23 Amazing Life Tips for Spring Cleaning for Your Mind, Body and Soul
How do you cleanse your mind body and soul?
There are many amazing tips for spring cleaning your mind, body and soul that can totally transform your life.
In the same way that you clean your home and prepare for the warmer months ahead after winter has passed, you can cleanse your mental and emotional state by cleaning your whole self.
This is the time of new beginnings, everything is starting to reappear after the dormant winter months, flowers are blooming, temperatures are rising and emotionally and mentally, you probably feel brighter and more positive.
What better time then is there than now to give your mind, body and soul a good clean?
Cleansing your mind, body and soul can be done in many ways that we will discuss later on, what you need to make sure of is that you take your cleansing ritual seriously so as to get the maximum benefit from it.
Your mental, physical and emotional health is vitally important to how you live your life. In the same way that you like to keep your home, neat and tidy and free from germs, keeping yourself in great shape should take as much of a priority.
What are the health benefits of spring cleaning?
You will probably know how great you feel when you have given your home a good spring clean.
Everything is sparkling, you know where everything is, you have cleared out all of your clutter and you often find that you enjoy living in your home a lot more.
Every room is pleasant to be in and everything just looks and feels so much better. Well, it’s the same when you spring clean your mind, body and soul.
One of the main things that you will notice when you spring clean yourself, is that your health both physical and emotional will improve.
You can start to sleep better which improves literally every area of your life, you may lose weight, you will be fitter and stronger and you will have a happier, more optimistic attitude and you will feel like doing so many more activities, your work rate could improve as well as your relationships.
In essence, a full mind, body and soul spring clean can literally improve every area of your life and greatly improve your health and well-being.
Can cleaning reduce anxiety?
Stress and anxiety are commonplace in many people’s lives today.
The fast-paced lifestyle that many people have to cope with can bring stress, anxiety and related health issues to the fore.
If you just thought about everything that you need to do in an average week you would understand where the stress and anxiety that you can experience come from.
Spring cleaning your mind, body and soul can help alleviate stress and anxiety from your life leaving you mentally and physically healthier and more content and happy with your life.
“A good spring clean is your chance to re-evaluate your life, keep what you love and get rid of what is no longer serving you”
23 Tips for spring cleaning your mind, body and soul
1. Drink more water to detox your body
Drinking more water will help your health in so many ways. It helps to flush out toxins that may have built up in your body and improves how your skin, hair and nails look. Gives you more energy, improves the function of your eternal organs, improves cognitive functions and performance and will help you sleep better. You need to aim for 6 - 8 glasses a day to get the best results.
2. Re-organise your sleeping patterns
Sleep really is a panacea when it comes to good mental and physical health and well-being. Nothing can substitute for a good night’s sleep. Most adults need to be aiming for 7-8 hours a night. This will mean no doubt that you will have to look at your bedtime routine to make sure that you are achieving this.
Try and get into a good habit of going to bed and rising at the same time each day. We all work on our own circadian rhythms so do what suits you best. You could be an early-to-bed and early-to-rise kind of person, or you may love to retire late and get up late. Neither is right nor wrong, it just needs to be the correct sleeping pattern for you.
Avoid having mobile phones or other electronic devices in your room, have a good ambient temperature for sleeping and wear comfortable lose fitting clothing. Make your bedroom an oasis of calm and tranquillity, somewhere that puts you in a relaxing mood ready for sleep.
3. Use journaling to evaluate your life
Your mind can become very full and cluttered if you don’t take some time out to clean it. Clearing out unhelpful and unwanted thoughts can put you in a much stronger place emotionally and spiritually and can also help your physical health as well.
Journaling is a very powerful and effective tool for clearing unwanted thoughts from your life and helping you to evaluate your life. Take some time every day to jot down what you are thinking. It may be just odd words, sentences or whole streams of consciousness.
Getting your thoughts out of your head and down on paper will help you to look more constructively at what you are thinking and why and will allow you to make sense of your thoughts and assess which ones are serving you and which ones are harming you.
4. Develop a new hobby
If you feel that you are bored, stuck in a rut or lacking motivation, it may be time that you developed a new hobby.
Hobbies stimulate the mind, keep you cognitively healthy and active and can help your physical health as well.
Whether it is a new sport routine, a creative endeavour or something more cerebral, developing new hobbies and past times can increase your social circle, give you a happiness boost and help you to become more engaged and excited in your life.
5. Have a huge clearout
Getting rid of unwanted stuff can really improve your mental well-being. Over time you can accumulate so many belongings that you don’t need, so having a really good clear-out can be a very cathartic experience and can really help to improve every area of your life.
All of the belongings that you hold on to because of sentimental value can actually cause your more emotional discomfort. Looking at all of the junk and clutter around you can make you feel uncomfortable, distracted and guilty.
Getting rid of all the stuff around you can help you feel emotionally lighter and can help you to concentrate more on the issues that are important to you.
6. Calm your mind through meditation
Your mind can be plagued by negative unhelpful and unwanted thoughts at times. Using mediation is a great way to clean your mind from these thoughts. Sitting and meditating for a period of time allows you to focus on your breathing and nothing else, therefore cleaning your mind and allowing your body to relax and repair itself.
Even if you find when you first begin this practice that you are constantly drawn back to your thoughts you need to persevere as this is a practice that takes time but is well worth the effort.
7. Alkalise your body through greens
Too much acid in your body can bring with it many health problems, from indigestion and inflammation to many other health disorders. Focusing on an alkaline diet can reverse this and can lead to far better overall health and well-being.
Try to cut out processed foods, salt, sugar and alcohol and focus on a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, especially green vegetables. A high-alkaline diet will help to balance ph levels and will help your body to function at its optimal level.
8. Cut down massively on social media
Although social media can have its place in your life, it can have a tendency to start to take over. If you thought about it how much time do you spend scrolling through Instagram or Facebook or other such sites looking at the lives of other people? More importantly, how does it make you feel?
Many times people can become very dissatisfied with their own lives after looking at the seemingly perfect lives of people online. This can lead to many mental health issues.
Try and set a small time frame each day if you have to go onto social media and repeat to yourself that nobody has a perfect life, even if it seems so on a screen.
9. Spend more time in nature
There is nothing quite so invigorating and satisfying than being out in nature. The sights, sounds and smells can have a very restorative effect on the mind and body.
Many studies have shown the benefits for both mental and physical well-being from being outside and experiencing the delights of the natural world. When things seem to be getting on top of you or you are feeling sluggish try going for a brisk walk to see how your mood can be raised.
10. Become more mindful in your daily actions
Really focus on what you are doing in a day to cut down on any stress and anxiety that you may be experiencing. These days life seems to go by at a hundred miles an hour, which means that things can be missed, mistakes made or anxiety can begin to build.
By being more mindful of your daily actions, you will be focusing on one thing at a time which should mean that far fewer mistakes are made helping to lower anxiety levels.
11. Use the power of gratitude to feed your soul
When you are feeling grateful for your life, you will automatically raise your vibration and begin to feel more relaxed, happier and less stressed.
Gratitude is an amazing tool to feed your soul and make you feel at one with everything that you have.
Spend some time each day thinking of all of the things that you have to be grateful for in life and see how your mood is raised and the positive effects that it has on your life and well-being.
12. Set some time aside just for you
Self-care is one of the most important things that you can do to improve your mind, body and soul. Spending time doing something that you love, that relaxes you and that makes you feel alive is essential to your holistic health.
How much time do you spend every week looking after other people and caring for their needs? How much time do you spend on yourself? I would imagine the time difference is huge.
Set aside some time each day just for you to relax and recharge.
13. Start using positive affirmations each morning
Positive affirmations are a huge help when trying to shift a negative mindset into a positive one.
Although positive affirmations can’t cure serious mental health issues, they can help to raise self-confidence and build self-esteem.
They can make you aware of the qualities and skills that you have and can put you in a much healthier mental position.
Start each day by reciting a selection of positive affirmations to begin your day in the most positive way possible.
14. Cut down on your alcohol intake
Although alcohol can make you feel great when you have a drink, very quickly it can turn your mood and can become a depressant.
Alcohol in moderation is fine in the main but you should try cutting back if you feel that you are reaching for the bottle when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
Alcohol can be detrimental to the mind and the body so cutting back or cutting out altogether can have many many positive all-around health benefits for you.
15. Calm your mind with controlled breathing
Have you ever noticed what happens to your breathing when you are stressed or anxious? Rapid heartbeat, chest pains and short shallow breaths are often the symptoms. This all plays havoc on the nervous system and on your overall health.
When you find yourself in a stressful situation try to calm your mind by controlling your breathing. Breathing in for seven counts, holding your breath for seven and then breathing out for seven counts can help to slow your breathing and bring calm to a situation.
16. Bring more fun into your life
Without a doubt, at times laughter can be the best medicine. When things seem to be going wrong or you are stressed try injecting some more fun into your life.
Life can bring with it many stressful situations, some, you will have no control over. Try as much as possible to live on the lighter side of life and have as much fun as possible.
17. Forgive other people for anything you feel they may have done
Resentment and bitterness can lead to many health problems both mental and physical. We can all suffer from times when another person has done something to harm us but if you carry resentment with you, in the end, it will be you who ends up hurting yourself.
Try to forgive people when you feel that they have done something wrong to you, in the long run, you will feel much happier about the situation and it will relieve you of much stress and heartache if you can learn to forgive and move on.
18. Develop a positive mental attitude
Try as much as possible to adopt a positive mental attitude and look on the bright side of life. There are always going to be things that come along in life, bumps in the road that consume us with heartache or stress but don’t go looking for them. When life is good be positive and enjoy it, this attitude will help to keep the more negative side of life at bay.
19. Develop a fantastic morning routine
Start your day with a routine that makes you feel glad to be up and alive. Maybe it’s a meditation, a cup of tea in solitude collecting your thoughts, a morning walk or an exercise class.
It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it is something that makes you feel happy and alive and ready to take on the day ahead.
20. Decide to set inspiring goals for yourself
Why live a dull uneventful life when you could set yourself inspiring goals and live a life that brings excitement and adventure? By setting yourself goals that challenge and inspire you will live a life that has real meaning and purpose which will benefit you from an emotional perspective as well as from a physical one.
21. Shake up your social life
You could have people in your social circle who have become a drain on you mentally and emotionally. If this is the case it is a wise idea to shake up your social life and have people who enhance your life and who don’t drain it. It may seem like a tricky thing to do but in the long run, it will be worth it for your well-being.
22. Plan things in advance to look forward to
Make sure that you always have things in your life to look forward to. Dates with friends, holidays, day trips doing something that you really enjoy.
Having things in life to look forward to can be a real lift emotionally and can stave off many mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, and burnout.
23. Improve your fitness and become more active
A healthy body and a healthy mind go hand in hand. If you want to have good holistic health improve your physical fitness, get out and get more active in your life.
Final Thoughts
The life tips for spring cleaning your mind, body and soul discussed above will help to improve every area of your life.
Think about adding some of these tips into your daily routine to improve your physical, spiritual and emotional health. ]
Good holistic health practice is a real investment for your future and is something that you should take seriously.
Life can be tough at times especially if you have a family to look after, a job and other commitments.
Remember that your well-being is just as important as everything else and is something that you need to make a priority, so try spring cleaning your life and see how it makes you feel.
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