Life Coaching for Women Blog
10 Simple Steps: How to Get Unstuck Emotionally in Life
We can all be emotional from time to time. Every day, in fact, our bodies can be flooded with different emotions and happiness. frustration, anger, and joy to name a few.
At times though, we can become emotionally stuck. This may be something you have or are experiencing and are looking for ways in which to get emotionally unstuck.
There are different things you can do to become emotionally unstuck, the first thing though is you have to acknowledge and accept your feelings without judging or being harsh on yourself.
One of the simplest ways to do this is to jot down what you are experiencing in a journal so you can reflect on your thoughts.
Then identify any limiting beliefs holding you back and reframe them into more positive and affirming statements. Have people around you who are supportive and encourage you to express yourself.
10 Easy Ways For Boundary Setting In Relationships
We should all have some boundaries in our lives so we can live the way we want to live. Boundary setting in relationships is one area in particular we need to address.
We need healthy boundaries to maintain positive relationships and to have self-respect. Therefore, it is important to fully understand what a healthy boundary is and how to implement them.
To have healthy boundaries you need to understand your limits and values and be able to communicate them clearly and assertively to people around you.