Life Coaching for Women Blog

Midlife Crisis, Negative thinking Sharon Crossett Midlife Crisis, Negative thinking Sharon Crossett

Midlife Crisis in Women: 17 Helpful Tips for You

By the time you get to your mid-life years, you will have already been through so much. You will have experienced many changes up to this point, good and bad - career changes, marriage, divorce, children leaving home, deaths and house moves.

All of the situations that you experience in your life will have an impact physically and mentally. In fact, by the time you get into your late forties and fifties, you will have experienced so much you may no longer recognise the person you once were.

The lessons of life can change you in many ways and this can lead to feeling lost, lacking direction and unsure of who you are any more.

It can be at this point a crisis of self can develop or a “mid-life crisis.”

A midlife crisis in women can manifest through a variety of symptoms that often reflect a mental struggle with ageing and life fulfilment.

Common signs include dissatisfaction or restlessness, re-evaluating life choices, and a desire for change in personal or professional areas.

Emotional symptoms such as anxiety and depression may arise, accompanied by a sense of urgency to pursue dreams or goals left unaddressed. Additionally, changes in relationships, including conflicts with partners or friends, can occur as women seek deeper connections or reconsider their roles.

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Feeling Stuck, Changes Sharon Crossett Feeling Stuck, Changes Sharon Crossett

Feeling Stuck In Life: 15 Easy Ways To Free Yourself

Are you at a point in your life at the moment where you feel stuck? Do you lack direction, and purpose and feel your life is unfulfilled but you have no idea how to make changes?

If this sounds familiar to you, you aren’t alone. These feelings are common to many people.

The feeling of being stuck is common but sometimes it can be difficult to pin it down to an actual cause.

Feeling stuck often manifests as a lack of motivation, indecision, or a sense of being overwhelmed.

You may experience frustration, restlessness, or feel like you’re on autopilot with little progress.

Common symptoms include procrastination, self-doubt, or feeling disconnected from your goals.

Recognizing these signs is the first step toward taking action to move forward.

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Self-confidence, Beliefs Sharon Crossett Self-confidence, Beliefs Sharon Crossett

31 Uplifting Believe In Yourself Quotes: Improve Confidence Now

If you want to improve your confidence, a simple, effective technique is to repeat positive quotes. Positive quotes can play a significant role in shaping your mindset and building resilience.

Positive quotes will remind you of your potential and build your power of belief, helping to uplift and motivate you even in the most challenging of times.

One of the best quotes for believing in yourself is by Ralph Waldo Emerson: "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

This quote encapsulates the essence of self-empowerment, encouraging us to tap into our inner strength and capabilities, ultimately guiding us toward achieving our goals and fulfilling our potential

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Positive Attitude, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett Positive Attitude, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett

21 Tremendous Benefits of a Positive Attitude in Life

Would you consider yourself to be someone who has a positive attitude?

Do you look at life as a glass half full or glass half empty person.

The atttiude you have in your life will determine everything from the success you have to the quality of your realtionships.

A positive attitude is essential as it significantly influences how you perceive and respond to life's challenges.

It fosters resilience, enabling you to navigate difficulties with a sense of hope and determination.

A positive mindset can improve mental well-being, reduce stress levels, and enhance your relationships, creating a supportive environment for you to grow.

Additionally, maintaining positivity opens doors to new opportunities, encourages proactive behaviour, and enhances overall life satisfaction.

By cultivating a positive attitude, you empower yourself to take control of your experiences and pursue your goals with confidence.

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Inspiration, Motivation Sharon Crossett Inspiration, Motivation Sharon Crossett

10 Empowering Steps: How To Find What Inspires Me?

Inspiration, the stimulation to do something creative is a feeling many of us will experience at different times in our lives. Inspiration can come from various sources, ranging from nature and art to personal experiences and the stories of others.

It can appear from witnessing acts of kindness, understanding the resilience of those who face adversity, or even engaging in reflective practices such as journaling mindfulness and meditation.

Great artists, poets and writers talk about the spark of inspiration, often the precursor to some amazing work of art.

It can also be the catalyst which ignites a desire for change, encouraging you to explore your potential and pursue your goals.

Regardless of whether it is a writing that resonates within you, a story that opens new perspectives, or a moment of clarity during a quiet, mindful walk, inspiration spurs growth and encourages you to envision a bigger, brighter future.

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Abundance, Manifestation Sharon Crossett Abundance, Manifestation Sharon Crossett

19 Golden Ways for How to Attract Abundance Fast

Abundance is something most of us crave in some area or other of our lives. But what exactly does attracting abundance mean and how can you bring more of what you want into your life…

There are some things you need to do in order to attract abundance, you need to start making some shifts in your life.

Attracting abundance means cultivating a mindset that welcomes prosperity, fulfilment, and opportunities into your life.

To be abundant, you need to shift from a scarcity mentality to one that recognizes and wholeheartedly embraces the potential for growth and success.

By cultivating positive thoughts, setting precise goals, and aligning your actions with your intentions, you will create a magnetic force that draws in abundant resources—whether they be health, finance, relationships or experiences.

Abundance is more than being wealthy. Abundance is a holistic approach to living that appreciates the richness of life and the experiences you have in yours.

Abundance allows you to feel gratitude for what you already have, thereby opening doors to even greater possibilities.

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Thoughts, Feeling Stuck Sharon Crossett Thoughts, Feeling Stuck Sharon Crossett

10 Simple Steps: How to Get Unstuck Emotionally in Life

We can all be emotional from time to time. Every day, in fact, our bodies can be flooded with different emotions and happiness. frustration, anger, and joy to name a few.

At times though, we can become emotionally stuck. This may be something you have or are experiencing and are looking for ways in which to get emotionally unstuck.

There are different things you can do to become emotionally unstuck, the first thing though is you have to acknowledge and accept your feelings without judging or being harsh on yourself.

One of the simplest ways to do this is to jot down what you are experiencing in a journal so you can reflect on your thoughts.

Then identify any limiting beliefs holding you back and reframe them into more positive and affirming statements. Have people around you who are supportive and encourage you to express yourself.

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Behaviour, Happiness Sharon Crossett Behaviour, Happiness Sharon Crossett

15 Simple Tips For Passionately Living Your Best Life

Living your best life will mean something different to everyone but there are some common traits we can all adopt to make sure we are living our best lives. Setting and pursuing your goals and dreams is one of the simplest and easiest ways to begin. Doing what you love will mean living a life you love that motivates and excites you. Be true to your values and embrace opportunities to help you grow. Prioritizing your well-being and happiness, and cultivating positive relationships with yourself and others.

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Happiness, Well-being Sharon Crossett Happiness, Well-being Sharon Crossett

15 Simple Tips For How To Be Happy With Yourself

True happiness comes from within and is not reliant on external factors such as material possessions or other people.

To be truly happy, it is important to cultivate self-love, practice gratitude, live in the present moment, and pursue activities and relationships that bring you joy and fulfilment.

Additionally, setting and achieving meaningful goals, taking care of your physical and mental well-being, and maintaining positive relationships are key components of experiencing lasting happiness in life.

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Boundaries, Relationships Sharon Crossett Boundaries, Relationships Sharon Crossett

10 Easy Ways For Boundary Setting In Relationships

We should all have some boundaries in our lives so we can live the way we want to live. Boundary setting in relationships is one area in particular we need to address.

We need healthy boundaries to maintain positive relationships and to have self-respect. Therefore, it is important to fully understand what a healthy boundary is and how to implement them.

To have healthy boundaries you need to understand your limits and values and be able to communicate them clearly and assertively to people around you.

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Happiness, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett Happiness, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett

21 Step by step Ways: How to Think Happy Positive Thoughts Today

Everyone can suffer from negative thinking from time to time. Life is always going to throw up circumstances that can make you think in a negative and unhelpful way. These times hopefully are fleeting.

What though if you are someone who constantly suffers from negative thinking? If you are stuck in a cycle of one negative thought after another? How can you turn off the negative chatter in your head and replace it with more positive proactive thoughts? How can you think happy positive thoughts……today?

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Coaching, Active Mindset, Goals Sharon Crossett Coaching, Active Mindset, Goals Sharon Crossett

10 Simple Steps: How To Have An Active Mindset Today

Are you someone who lives life to the full? Makes plans and sets goals and always has opportunities on the go?

Do you surround yourself with like-minded people and feel that you are getting the best out of your life? If this is you, then you are no doubt someone who has an active mindset.

An active mindset is a mental state characterized by a proactive and engaged approach to life. It involves being fully present in the current moment, taking the initiative to pursue goals, and maintaining a positive attitude towards challenges.

Individuals with an active mindset seek growth opportunities, view setbacks as learning experiences, and embrace change as a natural part of life.

This mindset prioritizes taking action, being resilient in the face of adversity, and continuously striving for personal development. By cultivating an active mindset, individuals can navigate life with purpose, passion, and a sense of empowerment.

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Coaching, Active Mindset Sharon Crossett Coaching, Active Mindset Sharon Crossett

10 Crucial Steps: How Do You Make Important Decisions?

Everyone needs to make decisions in life, whether they are big or small have huge consequences or are simple outcomes there’s no getting away from them.

Because of this, decision-making is a crucial skill that we need to learn due to its direct impact on the course of our lives.

Whether considering a career change, a change in relationship, a house move, or daily adjustment to routines, the process of decision-making requires thoughtful analysis, weighing of options, and consideration of potential outcomes.

To get the correct outcome therefore learning to strike a balance between logic in the situation and what your intuition is saying can often be key when navigating the complexities of decision-making.

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Self-limiting beliefs, Self-worth Sharon Crossett Self-limiting beliefs, Self-worth Sharon Crossett

17 Limiting Beliefs About Self-worth: How to Master Them

Do you have a good opinion of yourself? If you were to honestly say “ Yes I really like myself and I feel I have many great attributes” then you would undoubtedly think highly of yourself and be doing well in your world.

What if you have the opinion you are awful, no one likes you and you pretty much suck at everything in life, you would be saddled with highly toxic self-limiting beliefs and would probably not be doing as well as you could be.

These kinds of beliefs could cause you to self-sabotage everything you do in your life. But what exactly are self-sabotaging beliefs?

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Purpose, Coaching Sharon Crossett Purpose, Coaching Sharon Crossett

15 Super Important Questions to Discover Your Life Purpose Today

Do you have a purpose in life or are you just drifting from one day to the next going through the motions?

Do you find you spend day after day doing the same things on a rinse-and-repeat basis…..get up, go to work, come home, watch TV, go to bed?

If this is how your life is looking then you need to find your life purpose and quick!

Although you may think you are happy and content at this moment in time and everything is just fine thank you very much, without a purpose in life you can very soon become lost, and dissatisfied and start to drift until you end with a life you no longer love or even recognise.

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Coaching, Decision making Sharon Crossett Coaching, Decision making Sharon Crossett

15 Helpful Tips: Why do I Feel so Lost in My Career Path

There are many reasons for feeling lost in life. Life changes can bring with it many conflicting feelings and as you move through your life, one of the biggest feelings which often comes up is feeling lost in your career path.

There are many reasons for this. Today, more than ever, there are so many outside influences affecting your life.

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