Life Coaching for Women Blog
How to Set Positive Intentions for the Day: 25 Good Intentions for the New Year
As a new year dawns, it is very tempting to start a list of resolutions that will often be abandoned halfway through the month. Let’s face it in the Northern hemisphere, when we are confronted with long cold days, very little sunshine, and are having to spend a large part of our time under artificial lighting, setting resolutions and sticking to them is destined to failure. It is the time of the year that our bodies crave carb-rich foods, chocolate, and the odd alcoholic drink. We don’t fancy going out into the cold to exercise and on top of all of that, we have the comedown from Christmas and New Year celebrations.
How to Get the Motivation to do Anything: 21 Power Tips to Motivate Yourself
As we move into the final days of the year, many of us will start to set goals and resolutions for the coming year. Whether it is wanting to lose weight, get healthier, exercise more, get another job…..whatever it is, the New Year always seems like the ideal time to start a new chapter in your life.
How do You Cope When You Feel Lonely?: 21 Tips for Overcoming Loneliness
We can all feel lonely from time to time it is a normal human emotion and there are many reasons for it. One person’s experience of being lonely may be different from another, each experience will be personal to the individual. Many people choose to be alone, they prefer living alone and they are happy to be away from busy social situations. For many though, loneliness is not a lifestyle choice, the ONS in the UK has found that 45% of adults feel lonely from time to time which equates to roughly 25 million people.
Can Limiting Beliefs be Overcome? : 15 Steps to Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs
There are occasions in life when we are apt to blame other people when we do not achieve goals that we have set, whether that be a job, promotion, or weight loss, we often look for all external excuses but don’t look to ourselves as the reason. When things don’t go our way, it is always easier to blame someone or something else but more often than not it can be our self-limiting beliefs that hold us back from achieving the things that we want from life.
How to Accept Your Life as it is Because Life isn't Perfect
Have you ever wondered if life is really meant to be perfect? We see perfection everywhere these days, on Facebook and Instagram, in films and magazines. We are constantly bombarded with celebrities who seem to live perfect lives and with friends and family on social media posts also seeming to live in some sort of perfect reality. There is so much reinforcement everywhere that it can often make our own lives seem mundane, hard, and anything other than perfect.
How to be Happy With What You Have in Life Now: 21 Easy Tips
When most people think about what it is that they want most from their life, they often answer ….” to just be happy” as if this is a concept that is somehow difficult to obtain or is fleeting and only enters our lives on sporadic occasions, such as weddings, births, expensive purchases or holidays.