Life Coaching for Women Blog

Emotions, Coaching Sharon Crossett Emotions, Coaching Sharon Crossett

19 Helpful Ideas: Why Am I So Emotionally Unstable?

Are you feeling highly emotional or emotionally unstable at this moment in time?

Are you wondering why you are feeling this way and looking for helpful ways to soothe your feelings?

Many women will feel emotionally unstable at different times in their lives. Emotional instability can stem from various factors.

Factors such as stress, fluctuating hormones, and life traumas. Then there are issues such as starting a new job or career, the end of a relationship, moving home and bereavement that can bring up feelings of emotional instability.

If you lack the support of friends or family, lack confidence and have a poor self-care routine, you can also find feelings of emotional instability can be exacerbated.

When you understand what your underlying causes are then you will be able to address the emotional challenges you are facing and it will bring stability to your life.

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Self-limiting beliefs, Self-worth Sharon Crossett Self-limiting beliefs, Self-worth Sharon Crossett

17 Limiting Beliefs About Self-worth: How to Master Them

Do you have a good opinion of yourself? If you were to honestly say “ Yes I really like myself and I feel I have many great attributes” then you would undoubtedly think highly of yourself and be doing well in your world.

What if you have the opinion you are awful, no one likes you and you pretty much suck at everything in life, you would be saddled with highly toxic self-limiting beliefs and would probably not be doing as well as you could be.

These kinds of beliefs could cause you to self-sabotage everything you do in your life. But what exactly are self-sabotaging beliefs?

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Thinking, Change, Well-being Sharon Crossett Thinking, Change, Well-being Sharon Crossett

21 Effective Ways: How to Organise Your Thoughts When You Feel Overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed can strike at any time. Let’s face it, the world we all live in today can be very overwhelming for most people at some time or another.

Fast-paced jobs, deadlines, pressures at work, family concerns, making enough money, saving enough money, getting on the property ladder and staying on it, keeping up with technology, keeping up with everyone in your circle, the list can go on and on leading to more and more feelings of overwhelm.

When you feel this level of overwhelm and stress, you may find it hard to focus on what you are doing and need to do.

Your thoughts can begin to drift off into areas you don’t want them to go to, and you can feel as if you are trapped.

Even if you are aware that your thoughts are irrational, unhelpful or maybe unfounded, it can be difficult to stop them from popping up in your head, causing more and more complications and distractions and overwhelm.

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