Life Coaching for Women Blog

Coaching, Change, Transformation Sharon Crossett Coaching, Change, Transformation Sharon Crossett

15 Powerful Transforming Ways: How Can a Life Coach Change Your Life?

Have you heard of life coaching but have been left wondering, “How can a life coach change your life?”. Life coaching has been growing more and more popular over the last few years as more and more people come to see the benefits that having a life coach can bring.

Life coaching can work on many levels and for every area of your life. It can help you to organise your time, plan and reach goals, have better relationships with yourself and other people, develop your career, plan your life, get healthy and lose weight, in fact, any area of your life can be improved by using a life coach.

There are so many benefits to having a life coach that many people are now reaching out to help them improve areas of their lives that they need to work on so that they get fast, lasting results. People have started to see the advantages of investing in themselves in the short term for long-term gain.

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Retirement, Depression Sharon Crossett Retirement, Depression Sharon Crossett

21 Easy Powerful Tips for How to Stop Feeling Lost After Retirement

Many people approaching retirement will be filled with joy at the thought of never working again but there are many others who will find the transition very difficult and will be looking for ways how to stop feeling lost after retirement.

woman sitting crossed leg with cup of tea

Retirement is often seen as being a time in life when you can start to kick back, slow down and take your golden years easy. If you have worked full-time until your retirement, the thought of being able to do what you like when you like can be liberating, to say the least.

Why then do many people struggle when they retire and find it a difficult transition?

Retirement can come with many new adjustments to life, and this is where some can find themselves feeling lost as they start to negotiate this new chapter.

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