Life Coaching for Women Blog

Mindset, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Sharon Crossett Mindset, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Sharon Crossett

Free Your Mindset: 21 Essential Tips for Freeing Your Mind

Do you feel like your mind is holding you back? Do you stop yourself from doing things because of a fear of failure?

Maybe you constantly tell yourself you can’t do something because of one bad experience or because you believe the opinions other people have of you.

If you are feeling stuck because of the limitations your mind places on you, then you need to discover ways to free your mind.

Freeing your mind means releasing the limitations and negative beliefs that hold you back from realizing your full potential, from exploring opportunities or from moving forward in your life.

It involves letting go of self-doubt, fear, and anxiety, allowing you to think more clearly and creatively.

Freeing your mind creates space for new ideas and perspectives to flow in. It allows you to grow and will give you a sense of empowerment.

This process encourages a positive mindset, where you can focus on your goals and aspirations without the burden of mental clutter.

Ultimately, freeing your mind helps you embrace life's possibilities and develops the confidence you need to pursue your dreams.

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Midlife Crisis, Negative thinking Sharon Crossett Midlife Crisis, Negative thinking Sharon Crossett

Midlife Crisis in Women: 17 Helpful Tips for You

By the time you get to your mid-life years, you will have already been through so much. You will have experienced many changes up to this point, good and bad - career changes, marriage, divorce, children leaving home, deaths and house moves.

All of the situations that you experience in your life will have an impact physically and mentally. In fact, by the time you get into your late forties and fifties, you will have experienced so much you may no longer recognise the person you once were.

The lessons of life can change you in many ways and this can lead to feeling lost, lacking direction and unsure of who you are any more.

It can be at this point a crisis of self can develop or a “mid-life crisis.”

A midlife crisis in women can manifest through a variety of symptoms that often reflect a mental struggle with ageing and life fulfilment.

Common signs include dissatisfaction or restlessness, re-evaluating life choices, and a desire for change in personal or professional areas.

Emotional symptoms such as anxiety and depression may arise, accompanied by a sense of urgency to pursue dreams or goals left unaddressed. Additionally, changes in relationships, including conflicts with partners or friends, can occur as women seek deeper connections or reconsider their roles.

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Self-care, Empowerment Sharon Crossett Self-care, Empowerment Sharon Crossett

How To Make Time For Me? 21 Simple Solutions

Do you constantly ask yourself, “Why do I struggle to make time for myself?” You aren’t alone, many people ask this question constantly in their lives and can never come up with an answer.

There can be many reasons why you struggle to make time for yourself but most of them will be because of where you place your priorities.

They are normally focused on everyone and everything else but very rarely are they focused on you.

Struggling to make time for yourself often stems from external responsibilities and internal pressures. Many women juggle work, family obligations, and social expectations, leaving little room for personal self-care.

Additionally, there can be a deep-rooted belief that prioritizing self-care is selfish or unimportant compared to meeting others’ needs.

This mindset can create a cycle of neglecting personal well-being, causing stress and burnout.

Recognizing self-care's essential role in overall health and happiness is crucial to breaking this cycle and carving out the necessary time for oneself.

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Change, Coaching Sharon Crossett Change, Coaching Sharon Crossett

How to Change My Life for the Better: 15 Master Tips

Have you been asking yourself, “How do I change my life for the better?” Do you want more from your life? Do you feel you are missing out on something and you want to start making changes?

If any of these questions resonate with you, you need to start looking at your life and make changes. This is a step-by-step process, that you can begin today.

Firstly, reflect on what aspects of your life you'd like to change and set clear, achievable goals.

Next, develop a plan that includes small, manageable steps toward these goals.

Practice self-discipline and maintain a positive mindset by focusing on progress rather than perfection.

Finally, surround yourself with supportive people who inspire and motivate you.

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Proageing, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett Proageing, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett

Aging Gracefully Secrets: 17 Best Aging Tips for You

Though many people fear the process, we are lucky to experience ageing. For some they worry about illness, looking older and the prospect of losing loved ones.

The attitude you adopt to aging will determine how you go through the process. One of the best attitudes to adopt is the attitude of aging gracefully.

Aging gracefully means embracing the natural process of growing older with self-confidence, a positive attitude, and the practice of self-care.

It’s about maintaining your physical and mental health, nurturing your relationships, and celebrating the wisdom that comes with age.

Rather than resisting change and fighting the aging process, it’s a mindset of acceptance and self-love.

Ultimately, it’s finding joy and purpose at every stage of life.

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