17 Easy Powerful Ways for How to Stop Menopause Weight Gain Fast

womans legs scales

What is the best way to fight menopause weight gain?

There are many unpleasant, uncomfortable and depressing symptoms of menopause and for many women weight gain, especially around the tummy is one of the most unwelcome. If you are looking for ways on how to stop menopause weight gain then you are in the right place.

There is no one way to fight menopause weight gain, just many different tricks and tips to incorporate into your life to start bringing about change.

Each solution will be different for each person. Losing weight is never one size fits all, with many factors to be taken into account, such as lifestyle, amount of weight to lose, age, health and general fitness to name a few.

The best way to lose menopausal weight gain is to take a whole holistic approach to your lifestyle.

Factor everything from what you eat, how well you sleep, stress levels, exercise, job and relationships. You can then start to build an effective plan for you and one that will fit into your daily routine and which will be the most effective for your lifestyle.

Why am I gaining weight so fast during menopause?

The simplest explanation as to why you gain weight during perimenopause and menopause is hormones. As hormone levels drop in the body, many symptoms arise, and weight gain is one of them.

plate weight gain

As your estrogen levels start to decline, your muscle mass begins to drop, and lifestyle factors begin to affect you, such as diet, poor sleep and lack of exercise, weight gain will be inevitable.

Between the ages of 44-55, women will gain an average of 1lb in weight a year.

As your metabolism begins to slow due to muscle loss as you age, weight gain will also happen. If you continue eating the same amount of food without addressing the other factors you will gain weight.

How long does menopause weight gain last?


There is no one answer to this question that clients ask me as everyone is different and no two people will have the same experiences.

It also depends on the lifestyle changes you put into place and how well you stick to them.

Anyone who decides to make real changes to their diet, exercise routines, sleep patterns and stress levels, could find they lose weight relatively quickly and it stays off.

As with all symptoms of menopause, they can last for a short period of time or for years. The most important thing with weight gain is to be proactive to lose weight as quickly as possible (in a sensible and controlled way) so as not to create further health issues.

17 Easy Powerful Ways

1. Become a lot more active in your daily life

Think about how much activity you do on a normal day. Are you spending more time sitting down than walking around? Collectively, we spend more time in cars, sitting at desks and in front of a screen than ever before. This means we are becoming more and more sedentary and this leads to weight gain. Start to really plan activities in your day to become more active. Walk instead of getting in the car if you can. Take the stairs instead of a lift or escalator.

alcohol table

Take regular walking breaks throughout your day. If you have a fit bit start to track your steps. Small adjustments to your lifestyle can begin to have a huge impact on your activity levels, helping you to lose weight and get fitter.

2. Restrict your intake of alcohol

A small glass of wine with your dinner, a glass or two when you meet up with friends, a little something at the end of a stressful day, it’s the weekend, I can treat myself to a couple of glasses of wine.

Before you know it, all of these situations mean you can be consuming quite a lot of alcohol.

Apart from the overall health benefits you will gain, cutting down on alcohol means you will be cutting out a lot of extra calories from your diet helping you to lose weight.

3. Take up a hobby that includes physical fitness

Not everyone is a born athlete or enjoys sports. If you are someone who recoils at the idea of hitting the gym or pounding the pavements to lose weight and get fit then don’t. Instead, think of other ways of getting fit and losing weight by taking up a hobby that includes physical fitness.

It could be you decide to join a walking group, a salsa or a Zumba class. You could start gardening, playing golf or photography. Anything which gets you walking around is a great way to burn calories and lose weight.

4. Reduce the amount of sugar you consume

You might think you are pretty good at not eating too much sugar, the problem is these days, sugar is in everything.

From bread to shop-bought coffees, the sugar count can be quite alarming and you could be consuming far more than you think.

Become more aware of the hidden sugars in your diet and take steps to reduce how much sugar you consume.

As well as the benefits of losing weight, reducing your sugar intake will have great benefits for your overall health.

5. Reduce your calories consumption

You don’t need to become fanatical about the calorific intake of everything you eat but it is a good idea to be aware of how many calories roughly you are consuming in a day. Over the last twenty years or so, food portions have become much bigger, especially if you eat out a lot. There is also the tendency to snack between meals or when sitting down to watch TV in the evening.

Being aware of what you are consuming can be a real eye-opener for many and can help to you lose weight without too much effort.

6. Stand up more often instead of sitting

woman standing desk

If you have a desk job or spend a large amount of time during the day sitting down, stand up.

This sounds very simplistic but it can be very effective at getting you moving and aiding weight loss. If you can get a desk you can stand at, you will be far more likely to move as opposed to a desk you sit at.

Every hour set an alarm so you move around for 5 minutes. These are simple yet highly effective ways of burning more calories.

7. Pay Close attention to your meal planning

One of the simplest ways to lose weight and stick to it is to plan your meals in advance. When you know what you are going to be eating, you are far less likely to snack on unhealthy junk food or overeat. You will be able to have a far more balanced, healthy diet and you will eliminate the stress of what to eat at each meal. You can plan a week in advance to stay on top of your game.

junk food

8. Avoid the lure of junk food

Junk food is something you should be eliminating from your diet if you are serious about losing weight.

You have no control over your diet when you eat junk food and there are so many hidden calories in fast food, which means you could be consuming far too many without realising.

If you eat junk food when you go out, try to switch to a place that doesn’t serve any or consciously choose the healthier options.

9. Review your sleeping habits

Sleep is fundamentally important when it comes to losing weight, keeping it off and staying healthy. Poor sleeping habits mean you are more likely to snack, especially on unhealthy, sugary snacks. A poor sleep routine disturbs your metabolism, which controls your weight.

Lack of sleep can also make you feel more stressed and anxious which can often lead to overeating, especially unhealthy food to try and make you feel good. You are also more likely to reach for a chocolate bar to give you energy if you haven’t slept well, again something that is only going to add on calories and be of no benefit to you health-wise.

10. Join a local walking group

Look out for any local walking groups in your area to join. Walking is an excellent way to burn calories and get fit and there are many other health benefits as well.

There is the social side which is good for mental well-being, and the weight-bearing exercise which helps to prevent osteoporosis.

It is also a good aerobic workout for helping the heart and lungs and is an excellent way to reduce stress and anxiety, two factors which can add to weight gain.

11. Manage your stress to avoid stress-related eating

Stress can really add weight gain very easily. When you are stressed your sleeping patterns will be affected, you eat the wrong food and you can have a tendency to drink too much alcohol. Learning to manage your stress levels will be very beneficial to your diet and overall health and fitness. Look into doing activities such as yoga, meditation and mindfulness and factor a self-care routine into your day, every day.

12. Drink plenty of water

Hydration is a key tool for weight loss. Too many people confuse thirst with hunger and automatically eat something instead of drinking water.

Learn to understand how thirst feels in your body, and make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Carry a bottle of water around with you and sip it. Staying hydrated is good for so many things, your memory function will improve, you will feel less stressed, you will resist the urge to overeat and you will have fewer aches and pains.

13. Avoid fad diets

Do you know anyone who ever lost weight and kept it off after experimenting with a fad diet? No, me neither because they don’t work. Full stop. The only really sustainable way to lose weight and keep it off is to eat less, do more and have a healthy lifestyle.

Restricting food groups, only eating at certain times of the day or starving yourself for a couple of days a week will only result in weight gain in the long run and you will be far more stressed and unhealthy as a result.

14. Add soya products to your diet

Soya products have a high protein count and protein is good to eat when looking to lose weight.

Soya products also contain phytoestrogens which are plant hormones that mimic the human hormone estrogen. It is the loss of estrogen during menopause which can be a contributing factor to many women.

Soya products could help to balance hormones and help you lose weight.

15. Eat healthy fats

Not all fats are bad fats and some fats are very beneficial and can help you to lose weight. Olive oil is a good fat, it is unsaturated and can help raise good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol. Nuts and seeds are the same. By eating good fats, you will feel fuller for longer, therefore, preventing you from snacking. They are also good for heart and brain health as well.

16. Eat more plant-based foods and avoid empty carbs

vegetarian food

Avoid empty carbs such as cakes, biscuits, sweets and chocolate and instead fill up on plant-based food which will keep you fuller for longer.

Vegetables will fill you up while having a fraction of the calories of empty carbs and they are good for you as well.

Dense vegetables such as potatoes, carrots and squashes will help you to feel fuller for longer.

17. Seek professional help from a coach

Losing weight can be tough for anyone, especially if you are eating for psychological reasons. Hiring the help of a professional coach can help you to understand why you are overeating and break down the mental blocks you may have.

They can be there to offer you support and encouragement, give you tools and tips to aid you and offer you the accountability you need to reach your target.

If you would like information about weight loss coaching or menopause coaching click on the links highlighted.

Final Thoughts

Menopause can be disruptive and troublesome for many women but there are many things you can do to stop some of the worse symptoms from taking over your life.

Weight gain, although often one of the most troubling symptoms for women can be targeted and overcome by following the above tips.

Taking control of what you are eating, and drinking, how much exercise you get and controlling your stress levels can be not only beneficial for weight loss but for your emotional. physical and mental health.

Put yourself in the driving seat of your health and you will see in no time you can achieve so much and feel so much better.

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Sharon Crossett

At 50, I walked the path of transformation and now dedicate my life to guiding other women on their journeys to fulfilment.

As an accredited life coach with a diploma in Psychology, NLP, CBT, and certifications in Mindfulness, Meditation, and holistic counselling, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to my practice.

My mission is simple yet profound: to help women get unstuck and create real, lasting change in their lives. I've been there myself, making drastic changes to now live a life I truly love—one that brings me joy and alignment.

This personal experience, combined with my professional expertise, allows me to offer unique insights and strategies to my clients.

If you're ready to transform your life and step into your full potential, I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Book a life coaching course with me, and together, we'll create the joyful, aligned life you deserve


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