How Coaching can aid Lifestyle
You don’t have to be great to get started but you have to get started to be great.
– Les Brown
“We need to forget what we think we are, so that we can really become what we are.”
Weight and body issues
Coaching can aid in many different ways when it comes to weight and body dysmorphia issues. Whether this is in weight management and weight loss where action plans can be set up and weight loss goals organized or positive mental reinforcement and CBT with regards to acquiring and maintaining positive attitudes towards body image.
Working with a coach can give you motivation and confidence to address any issues that you have.
Many women often find that they reach a certain age and they then have to try and get back into the workplace.
Time off to raise a family can leave them feeling disconnected from the changing work environment and lacking in confidence. Working with a coach can help in boosting confidence, and set goals and action plans.
It can also help you to discover new working passions so if you are looking to change careers or move into another area but aren’t sure how to go about it, coaching can give you many helpful pointers and can keep you motivated to reach your goals.
We all have many varied relationships in our lives from partners, family, friends, and work colleagues and each one can bring different challenges.
Many women are in the “sandwich “ generation of having to bring up families whilst looking after older relatives often whilst having full-time jobs, life coaching can aid you through these challenging times so that you can cope with the stresses and strains of everyday life and still have time for you.
Although being happy all of the time is not possible in life, we all know that there are going to be times when something occurs that will bring us sadness or stress, but we still need to know how to achieve happiness and joy in our lives.
Many women though find that this is a difficult area in their lives due to their lifestyles.
Life coaching can aid in setting up positive practices in your lifestyle from mindfulness and meditation to positive affirmations and positive thinking to help you achieve a more balanced and happy life.