Life Coaching for Women Blog
10 Empowering Steps: How To Find What Inspires Me?
Inspiration, the stimulation to do something creative is a feeling many of us will experience at different times in our lives. Inspiration can come from various sources, ranging from nature and art to personal experiences and the stories of others.
It can appear from witnessing acts of kindness, understanding the resilience of those who face adversity, or even engaging in reflective practices such as journaling mindfulness and meditation.
Great artists, poets and writers talk about the spark of inspiration, often the precursor to some amazing work of art.
It can also be the catalyst which ignites a desire for change, encouraging you to explore your potential and pursue your goals.
Regardless of whether it is a writing that resonates within you, a story that opens new perspectives, or a moment of clarity during a quiet, mindful walk, inspiration spurs growth and encourages you to envision a bigger, brighter future.
10 Simple Steps: How to Get Unstuck Emotionally in Life
We can all be emotional from time to time. Every day, in fact, our bodies can be flooded with different emotions and happiness. frustration, anger, and joy to name a few.
At times though, we can become emotionally stuck. This may be something you have or are experiencing and are looking for ways in which to get emotionally unstuck.
There are different things you can do to become emotionally unstuck, the first thing though is you have to acknowledge and accept your feelings without judging or being harsh on yourself.
One of the simplest ways to do this is to jot down what you are experiencing in a journal so you can reflect on your thoughts.
Then identify any limiting beliefs holding you back and reframe them into more positive and affirming statements. Have people around you who are supportive and encourage you to express yourself.
10 Crucial Steps: How Do You Make Important Decisions?
Everyone needs to make decisions in life, whether they are big or small have huge consequences or are simple outcomes there’s no getting away from them.
Because of this, decision-making is a crucial skill that we need to learn due to its direct impact on the course of our lives.
Whether considering a career change, a change in relationship, a house move, or daily adjustment to routines, the process of decision-making requires thoughtful analysis, weighing of options, and consideration of potential outcomes.
To get the correct outcome therefore learning to strike a balance between logic in the situation and what your intuition is saying can often be key when navigating the complexities of decision-making.
21 Effective Ways: How to Organise Your Thoughts When You Feel Overwhelmed
Feeling overwhelmed can strike at any time. Let’s face it, the world we all live in today can be very overwhelming for most people at some time or another.
Fast-paced jobs, deadlines, pressures at work, family concerns, making enough money, saving enough money, getting on the property ladder and staying on it, keeping up with technology, keeping up with everyone in your circle, the list can go on and on leading to more and more feelings of overwhelm.
When you feel this level of overwhelm and stress, you may find it hard to focus on what you are doing and need to do.
Your thoughts can begin to drift off into areas you don’t want them to go to, and you can feel as if you are trapped.
Even if you are aware that your thoughts are irrational, unhelpful or maybe unfounded, it can be difficult to stop them from popping up in your head, causing more and more complications and distractions and overwhelm.