Life Coaching for Women Blog
17 Easy Powerful Ways for How to Stop Menopause Weight Gain Fast
There are many unpleasant, uncomfortable and depressing symptoms of menopause and for many women weight gain, especially around the tummy is one of the most unwelcome. If you are looking for ways on how to stop menopause weight gain then you are in the right place.
17 Best Tips on How to Stop Obsessively Thinking About Food
If you suffer from food obsession, you could find that it is starting to rule your life. You might constantly question how to stop obsessively thinking about food, or be constantly on the lookout for the best diets or ways in which to change your life so you are no longer ruled by food.
An unhealthy preoccupation with food can start to have consequences in all areas of your life, from your job, and health to your relationships. You can find yourself thinking about meals that you are going to be eating instead of concentrating on work, spending too much time planning meals instead of being with family and you can discover that it takes up too much space in your mind, leaving you with little room to think about anything else.
There is, of course, the major issue of health. An unhealthy obsession with food can leave you either overweight with health issues or underweight with health issues, which in both instances can be mental problems as well as physical problems.
5 Easy Tips to Lose Weight Naturally (and Keep it off for Good)
For anybody embarking on a weight loss journey, there is so much information to wade through that you can be put off before you even begin. From celebrities’ telling you how they lost weight to books, blogs, magazines, the over-saturation can leave you feeling lost and confused.