Life Coaching for Women Blog

Midlife Crisis, Negative thinking Sharon Crossett Midlife Crisis, Negative thinking Sharon Crossett

Midlife Crisis in Women: 17 Helpful Tips for You

By the time you get to your mid-life years, you will have already been through so much. You will have experienced many changes up to this point, good and bad - career changes, marriage, divorce, children leaving home, deaths and house moves.

All of the situations that you experience in your life will have an impact physically and mentally. In fact, by the time you get into your late forties and fifties, you will have experienced so much you may no longer recognise the person you once were.

The lessons of life can change you in many ways and this can lead to feeling lost, lacking direction and unsure of who you are any more.

It can be at this point a crisis of self can develop or a “mid-life crisis.”

A midlife crisis in women can manifest through a variety of symptoms that often reflect a mental struggle with ageing and life fulfilment.

Common signs include dissatisfaction or restlessness, re-evaluating life choices, and a desire for change in personal or professional areas.

Emotional symptoms such as anxiety and depression may arise, accompanied by a sense of urgency to pursue dreams or goals left unaddressed. Additionally, changes in relationships, including conflicts with partners or friends, can occur as women seek deeper connections or reconsider their roles.

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Life Coaching, Change Sharon Crossett Life Coaching, Change Sharon Crossett

21 Powerful Life Purpose Coaching Questions For You

We all ask questions about the purpose of life from time to time. Whether it is the big, soul-searching questions such as “Am I on the right track?” or "What legacy do I want to leave behind?" to more everyday questions such as, "What activities make me feel most fulfilled?"

Life purpose questions are reflective inquiries that help you explore your values, passions, and goals.

By contemplating these questions, you will gain clarity on what truly matters to you and identify your path in life.

Engaging with life purpose questions encourages deeper self-awareness and can guide decision-making processes, ultimately leading to a more meaningful and intentional existence.

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Change, Negative thinking Sharon Crossett Change, Negative thinking Sharon Crossett

19 Simple Ways: How To Stop Worrying What Others Think

Are you one of those people who goes through life doing your own thing without a second thought to the opinion of others or do you stress and ruminate over the thoughts you believe other people are having about you?

If you fall into the second category, there will be several reasons for your behaviour. Often, worrying about what others think stems from a deep-rooted desire to be validated and accepted by those around you. If you believe your self-worth is tied to the opinions of others, then you will seek their approval and could also be constantly comparing yourself to them.

This behaviour can create a cycle of self-doubt and anxiety that can be incredibly damaging to the relationship you have not only with other people but also with yourself.

If you have experienced rejection or judgement, this can also make you overly concerned with the need to fit in. This can stifle your true, authentic self and leave you at odds with your core values and beliefs, making your world unaligned.

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Overwhelm, Stress Sharon Crossett Overwhelm, Stress Sharon Crossett

19 Easy Tips: How to Stop Feeling Emotionally Overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed is an emotion which can come upon anyone at any time. It isn’t necessarily connected to a person who suffers from any mental health conditions. There are many reasons why someone can feel this way.

The causes of feeling overwhelmed can be various reasons, from work situations, relationships, and everyday stress to health conditions and burnout. There is no one reason why overwhelming feelings can suddenly come upon a person.

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Coaching, Coping Strategies Sharon Crossett Coaching, Coping Strategies Sharon Crossett

17 Powerful Ways for How to Deal with Executive Stress Now

Executive stress is a term used for stress affecting executives within their work environment. The term executives refer to people within an organisation who hold executive positions, these positions come with high levels of responsibilities. decision-making and stress.

The pressure these individuals face on a day-to-day basis can be enormous, having accountability for whole companies and workforces, with critical decisions being made and a huge amount of accountability within the company.

If you are someone who is suffering from executive stress, you could always be looking for ways to deal with it.

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Failure, Self-limiting beliefs Sharon Crossett Failure, Self-limiting beliefs Sharon Crossett

21 Easy Powerful Tips: How to Stop Feeling a Failure in Life Today

More than ever people feel as if they are failing in their lives.

We all live in what seems like an endless cycle of perfect images on social media, people with perfect lives, perfect bodies, relationships, homes and careers, for many it seems hard to reconcile their own lives with what they are exposed to and they feel like they have failed for not having this perceived perfect world.

Of course, it’s all smoke and mirrors, nobody has a perfect life, and those images that we see on social media aren’t real. Behind the filters, the staged sets and poses life for everyone have flaws and imperfections.

People have equal amounts of success and failure, so why do some people only ever look at the failures in their lives? What is it that makes some people feel that everything they do is worthless whilst others always just look at their successes?

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Menopause, Coaching Sharon Crossett Menopause, Coaching Sharon Crossett

19 Natural Easy Ways: How to Deal with Menopause Mood Swings

Menopause can be a challenging time of life for some women. There are many symptoms that can begin to rear around their mid-forties that can cause problems day to day. Changes to your hormone levels can play an important role in your mental health as well as physical health.

Fortunately, we are now living in a time when discussing menopause is no longer taboo and there is much more help and advice available to women than at any other time and yet many women still find that they are at a loss when it comes to recognising and dealing with the symptoms of menopause.

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