Life Coaching for Women Blog
21 Step by step Ways: How to Think Happy Positive Thoughts Today
Everyone can suffer from negative thinking from time to time. Life is always going to throw up circumstances that can make you think in a negative and unhelpful way. These times hopefully are fleeting.
What though if you are someone who constantly suffers from negative thinking? If you are stuck in a cycle of one negative thought after another? How can you turn off the negative chatter in your head and replace it with more positive proactive thoughts? How can you think happy positive thoughts……today?
21 Powerful Signs Your Higher Self is Talking to You
Are you someone who works on your gut instinct? Do you listen to the feelings inside and make opinions based on how you feel about them? If so you are someone who listens to your higher self.
A higher self is that innate part of you the powerful inner guide inside of you that works for your best interests. When you are aligned in life, that is your higher self, working for your best interests, in a positive, productive way so you live the life you want to be living.
The higher self is associated with multiple belief systems. It is seen as an omnipotent, intelligent, conscious being that is a person's true self.
19 Easy Tips: How to Stop Feeling Emotionally Overwhelmed
Feeling overwhelmed is an emotion which can come upon anyone at any time. It isn’t necessarily connected to a person who suffers from any mental health conditions. There are many reasons why someone can feel this way.
The causes of feeling overwhelmed can be various reasons, from work situations, relationships, and everyday stress to health conditions and burnout. There is no one reason why overwhelming feelings can suddenly come upon a person.
21 Uplifting Ideas: How to Find Yourself Again in a Relationship
Are you at the stage in your life where you are wondering how you can find yourself again in a relationship? Are you wondering how everything has changed so much and what happened to you?
Relationships are tricky to navigate and take work and commitment. In the beginning, everything seems so easy, it’s all romance, laughter, shared enjoyment and excitement but people can lose themselves in relationships very quickly if they aren’t careful and then problems can begin to arise and relationships can start to break down.
21 Effective Ways: How to Organise Your Thoughts When You Feel Overwhelmed
Feeling overwhelmed can strike at any time. Let’s face it, the world we all live in today can be very overwhelming for most people at some time or another.
Fast-paced jobs, deadlines, pressures at work, family concerns, making enough money, saving enough money, getting on the property ladder and staying on it, keeping up with technology, keeping up with everyone in your circle, the list can go on and on leading to more and more feelings of overwhelm.
When you feel this level of overwhelm and stress, you may find it hard to focus on what you are doing and need to do.
Your thoughts can begin to drift off into areas you don’t want them to go to, and you can feel as if you are trapped.
Even if you are aware that your thoughts are irrational, unhelpful or maybe unfounded, it can be difficult to stop them from popping up in your head, causing more and more complications and distractions and overwhelm.