Life Coaching for Women Blog

Change, Negative thinking Sharon Crossett Change, Negative thinking Sharon Crossett

19 Simple Ways: How To Stop Worrying What Others Think

Are you one of those people who goes through life doing your own thing without a second thought to the opinion of others or do you stress and ruminate over the thoughts you believe other people are having about you?

If you fall into the second category, there will be several reasons for your behaviour. Often, worrying about what others think stems from a deep-rooted desire to be validated and accepted by those around you. If you believe your self-worth is tied to the opinions of others, then you will seek their approval and could also be constantly comparing yourself to them.

This behaviour can create a cycle of self-doubt and anxiety that can be incredibly damaging to the relationship you have not only with other people but also with yourself.

If you have experienced rejection or judgement, this can also make you overly concerned with the need to fit in. This can stifle your true, authentic self and leave you at odds with your core values and beliefs, making your world unaligned.

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Happiness, Well-being Sharon Crossett Happiness, Well-being Sharon Crossett

15 Simple Tips For How To Be Happy With Yourself

True happiness comes from within and is not reliant on external factors such as material possessions or other people.

To be truly happy, it is important to cultivate self-love, practice gratitude, live in the present moment, and pursue activities and relationships that bring you joy and fulfilment.

Additionally, setting and achieving meaningful goals, taking care of your physical and mental well-being, and maintaining positive relationships are key components of experiencing lasting happiness in life.

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