name of someone you have just been introduced to and feel mortified or, you are fed up with constantly looking for things you have just had and can’t remember where you put them.

These everyday occurrences seem innocuous enough but you can’t get rid of the nagging feeling that something is wrong with you and you are starting to lose your memory at a young age

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Positive Thinking, Change Sharon Crossett Positive Thinking, Change Sharon Crossett

How to Trick Your Brain into Positive Thinking

Is it possible to trick your brain? If so how can you trick your brain into positive thinking? The brain is a complex organ in the body that controls our thoughts and our behaviours. This amazingly intricate organ gives us the power to speak, think, imagine, create and solve problems. As well as all of the cognitive power that we have, it also controls the temperature of our body, our heart function and our breathing. It controls all of our movement, every action that our bodies perform. Simply put, without our brains working properly we would not be able to function on a cognitive or physical level.

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Habits, Holistic Health, Thinking Sharon Crossett Habits, Holistic Health, Thinking Sharon Crossett

21 Easy Tips: How to Turn Your Brain Off and Relax More Today

How many of us have had one of those nights when we just lie there, looking at the ceiling with thoughts ruminating around our heads and unable to turn them off? Nearly all of us will have experienced this at some time or another but for many people, this is a common problem that causes them to have night after night of broken sleep.

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Goals, Gratitude, Coaching Sharon Crossett Goals, Gratitude, Coaching Sharon Crossett

How do You Live in the Present Moment (5 Easy Tips)

All that we have in life is the present moment but it is a concept that very few people truly understand or experience in today’s busy world. We are so focused on racing from one thing to the next, that we never really stop to appreciate the time that we are living in right now. We seem to vacillate so much between past and present, life was better in the past, everything will happen in the future that we lose complete sight of living in the now, the present moment in time. For many people, this leaves them feeling dissatisfied with life and always craving something else.

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