Pro-ageing Coaching

Health and Lifestyle

The pro-ageing revolution that has taken place over the last few years, aims to promote a positive attitude toward ageing in a world that sees beauty and perfection as the domain of women in their 20s.

More and more women are starting to show their true age, they want to be open and honest about their age, and they are not concerned with just looking younger but with being healthy and happy with who they are.

Pro-ageing is a way of positively describing middle age and beyond. Gone are the terms anti-ageing, this is a movement all about making a conscious decision to age with a mindset of confidence and positivity.

That is not to say that pro-ageing women don’t want to look good, more what they want is to look good and also feel good and not have to conform to other people’s ideas as to how they should appear.

Pro-ageing is all about taking a holistic approach to life, it focuses on embracing not only the way that we appear on the outside but also the way that we feel on the inside.

Pro-ageing coaching is all about aiding you in choosing the lifestyle that is right for you to help you feel your best and get the most out of your life

Healthy Eating

The importance of a healthy diet is fundamental to pro-ageing. What you put into the inside will show up on the outside so to look and feel your best you have to eat the healthiest diet and drink plenty of water, treat your body in the way it should be treated, nourish it and look after it.

platter of healthy food

In the coaching programme, we will look at the diet that you have and where it can be changed to maximize your health. Nobody can stop the body from ageing, the passage of time will always happen but what we can do is make you as proactive as possible about your health choices.

Looking at diet, water intake, cutting back on certain foods, drinking less, stopping smoking, and learning to enjoy your food will all play their part in your pro-ageing journey and will aid you in getting some control over certain risk factors in your life.

This is not to say that a pro-ageing diet is going to stop you from getting an illness but it can help in reducing the risks associated with them. Eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and pulses and cutting back on refined processed foods sugars, and alcohol can all help with how you look but also maintaining a healthy diet will keep your body functioning properly and will aid in warding off illnesses.


Just like a good diet, we all know that exercise is crucial to good health not just in keeping weight off and the body agile but in building denser bones and helping to maintain good mental and emotional fitness.

A good exercise regime should be incorporated into your lifestyle and the pro-ageing coaching programme can help you to come up with activities to keep you fit and healthy which can be adapted easily into your day.

Getting started on a good exercise programme can seem tricky at first, it can take commitment and motivation, that’s where the coaching comes in but once it becomes routine the benefits that you will start to see make it well worthwhile. Whether you are looking to increase your cardiovascular fitness or are looking for an exercise routine that will incorporate relaxation practices such as yoga, your coaching programme can adapt to fit your lifestyle.

Life Style

woman yoga mat

Pro-ageing coaching is about making sure that you have a lifestyle that is structured for you. It is about enjoying your life and making sure that it works for you and that you are happy and fulfilled with it.

This is an area that many women can struggle with because of all the commitments that they have to juggle in life, from family, parents, partners, work, and friends; the list is endless and many times women leave their own well-being to the end once they have given to everyone else.

The pro-ageing coaching programme shows you ways to fit everything in and still make sure that you are a priority in your life. This is your life and you need to make sure that it is a life that you want to be living.

Pro-ageing and emotional well-being

Pro-ageing focuses not just on the outside of the body but on the inside as well. The whole ethos of pro-age thinking is that it is the mind and the body working to make the whole happy and healthy, a truly holistic approach to life. Many women do not focus enough time or pay enough attention to their own emotional well-being which can lead to a number of stress-related illnesses, low self-esteem, and general unhappiness with their lives.

Emotional and well-being coaching aims to address the shortfalls that many have in their lives. The aim is for women to enjoy their lives and do more of what they love. To be more “selfish” and allocate more time for yourself so that you are the best version of yourself. The coaching programme will teach you;

women laighing
  • to be more conscious of your thoughts with regard to ageing and the value that you have

  • the benefits of practising mindfulness and meditation

  • positive attitude to living and ageing to promote longevity

  • feeling useful and happy as we age

  • how our perception of ageing influences our health and well-being

  • ways to aid relaxation and sleep crucial to maintaining a healthy mind and body

Pro-ageing coaching can help you to make positive choice’s in your life to have a healthier, happier, emotionally stronger life. Helping you to fulfil future life goals, helping to reinforce the idea that ageing is not a problem that needs to be solved, more that is it a positive process to be embraced and celebrated.

Ready to start…