21 Step by step Ways: How to Think Happy Positive Thoughts Today
How do I change my negative thinking?
Everyone can suffer from negative thinking from time to time. Life is always going to throw up circumstances that can make you think in a negative and unhelpful way. These times hopefully are fleeting.
What though if you are someone who constantly suffers from negative thinking? If you are stuck in a cycle of one negative thought after another? How can you turn off the negative chatter in your head and replace it with more positive proactive thoughts? How can you think happy positive thoughts……today?
To change your thought pattern from negative to positive you need to become aware of the negative thoughts as they arise.
Learn to identify the triggers that lead to these thoughts and challenge them by questioning whether they are true or false. Make a habit of replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
You must remember you are in control of what you think and you can choose whatever thought enters your mind. Become more aware of the thoughts you are having and you will be able to change the thoughts that aren’t serving you.
What triggers positive thoughts?
There are many ways you can trigger positive thoughts with simple changes in habits and your daily routines. You can trigger positive thoughts by practising gratitude and mindfulness.
Exercise can also trigger a flood of positive thoughts as well as going outside in nature and spending time with friends and family who uplift you.
Adopting these triggers can help shift focus away from negativity and move toward a more optimistic outlook on life.
By being aware of the thoughts you are having you can consciously change to more positive thoughts.
Follow the twenty-one simple steps below to discover even more ways to have happy thoughts today.
21 Step by step ways
1. Use the power of gratitude
It is amazing when you start to adopt a simple gratitude practice into your day how you will begin to feel so much more positive about life. The act of being grateful for all you have will highlight……well all that you have. It’s so easy to think negatively when there are things you want in life.
We live in a world of consumerism where we are told to get more of everything. This can lead to hedonistic adaptation - the idea that we quickly become bored of everything we have and then want more. This can quickly lead to negative thoughts settling in our brains.
When you are grateful for all you have, no matter how little, it sheds light on everything and everyone in your world and can only make you think positively. You can’t think negatively when you are being grateful.
2. Surround yourself with positive people
There’s something about surrounding yourself with happy, positive people that makes their energy rub off on you. If you want to think positively every day then make sure the people you see daily are positive and life-affirming.
Of course, there are going to be people who impact negatively on you who you won’t be able to avoid all of the time but try and make a real effort to limit the amount of time you spend with them wherever possible.
Being more mindful of who you choose to spend your time with will increase your positive thoughts.
3. Make sure you laugh every day
Laughter is not only the best medicine, it’s a surefire way of making you think positive thoughts. You can’t be laughing and thinking negatively at the same time. Whether it is a podcast that makes you laugh, a book, friends or family, indulge in laughter to lighten your mood and thoughts.
4. Try new things
Often negative thinking can come about because you feel stuck in a rut. When boredom sets in your mind can go to darker more negative places. To switch your thoughts back to positive and happy, try something new.
Shaking up your daily routine, doing some different activities, going to a new location or trying a new hobby are all ways of introducing diversity and change into your life. This should help to turn negative thoughts around and lift your mood.
5. Live mindfully
Mindful living means living in the moment, being present with what you are doing right now. When you are mindful, you won’t be worrying about what has happened in the past or what will be happening in the future, all you will focus on is the here and now.
This is the only time we have, the present moment, this is the only time you have any influence over.
The past has gone and the future is yet to appear.
When you approach life from this position, it will fill you with happier, more positive thoughts.
There is no point worrying about what has happened or what could happen as you have no control over them.
This viewpoint should help you to realise that mindful living is all about the here and now in a positive affirmative way.
6. Have a regular practice of self-care
Spending some quality time with yourself is a great way to boost your mood and promote positive thoughts. Get into the habit of developing a weekly self-care routine, a space where you can relax, recharge and spend time doing something you love and bring joy into your life.
You need to be aware that it isn’t selfish to spend time doing something you love or have time for yourself. We all need time to be alone and indulge in hobbies.
The more you can develop this routine, the happier and more productive you will be in your life.
7. Focus on the good in life not the bad
It is all too easy to focus on the bad in life. In this age of technology, we seem to be bombarded with everything bad that Is happening in the world on a constant loop.
If you want to change the way you think you need to disconnect from what is happening around you.
Switch off from technology, step back from the news and indulge in the good things that are happening in your life.
Even if you think you don’t have anything good, there will be something if you take a moment and look for it.
Whether it is the people in your life, your health, your job, where you live, your morning coffee or even a beloved pet, everyone has something in their life that can bring them joy and positivity.
8. Observe when you are negative in your life
Are you aware of when you are being negative? It may seem like an obvious question but many people are unaware of what they are thinking and the damage their thoughts can be doing to them. Start becoming aware of what you are thinking. This can be done by becoming aware of the feelings you are having. Do you feel sad? What thoughts are in your head while you are having this emotion?
By becoming aware of the thoughts you are having, you can make a measured approach to changing them.
9. Stop yourself using negative words
Do you consistently use negative words? What language do you use daily? Are you someone who constantly uses negative rhetoric?
The words you use reflect the thoughts you are having. By becoming aware of the language you use, you can change the thoughts you are having and can begin to feel more positive and happier.
10. Use exercise to elevate your mood
If you are looking to quickly change the negative thoughts in your head, get moving. Exercise is a fantastic way to get feel-good endorphins flowing around your body to boost your mood. Whether it is a brisk walk in the fresh air, a spin class or swimming, spending quality time exercising is good for your mind and body.
11. Don't be a perfectionist be kind to yourself
Instead of striving for perfection in your life aim for progress and growth instead.
We are constantly surrounded by images of supposed perfection in life today. Social media plays a huge part in how we judge our lives in comparison to other people.
Instead of judging yourself and striving for perfection, celebrate your efforts and accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem.
Cultivate a mindset that promotes self-love and acceptance. Remember, it's okay to be a work in progress. Let go of self-criticism and be kind to yourself instead.
12. Keep physical reminders around you to be positive
Having a physical reminder is a great way to stay positive. It could be a photograph of a loved one, a certificate of accomplishment such as a degree, or a trophy you have been awarded.
Physical reminders can help to instil positive thoughts. They can aid in reminding you of all of the things you have in your life, and these prompts can work to change your mindset. We can all benefit at times from reminders of the things we have in life to be grateful for.
13. Use journaling to be positive and grateful
Journaling is a good way to help you organise your thoughts and examine what you are thinking. Putting pen to paper is a very powerful exercise that can help your brain to think more positively and helpfully.
Journaling can help you to examine the credibility of any negative thoughts you may have and can put thoughts into perspective.
There are many proven therapeutic benefits of journaling, from relieving stress and anxiety to reducing the number of days a person has off work.
So if you want to start thinking more positively, go and get yourself a beautiful journal and start putting pen to paper.
14. Start the process of meditation each day
By dedicating time each day to meditation, you create a space for cultivating a positive mindset. Through meditation, you can focus on happy thoughts, allowing yourself to reframe negative thinking patterns.
This daily practice can help reduce stress, increase self-awareness, and promote overall well-being. Consistency is key in establishing this habit, and over time you may find yourself approaching life with a more optimistic outlook.
15. Use visualisation techniques to imagine positive outcomes
Visualization techniques can be a powerful tool in shaping positive outcomes in your life. When you begin fostering a mindset rooted in optimistic thoughts you will start to see real change for the better in your life.
Start to vividly imagine successful, joyful episodes, what you most want from your life, places you want to go to, results you want to achieve, and the individuals you want to surround yourself with.
These mental images will cultivate a more positive outlook in your life This practice can help reduce stress, increase motivation, and enhance overall well-being.
16. Make sure to get sufficient sleep each night
Prioritizing a good night’s sleep is crucial in maintaining a positive mindset and happier more joyful overall well-being. Never underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep.
Sleep plays a pivotal role in helping to regulate your emotions, it aids in enhancing your cognitive functions and boosts your mood.
Look to set up a good bedtime routine. NO electronic devices an hour before you retire. Cut down on alcohol, don’t eat too late. Aim for between 7-8 hours a night. The more sleep you get the more resilience you will build up and the happier and more positive you will feel.
17. Be accepting of things out of your control
You can only ever control a fraction of what goes on in your life. The thoughts, actions and behaviours of other people are things you will never have any control over so there is no point in wasting time and energy trying to control them.
Learn to accept this fact today and you will begin to have happier and more positive thoughts.
Trying to control everything and everyone in your life will only ever lead to negative thoughts. Instead, focus on what you can control…….YOU. How you think and feel. Lay all your energy here, You do You and let everyone else do them.
18. Develop a positive morning routine
Establishing a positive morning routine sets the tone for a successful day filled with happy and positive thoughts.
Begin by waking up early to allow ample time for self-care and reflection.
Engage in activities that bring you joy and peace, such as meditation, exercise, or reading something uplifting. Avoid the news and social media.
Nourish your body with a nutritious breakfast to fuel your physical and mental well-being. Get into the habit of setting positive affirmations for the day ahead. By prioritizing positivity in your morning routine, you will promote happiness and fulfilment throughout your day.
19. Practice reframing a potential negative situation
There will be times in your life when a negative situation will show up. This is something you have to learn to accept, there will be bumps in the road so learning to deal with them will prevent them from becoming issues that floor you.
Learning to reframe negative situations involves being able to move your focus on positive aspects. When you consciously decide to think thoughts that are happy and positive you will change how you respond emotionally.
20. Maintain a broader perspective and avoid polarized thinking
Life isn’t black and white, there are many shades of grey. When a situation shows up, avoid having one set, polarized perspective.
To be positive and happy, you will need to be able to see through situations you are dealing with without having a set point of view.
The broader your perspective of the situation, the happier, more positive and in control you will be.
21. Establish positive goals to achieve in your life
When you have something to aim for you will automatically be thinking more positively and feeling happier.
Goals give you motivation, stimulus, clarity and direction. These are all positives to keep your mindset in a place where you will think positively.
Set short, medium and long-term goals so you are always working towards something and don’t forget to celebrate when you reach each goal.
Final Thoughts
Thinking happy positive thoughts today can significantly impact your overall well-being and mindset.
This will improve your mental and physical well-being.
By consciously choosing to focus on everything good in your life, you will develop a more optimistic outlook and attract positivity into your daily experiences.
Adopting a practice of gratitude and mindfulness will help you shift your perspective towards abundance and happiness.
When you begin to embrace positivity in your life, it will not only uplift your mood but will also build resilience, help you to navigate challenges and start to think in a solution-focused way.
Spend some time reflecting on the power of our thoughts in shaping your reality and strive to carry this positivity forward into every day.
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21 Step by step ways: How to think happy positive thoughts today
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