How to Get the Motivation to do Anything: 21 Power Tips to Motivate Yourself
“Trust yourself that you can do it and get it”
As we move into the final days of the year, many of us will start to set goals and resolutions for the coming year. Whether it is wanting to lose weight, get healthier, exercise more, or get another job…..whatever it is, the New Year always seems like the ideal time to start a new chapter in your life.
Most of us have goals and dreams that we aspire to do or achieve but some people find it much easier to succeed than others due to differing levels of motivation. For some, motivation comes easy, they can spring out of bed in the morning with their days planned to precision, hit their targets, and end their day satisfied with all that they have achieved. For others, just getting started is a huge challenge and often they fail at their goal before it is even off the ground. For many, the real challenge to achieving the goal that they set is having the motivation to see it through to the end.
What is Motivation?
Motivation is the willingness or enthusiasm to do something. It is what drives you forward and what helps to keep you on track when the going gets tough. We all experience motivation in our lives, some good and some bad. Positive motivation can come in the form of praise for a job well done that keeps you wanting to do more to keep receiving praise.
Negative motivation can come from pressure from a boss to reach a deadline to stop you from getting fired. Both positive and negative motivational techniques can work in the short term but negative motivation can leave you stressed and burnt out and ultimately not as committed towards a goal whereas positive motivation can keep pushing you further and further.
Motivation is used to propel you forward; to make you keep reaching for your dreams and to aid you in achieving them. Motivation makes you want to do something, it gets you out of bed in the morning, drives your passions in life, and helps you to become the best version of yourself.
21. Ways to get motivated
The best results will come from applying the best motivational tricks from the beginning. If you can stick to your goal then you are going to achieve it so apply the best motivational tips to aid you in your success;
Set yourself goals
Setting goals is the best place to start when getting motivated but it is all about the goals that you set that will determine whether you stay motivated and succeed.
This may seem obvious but too many people start something that they haven’t thought through enough or start off with too big a goal. Plan ahead as to what it is you really want to achieve and divide the goal into manageable chunks.
Even if the goal seems too easy for you, that’s fine, an easy goal means that you are far more likely to reach it and this will motivate you to make bigger goals.
If you have decided that you want to start a healthy eating plan, break it down bit by bit. Start by cutting out sugary drinks or reducing meat or alcohol and then increase bit by bit.
These smaller chunks will be much easier to stick to than overhauling your complete diet in one go. As you gradually cut out one thing you can add something else until, little by little, you have constructed a healthy eating plan that you will be able to stick to without feeling that you are missing out on anything.
Make a public declaration
One of the best ways to make sure that you stick to your goal is to make it public. The more people that you tell the more you will want to see your goal through to the end. Telling people can mean that they spur you on and support you, especially if it is a goal that is going to be good for your health.
There is also the added motivation that we don’t like to look bad in front of people so if you go public you will want to save face by sticking to your goal
Build up the excitement of starting on a goal
To really stick to your goal you need to be excited about it. There is no point in having a goal that you feel lacklustre about, you just won’t see it through to the end. Have a goal that really excites you and that makes you want to really work at it.
Talk about it with other people, write it down, build a visualization around it, and read books about your goal. The more excited you can make yourself the easier your goal will become.
Say it over and over again to yourself
Build a mantra around your goal that you can say over and over to yourself every day. If you are wanting to lose weight say to yourself every day again and again, “ I am slim and fit and healthy” or whatever suits your goal.
Talking in the present tense will trick your mind into believing that you are already what you want to be. Positive affirmations work amazingly well at building confidence, keeping you on track, and assisting in reaching goals.
Choose goals which you have a passion for
Don’t commit to a goal unless it is something that you really want. Too many times people end up setting goals for themselves because it is something that somebody else wants them to achieve. If you don’t really want something then you won’t put enough effort into it, it’s as simple as that.
Passion for something will drive you forward even when you least feel like doing something.
Treat yourself upon task completion
If you find that you start to slip from your goal then give yourself motivation by promising yourself a reward when you reach the goal that you have set. This will keep you motivated and will ensure that you complete your goal. Just make sure that the treat is something that you really want.
Be kind to yourself, not hard on yourself
If you do have the odd slip-up from time to time, be kind and forgiving to yourself. Being annoyed with yourself is not going to help you move forward so don’t be too hard. Talking positively to yourself is far more inspiring than being negative
Use other people to help you stay motivated
If you do find that it is difficult to stay motivated on your own then look at joining a group where there will be other people all looking to reach the same goal. Group motivation is very powerful and can help you succeed far more than working on your own.
Measure the progress towards your goal
Sometimes it can seem as though we are not achieving things as the results can be small to register. If you are trying to get fit, the results may not be obvious right away but keeping a journal can make you aware of the progress that you are making even if you are not totally aware of it.
Do something fun with a difficult task
All goals are going to be difficult to stick to if they aren’t fun so try and get as much enjoyment out of it so your motivation doesn’t wain. Mix up exercise routines, try eating different healthy snacks, and read inspiring stories about the goal that you are working towards.
Keeping the fun going will make you far more likely to reach your goal.
“The difference between a successful person and others is not lack of strength, not lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will”
Vince Lombardi
11. Divide your goals up into manageable chunks
When starting on a goal make sure that you divide a large goal into manageable chunks. A large goal can seem overwhelming if you are looking at the entire project. Approaching the goal in smaller chunks will seem far more achievable and will mean you will be less likely to quit.
12. Use the fake it until you make it approach to being motivated
The “fake it until you make it “ aphorism is a great approach to take to stay motivated. If you lack confidence in the goal that you have set or are feeling less than optimistic or competent, then faking these emotions can keep you on track and prevent you from quitting.
13. Power through for a set time period (e.g 10 minutes)
If you find your motivation dwindling when completing a difficult task or goal then try mini-power sessions lasting around 10 minutes. Setting these intense mini-power sessions can boost your commitment and can stop you from becoming too overwhelmed with the task at hand.
14. When lacking in motivation, take a walk in a green area
There’s nothing like being outside in nature to fire up motivation and creativity. When you find your motivation beginning to dive then take yourself off for a quick walk in nature.
It doesn’t have to be in the middle of the countryside, a quick walk in your garden or local park can be just as exhilarating and can get you back on track just as well.
15. Have a daily schedule, tick off tasks
Plan your day well and you will be far more likely to stay the course and complete your goals. Knowing what you are doing and when will give you less time to procrastinate or waste.
It will keep you organised and on point. Making a list of your goals and then ticking them off will give you a real sense of accomplishment and is a physical reminder of what you have to do and what you have completed.
16. Look after yourself - practice self-care
You will find it much easier to stay motivated and complete your goals if you are fit and healthy. Make sure that you get plenty of sleep, eat well and stay hydrated. Good physical and mental health is paramount to success. If you are tired, drinking too much and not getting the nutrients that your body needs then you won’t be able to function well. Make sure that you exercise to relieve stress and to release feel-good endorphins into your body.
You also need to make sure that you have enough downtime, and time spent doing something that you love and that makes you happy. No matter what goal you have set for yourself, you need to make sure that you are looking after your physical and mental needs to stay motivated and reach your goal.
17. Leave yourself written reminders about your goal
If you find that you start to become overwhelmed by the goals that you have set and feel your motivation starting to fade, write down reminders to yourself as to why you set the goal in the first place. These physical prompts will reignite your enthusiasm and remind you of all of the feelings and emotions you had when setting out at the start of your journey.
18. Remain focused on the benefits of your goal
Writing down all of the benefits you will have from your goal is a great motivational tool. When the going starts to get a little tricky, or you feel like quitting, reading through all of the benefits should get you back on track.
19. Do something towards your goal every day
Having a “little but often” approach to goals is an effective way of not losing momentum. If you try to do too much all at once you can become overwhelmed. You also may not see the results that you are hoping for and become disheartened. Doing a small task each day can prove to be much more effective in the long run.
20. Lean into the power of perseverance
Working hard to reach your goals and never giving up can be tricky, there’s no denying it but having perseverance will pay off in the end.
Perseverance can be a very powerful skill to have and should be nurtured. When you have perseverance, you can carry on with your goal even when obstacles are thrown your way.
Success never comes easily in life, those who succeed are the ones who persevere even when times are tough.
21. Use the skill of the life coach to gain motivation
A life coach can give you all of the motivation that you need to complete a goal. When you are accountable to another person, you will find it much harder to quit.
They can also offer you tools and tips to achieve your goals. They will also be with you 100% of the way wanting you to succeed.
Having another person rooting for you can give you all of the motivation that you need to stay on track and reach your goal.
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time”
Final Thoughts
Once you have got started on your goal and the motivation has begun, the next challenge is to keep the motivation going.
Some people will have no problem with this but many people will struggle on different occasions. We can all have lapses at times that are all part of being human, there is no reason to beat yourself up about losing sight of your goal.
The key is to keep the motivation going even after a break. If for example, you are trying to lose weight and have a weekend where you break your healthy eating, acknowledge that this is what you have done and begin again. There is no point in throwing in the towel after a slip-up, they happen, the trick is to keep pushing yourself forward and not to be hard on yourself.
“There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except limits you place on your own thinking.”
Brian Tracy.
If you find that you do have difficulties motivating yourself or sticking to your goal, then think about hiring a coach to keep you on track. This is one of the best ways of making sure that you show up and commit to your goal.
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