Life Coaching for Women Blog
17 Easy Ways: How to Help to Sleep During Menopause
Anyone who has suffered or is suffering from disturbed sleeping patterns associated with menopause will understand straight away the issues this symptom can bring.
You are lying there at night, staring at the ceiling counting down the hours until you have to get up or tossing and turning pleading with yourself to go to sleep aware of how tired and irritable you will be the next day if you don’t get some sleep.
21 Effective Survival Techniques: How to Deal with Divorce as a Woman
There are many emotional traumas in life and along with bereavement, divorce is no doubt the biggest. Learning how to deal with divorce as a woman can be crucial to moving on with your life afterwards.
Nobody goes into a marriage expecting to get a divorce but unfortunately, it happens and it can be a very sad, stressful and difficult time for all involved in the separation.
Men and women will handle divorce differently, for women it can often be a far more visceral experience, deep feelings can come to the surface and they can experience a roller coaster of emotions, from anger and denial to guilt and sadness.
The emotional side of divorce can have a big impact on women's physical health as well, with diet, sleep, stress and substance abuse all causing health issues.
Having a support network of friends and family can be an enormous help both practically and emotionally and knowing what to expect and setting up ways to cope can aid in getting through this difficult period.
19 Easy Inspiring Tips: How to Stop Feeling Lost in Your 60's
Are you feeling lost in your 60s? Have you just turned 60 and are feeling depressed? Do you feel that you have lost your mojo and are wondering how to get it back? Or do you feel that at 60 that’s it, you feel too old and there’s no way that you can start over?
17 Powerful Ways For How to Cope With Turning 50 When You are Feeling Lost
Let’s be honest no matter how we sugar coat it, it isn’t easy getting older, and the big milestones, seem even more daunting. Changes that occur in our body can make us start to think about ageing and our own mortality. Those little aches and pains we get, joint stiffness when we move, and our eyesight deteriorating can all be depressing signs that we are getting older.
Feeling Lost in Your 40s
We live in a society where we are led to believe that there are certain markers we should hit by a certain age; finishing school, college, getting your first job and meeting your life partner usually by your late 20s. Then marriage, family, buying a home, career advancement by your late 30’s. Life up until this point is all mapped out. We are programmed from an early age to follow this formula to bring us success and happiness, and to set us up for our later years, with a family we can rely on as we get older, financial security as we retire, and all the trappings of the world that we live in.
The Benefits of CBT for Menopause Symptoms
CBT or cognitive behavioural therapy is a non-medical treatment that focuses on how what you think and believe has a direct effect on how you feel and behave. It teaches you tools and techniques for coping with the problems that you are experiencing. CBT as a treatment involves talking with someone to identify any negative thoughts and patterns that you may have and then investigates ways that you can change your thinking and feeling enabling you to make changes in a positive way behaviorally in the future. CBT treatment combines cognitive - things that you think and behavior - things that you do. It is a common treatment for a range of mental problems such as anxiety and depression.
How do Women Get Over a Midlife Crisis? 19 Ways to Avoid a Crisis and Breakthrough
Are you experiencing a midlife crisis? How would you know if you were? Are the symptoms that you are feeling to do with hormonal changes, is it the onset of menopause that is making you feel the way that you do? Are you suffering from a bout of depression and can’t identify why? As many women move into the second half of their lives, they have a feeling that they are at a crossroads in life and they are not sure which direction they should be going in. They are dissatisfied with their life but don’t know which way to turn to fix them. There are ways though, to make the second half of your life the best half, to move you away from feeling dissatisfied and stuck to feeling fulfilled and free to live your life the way that you want to.
What Helps Manage Menopause Symptoms?
Say the word Menopause and for many women, it strikes fear and dread into them. Once referred to as “The Change”, words that were laden with doom and gloom, this time in a woman’s life is rarely discussed and information about passing through this stage is sometimes hard to access. Many go through the whole experience and aren’t told anything about what to expect either before, during, or after.