Life Coaching for Women Blog

Relationships, Change Sharon Crossett Relationships, Change Sharon Crossett

21 Uplifting Ideas: How to Find Yourself Again in a Relationship

Are you at the stage in your life where you are wondering how you can find yourself again in a relationship? Are you wondering how everything has changed so much and what happened to you?

Relationships are tricky to navigate and take work and commitment. In the beginning, everything seems so easy, it’s all romance, laughter, shared enjoyment and excitement but people can lose themselves in relationships very quickly if they aren’t careful and then problems can begin to arise and relationships can start to break down.

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Anxiety, CBT, Stress, Thinking Sharon Crossett Anxiety, CBT, Stress, Thinking Sharon Crossett

How to Cope When Life Seems Overwhelming

Sometimes life throws situations at us that we have absolutely no control over and what has happened in 2020 has been one of those times. When the WHO declared the Covid 19 outbreak a global pandemic, peoples' lives changed overnight. Nobody has been able to escape the fallout of this year and yet so many people have tried to take control of what has been happening in their lives and have suffered as a result. Or they have gone to pieces and felt that they could do nothing and again have experienced stress and anxiety

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Holistic Health, Positive Habits Sharon Crossett Holistic Health, Positive Habits Sharon Crossett

Health Benefits of Self-Care : 5 Easy Tips

Self-care is something that is fundamentally important to us in life but it is, unfortunately, something that not enough people give any priority to in their lives. For many, the idea of self-care means thinking about yourself which can be taken as being selfish but this is not the case at all. Everybody needs to practice self-care in order to have a healthy mind and body and to be able to function well in their life and within their relationships.

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