Life Coaching for Women Blog

Purpose, Pro-ageing, Lost Sharon Crossett Purpose, Pro-ageing, Lost Sharon Crossett

Feeling Lost in Your 50s (15 Easy Ways for Finding Purpose in Life After 50)

Are you one of the many people feeling lost in your 50s? Unsure of what has happened in your life thus far and not knowing where you are going or what you want to be doing as you get older? Do you feel that the spark has gone from your life, you’re not sure when it went out or how to get it back.

If you have heard about The U-shape Happiness Curve then you may be approaching your 50s with some trepidation or you may be in them already and thinking…is this life? The U-shape Happiness curve proposes that by the time we reach middle age - roughly our 50s now, we will be in a slump, at the bottom of the U and at our unhappiest, before we start to rise again in our 60s.

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