Life Coaching for Women Blog
19 Easy Inspiring Tips: How to Stop Feeling Lost in Your 60's
Are you feeling lost in your 60s? Have you just turned 60 and are feeling depressed? Do you feel that you have lost your mojo and are wondering how to get it back? Or do you feel that at 60 that’s it, you feel too old and there’s no way that you can start over?
23 Amazing Life Tips for Spring Cleaning for Your Mind, Body and Soul
There are many amazing tips for spring cleaning your mind, body and soul that can totally transform your life.
In the same way that you clean your home and prepare for the warmer months ahead after winter has passed, you can cleanse your mental and emotional state by cleaning your whole self.
This is the time of new beginnings, everything is starting to reappear after the dormant winter months, flowers are blooming, temperatures are rising and emotionally and mentally, you probably feel brighter and more positive.
What better time then is there than now to give your mind, body and soul a good clean?
How Can NLP Help Me: 15 Best Ways Neuro-linguistic Programming Helps You
Neuro Linguistic Programming has been used to change the way people think and act since 1975 when it appeared in Robert Bandler and John Grinder’s book The Structure of Magic I.
Neuro linguistic programme is very beneficial for many people. This is a very gentle modality that looks to solve issues by examining the use of language and senses in different situations.
NLP enables you to have better relationships and a better understanding of others which is particularly helpful in work situations and in home life.
Unlike various therapies that can go on for a number of years, NLP usually only takes a small time frame in order for the effects to be felt.
15 Effective Strategies on How to Change your Thinking About Shame
Shame is a very coming emotion for humans but can cause great suffering and pain. We often feel it as an unpleasant, disturbing sensation in the pit of our stomach. It is often related to a sense of failure or the thought that we have done something immoral or embarrassing.
It is a complex emotion that will feel different to each person but is an emotion that everyone will have experienced in their lives. Many people can carry shame around with them for many years. Situations from when they were children can still cause them to feel shame many years later.
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We will all react to shame in our own way, and we can all experience it for different reasons. The one thing that many people will have in common is their desire to know how to change their thinking about shame.
15 Easy Steps on How to Set Goals and Accomplish Them
January 1st….must start the new year off with a whole list of resolutions that I am going to achieve this year. January 8th…..well seem to be back to my old ways and have broken all of my resolutions already! Have you heard this before? Are you guilty of this? If so you aren’t alone, in fact, research has shown that only 9% of people see their resolutions through until the end of the year.
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Why is it that we pick possibly the most depressing time of the year to set new goals and resolutions for ourselves, in the northern hemisphere anyway? Why do we find it so difficult? Shouldn’t we be given a manual on how to set goals and accomplish them?
19 Ways How to Stop Catastrophizing Thoughts
It is surprisingly easy to fall into the trap of catastrophizing no matter how level-headed we are. Jumping straight away to the worst-case scenario and imagining all sorts of terrible things until you are in a state of anxiety and stress.
We can all be prone to thinking the worst at times, it is a part of what it is to be human. The odd irrational thoughts we have that life is always going to be awful, and that the situation that we find ourselves in is never going to change.
Most of us will snap out of this way of thinking after we have examined the irrational thoughts that we are having and have replaced them with new, positive ones.
Other people though will tend to catastrophize about a situation and will begin to see it as being far worse than it is or will imagine that there will never be a change in their circumstances. These are people who are prone to catastrophize thinking.
Feeling Lost in Your 50s (15 Easy Ways for Finding Purpose in Life After 50)
Are you one of the many people feeling lost in your 50s? Unsure of what has happened in your life thus far and not knowing where you are going or what you want to be doing as you get older? Do you feel that the spark has gone from your life, you’re not sure when it went out or how to get it back.