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What is the Importance of a Life Coach?: 15 Crucial Benefits to You

Why is it important to have a life coach?

Many people ask me “what is the importance of a life coach?” It is a term that they have heard and yet they don’t have a full understanding of what a life coach is or does.

Over the last few years, the business of Life Coaching has started to get a lot of recognition. There are many influential coaches around such as Anthony Robbins who have really put the business of life coaching on the map.

America has led the way in the Life Coaching industry and more and more coaches are appearing and starting to offer their services in this huge, growing market, yet many people are still unaware of the benefits of having a life coach and the value that they can add to your life.

Life coaching is not therapy, it is a forward-looking practice, focusing on the future and goals put forward to be achieved as opposed to therapy, which looks at the past and what has affected you up to this point. With this in mind, life coaching can be viewed as a very positive addition to the helping community, and one that can solve many problems and issues in a future-focused affirmative way.

What problems do life coaches solve?

Life coaches deal in all areas of life. Some will have a niche area such as stress management or weight -loss while others have a more overall approach to their business and offer their services based on an individual’s needs.

Coaching can deal with every area imaginable, from starting a new career to dealing with menopause, there are no areas that are off guard for a life coach…if you have a problem, there will be someone who can help you with it.

15 Crucial Benefits of Life Coaching

There are many benefits of life coaching to be had. Once you understand the value that a life coach can add to your world you will often wonder why you didn’t hire a coach sooner.

I have decided to highlight fifteen of the crucial benefits that I can give my clients. If any of the benefits below resonate with you then life coaching is something that you should definitely be looking at.

1. Provides an objective perspective on your current situation

Life coaching can give a greater perspective and understanding of life. All too often we all look at a problem or a situation from our perspective, which can lead to more problems.

A life coach looks at a situation from a different perspective and can give a different solution to a problem or a situation.

When a problem is approached from a different angle, it can often cease to be a problem. A different perspective is a great tool that can be given from life coaching

2. Help You Become More Productive In Your Life

A major benefit of having a life coach is that they can help you to really maximize the best in your life. You will begin by discovering where you are in your life now and then where you would like to be.

Many people have a vague idea of how they would like their lives to look but achieving this state is something that alludes them.

A life coach can help you to work through your goals and dreams so that you can get the best from your life. Many people are so willing to invest in some things but not in others, a contented, fulfilled life is one of the most important areas that you could ever invest in. A life coach can help you see your life more clearly using their objectivity and tools to aid you in bringing about your goals.

3. Offers clearness of thinking and shows the way forward

So many of us start each New Year with a list of resolutions that we are going to achieve throughout the year, get our dream job, achieve our ideal weight, get healthy, stop smoking…….on and on the list goes and whilst the first week momentum is high, very often by the end of January our resolutions have ended up in the same place as the Christmas tree, consigned to the rubbish.

A life coach can keep you motivated and on track to see your goals through to fruition. Their only focus is on aiding you to be better so you will have somebody who is 100% committed to making sure you stay the course and reach your goals.

4. Keeps you accountable for the plans and goals you put in place

Everybody has daydreams, times when our mind slips off to a place where everything is better, no stress or worries, and life is perfect. Okay, so we can’t always live in such a place in our day-to-day reality but there are plenty of things that we can do to improve the lives that we have.

The problem for some people is they get stuck in the land of dreaming and never actually achieve anything in the real world.

This is where a life coach can help. They can keep you accountable for the plans and goals that you have set in your life. They can help you to turn your dreams into reality.

We can all do with motivation at some time or another and somebody to hold us accountable to ourselves. Having a completely objective life coach is the best person for the job.

There will be no judgments or recriminations with a coach just motivation and support.

5. Help you to examine your belief systems and any preconceived ideas

Confidence is so often the key to so much in life. Being confident in ourselves and our abilities can give us so much and take us to so many amazing places and experiences. So many of us though can lack confidence which can really hold us back.

Most people are riddled with self-limiting beliefs that stop them from ever achieving what they want from life. Think of times that you maybe didn’t apply for a job because you thought that you weren’t good enough or missed out on amazing social occasions as you lacked the confidence to meet people.

A life coach can really work through these issues with you and can give you a much better understanding of yourself and your abilities. When we stop listening to the voice inside our heads that is always telling us we can’t do something and start listening instead to somebody who is supporting us and encouraging us it can have a fantastic effect on our confidence.

A life coach can help you get to the root of self-limiting beliefs and can aid you in becoming a stronger, more assured, and confident person.

6. Helps you Find Your Purpose in Life

What if you are unsure of your true purpose in life? This is a common problem that a lot of people have. Age is not a factor in being dissatisfied with what is happening in your life. Many people get to their 40s and 50s and realize that they are not living the life that they want but they are unsure of how to bring about change.

A life coach can help you to rediscover lost passions or discover new ones. They can give you the confidence to try new things and find your real purpose in life.

7. Coaching can provide you with the tools to solve a particular issue

There are many tools that a life coach can give you to facilitate you reaching your goals faster and more importantly, staying true to them. The tools you can be given during life coaching sessions can help you to solve issues that you have in your life when you apply them in the right way.

8. Help you become more mindful of the present moment

We all spend far too much time living in the past or the future and not focusing on the present. Yes of course we all need to look to the future and plan the life that we want, but we also need to spend time in the present and appreciate all that we have now. Learning to be more mindful and more aware of our present situations can actually reward us with a better future.

9. Help you to become more self-aware

Are you really aware of who you are and what you want? Or do you have just a vague idea about where your life is going and what you would like out of it? Are you doing a job that you love or are you just drifting along not really knowing the direction that you should be going in? These are the questions that can be answered by working with a life coach.

10. Help you become more productive in your life

Are you one of life’s procrastinators? Always putting off to tomorrow what could be done today? Do you constantly sidestep much of what is happening in your life and then feel guilty?

Life coaching can be the best tool that you will ever have for becoming more productive and proactive in your life. Take back control and be more productive in your life by committing to coaching.

11. Potential to improve job satisfaction and advancement

If you are 100% honest with yourself, are you happy with the job that you do and where it is going? Or are you someone who would love to make a change but doesn’t know how to go about making the change or following through?

Coaching can help you to reach your true potential in your career, or find the job that you should be doing. We spend a large chunk our of lives working, we owe it to ourselves to be doing something that gives us real satisfaction.

12. Allows you to identify your strengths and use them effectively

We all have many soft and hard skills that we acquire through our working lives but many of us don’t know where we would be best placed to put these skills to good use.

Coaching allows you to identify the skill set that you have and then apply these skills in ways that they can be utilised most effectively.

13. Help with your personal and social relationships

We can all suffer at times from a breakdown in relationships - both personal and social. Things come up in life, words are said that we don’t mean and we can find ourselves facing broken relationships and no way of fixing them.

Coaching can give you the tools and help to be able to deal with everyone in your life and keep your relationships running as smoothly as possible.

14. Help re-ignite your passion for life again

Do you feel that you have lost your spark? Were you fired up and raring to go at one time but now you can’t be bothered and would rather just sit watching boxsets on TV?

We can all lose our spark at times, forget the things that we used to love or get stuck in a rut with no way out.

Coaching can be the route that you need to re-ignite your passion for living again and get you back on track to living a more satisfying and fulfilling life.

15. Help with stress and anxiety in your life

It could be that you suffer from anxiety and feel that this is holding you back from really living the life that you want. It could be preventing you from travelling, meeting people, and taking the bold chances that you would love to take in life.

Anxiety can be a debilitating illness but with the right coaching, you can start to live your life again free from the stress and anxiety that can be crippling. Coaching tools can aid in all areas of stress and anxiety and can help you to take back control and live your life to the full.

Final Thoughts

When you ask the question “What is the importance of a life coach?” there are many reasons why you should invest in one.

When you weigh up the value you get from having a life coach and you see the benefits that having one can afford, you know it is time to start investing in one.

For the initial outlay that you have, you can benefit from having a lifetime of rewards coming your way; from a better job to better health, more fulfilling relationships, and a greater understanding of who you are as a person and where you want to be going in life.

Whatever the reason is that you feel that your life is not going the way that you would like it, having a life coach can supply you with the tools and motivation that you need to make your life the best it can be.

To find out all the ways that life coaching can help you click on the link “How coaching can help me”.

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What is the Importance of a Life Coach? 15 Crucial Benefts to You Sharon Crossett

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