19 Super Simple Tips: How to Recharge Yourself Mentally and Spiritually

woman lying asleep at deks with laptop

What is the perfect way to recharge?

Most of us want to take care of our physical and mental health and one of the simplest ways of doing so is to recharge our batteries as much as possible. This means taking some well-earned rest and time for ourselves, stepping away from life’s pressures and doing something that we love and having mental and physical rest.

Recharging your batteries is an essential way to eliminate stress and overwhelm from your life, and to remove the build-up of pressure that modern living brings.

Why do we need to recharge our batteries?

woman standing and holdinga sring of lights

Burnout can happen very quickly if we don’t watch how we treat ourselves. If you think back to a time when you were working hard without taking a break, you will remember the way that you felt physically and mentally.

The stress and fatigue that rapidly set in and the difficulties that you might have had processing thoughts and functioning properly.

Do this over a long period and you may find it hard to function emotionally and physically. This is why it is essential to take time out for yourself and to recharge your batteries.

As well as the physical and mental stress that this form of burnout can have on our bodies, it also has damaging effects on our work and home lives.

We can become unproductive at work, can find handling simple tasks to be very difficult and it can bring many problems to our relationships, both in our work and in our personal lives.

Without proper treatment, this level of burnout can have serious consequences in every area of life.

If you imagine your mental and physical health as a battery, when it is fully charged, you can take on most things that life throws at you.

There are always going to be occasions and situations that start to drain our batteries so much that without proper care and attention and recharging, they go flat.

19 Ways to recharge your batteries

We all work in different ways and how you choose to recharge your batteries is personal to you, but there are some general ways that most people can follow;

1. Get enough sleep

Probably the best way to recharge your batteries is to get between 7 - 8 hours of sleep a night. Sleep is something that we can’t live without.

Anyone who has ever suffered from consecutive nights of disturbed sleep will be aware of how bad you can begin to feel and how difficult it is to function properly.

While we are asleep, the body repairs itself, we can mentally switch off and pressure is released from the body. Good reasons to get an early night.

2. Get some exercise

Although exercise can tire you out physically, it does wonders for mental fatigue and burnout.

Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce mental stress and anxiety. As well as that, it physically strengthens the body helping it to cope with stress and pressure.

Feel-good hormones are released to lift your mood and it helps you to regain energy naturally.

3. Meditate

One of the reasons most people will suffer from low batteries is due to stress, anxiety and generally feeling overwhelmed in life.

There are many reasons for this, family, jobs, health, relationships, and money worries to name a few.

Taking some time to practice meditation can leave you feeling recharged and mentally fitter. Meditation helps to bring clarity to life, reducing worries and stress and helps to alleviate mental fatigue.

Even if you can only spare 10 minutes a day, do that and see how different you start to feel in a short space of time.

4. Do something you love

Taking a break from your daily routine is a great way to ensure your batteries are topped up. We all know how we feel when we indulge in a favourite pastime, relaxed, energised and happy.

Doing something that we love takes us away from the day-to-day activities that can get us down and tire us out and gives us a new perspective on life.

5. Try something new

Whether that is trying a new hobby, different food or experiencing a new location, trying something new is a great way to re-energise you.

You don’t need to be away for weeks at a time or spend a fortune on a new hobby, just shaking up your routine and experiencing something different can be all it takes to pep you up and give you a new lease of life.

6. Enjoy the great outdoors

woman rocks nature

Nature has an amazing capacity to make you feel better. The fresh air, sights and sounds all combine to calm the mind and relax the body.

Whilst you are in this state you will automatically start to recharge your batteries, both mentally and physically.

Whether you get out into the great outdoors, go for a walk in your local park or just sit and relax in your garden, this is one of the best things to do to begin to repair a stressed mind and body.

7. Book a weekend at a spa

A spa weekend break is a truly wonderful way to recharge mentally and spiritually. Sitting relaxing, indulging in a spa treatment, taking a swim or just catching up on some sleep. A spa weekend can be the next best thing to taking a holiday and can really help to restore frazzled nerves and burnout.

8. Have some quiet time reading

Taking some time for yourself to just sit in a quiet cosy space and read a book can be a real joy. At times when life is hectic, this can seem like the ultimate indulgence. Throw in a hot chocolate, and a snuggly blanket and you have got yourself the perfect way to recharge your batteries.

9. Use the power of aromatherapy

Aromatherapy can have amazingly restorative properties. It works on your sense of smell to really help to relax and rejuvenate you.

The essential oils are designed to bring maximum relaxation and comfort.

Either burn some oils, pop them into the bath and have a long soak or have a relaxing aromatherapy massage.

10. Take a cat nap

There have been many studies into the importance of taking a cat nap or power break. Many countries fit them into the working day because they are so effective at recharging and boosting energy. You don’t need to go to bed for hours even just a twenty-minute break can do wonders for your mental and physical health.

If you are someone who suffers from sleepless nights or not enough sleep, then try fitting a short nap into the middle of your day to really benefit from its restorative properties.

11. Take up yoga

Yoga is excellent for the mind and the body. As well as helping you to stay supple and toned, and have great mobility, yoga is also an excellent practice for the mind. You don’t need to do complicated moves just a simple yoga practice can have an amazing effect on your mental well-being.

Try to practice some simple moves each day as you begin and you can build up your routine as you develop. Yoga concentrates on the breath which allows your nervous system to slow down and recharge helping mental fatigue, stress and anxiety.

12. Have a technology holiday

You are probably aware by now of the damage that too much technology can do to your health.

Of course, technology has its place in our lives and is something that many people couldn’t be without but it’s a good idea to have a technology holiday now and then, disconnect and do something else instead.

The blue lights in laptops, phones and notebooks are very stimulating and can affect your eyes and your brain. Using technology before you go to bed can disrupt sleep patterns and leave you overstimulated.

Try putting it away for a few hours a night and do something else instead, such as reading, listening to music or meditating. You should find that after a while you are sleeping better and feeling more relaxed.

13. Organize a relaxing social evening

Meeting up with people you love is a great way to recharge mentally and emotionally. Spending time, laughing and sharing stories and the company of people who bring you joy is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Whether it’s a meal, a night out or just a simple get-together over tea and cakes, spending time with people you care about is what we as humans need. The company of other people is very therapeutic and something that you need to make time to do.

14. Start being grateful every day

Being thankful for all that you have in life will really raise your spirits and leave you in a good place. If you find that you are constantly looking at the negatives in life, not appreciating what you have and always wishing for something else then very quickly, these thoughts are going to manifest in your mental health.

By practising gratitude, you will start to replace negative thoughts with positive ones and your whole outlook on life will begin to change. This in turn will mean that mentally and spiritually, you will begin to feel more uplifted and at peace with your life.

15. Refresh your diet with energy foods

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You are what you eat as the saying goes so if you want to be healthy, full of energy and fully recharged, then you need to start eating foods that are going to replenish your body and keep you in tip-top condition.

To do this you need to be eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, pulses and seeds. Cut down or cut out processed food, alcohol and sugary food.

Your body will work well for you if you treat it right. Take care to feed it nourishing food and in return, it will repay you with good health and vitality.

16. Discover the joy in living

Life is an amazing gift that you have been given and the more you live and age, the greater the gift is. Try to start seeing the joy in your life. Your health, family, friends, well-being, home and job. Many things in life can and will bring you joy if you look for them.

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We live in such a materialistic world now that many people only find joy in something that costs money. Many other things in life can bring untold joy without costing a penny.

17. Listen to music to revive your spirits

Music has an amazing capacity to lift your spirits and put you in a happy, relaxed state of mind.

You will have many memories associated with some of your favourite tunes so if you find yourself in a place of sadness, stress or discontentment then get out your favourite tunes and listen to them.

18. Explore your creative side

Everyone has a creative side even if they aren’t aware of it. Ok, so not everyone is a Michaelangelo or Mozart but we can all do something creative. It could be gardening, knitting, baking cakes or DIY. The activity doesn’t matter as long as you are doing something that you enjoy.

When you are indulging in something creative, your mind will be taken up completely with the task at hand, leaving no time to stress or worry. This in turn will help you to recharge your batteries both mentally and spiritually.

19. Have a relaxing massage

When it comes to relaxing times, nothing quite beats a relaxing massage.

This is a real indulgence for sure but if you are in real need of recharging yourself mentally and spiritually then it’s definitely worth doing.

Even if it is something that you can only get to do once in a while this is a treat that can leave you relaxed and rejuvenated.

Massage has many properties such as;

  • improves sleep

  • improves mental well-being

  • helps ease aches and pains

  • lowers stress

  • increases serotonin and dopamine

  • relieves symptoms of depression

  • promotes connectedness

  • promotes well-being

  • leaves you feeling fresh and energized

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, you are the only one that can take back control of your life and recharge your batteries.

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Knowing what to do is a start, but you have to put the practices into place.

This is where many people can have problems.

They know they need to do something but the feelings of stress and overwhelm can be too much for them and they end up stuck in the same routines unable to move forward.

If you find that you suffer from this problem, then working through any issues that you have with a life coach can be a way forward for you.

Having to be accountable to another person and having someone to discuss how you can change can be the answer that you are looking for.

If you would like to discuss ways to make a change then follow the link below to book a free discovery call. www.lifecoachingforwomen.co.uk

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Sharon Crossett

At 50, I walked the path of transformation and now dedicate my life to guiding other women on their journeys to fulfilment.

As an accredited life coach with a diploma in Psychology, NLP, CBT, and certifications in Mindfulness, Meditation, and holistic counselling, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to my practice.

My mission is simple yet profound: to help women get unstuck and create real, lasting change in their lives. I've been there myself, making drastic changes to now live a life I truly love—one that brings me joy and alignment.

This personal experience, combined with my professional expertise, allows me to offer unique insights and strategies to my clients.

If you're ready to transform your life and step into your full potential, I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Book a life coaching course with me, and together, we'll create the joyful, aligned life you deserve


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