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15 Powerful Transforming Ways: How Can a Life Coach Change Your Life?

What are the benefits of coaching?

Have you heard of life coaching but have been left wondering, “How can a life coach change your life?”. Life coaching has been growing increasingly popular over the last few years as more and more people come to see the benefits of having a life coach.

Life coaching can work on many levels for every area of your life. It can help you to organise your time, plan and reach goals, have better relationships with yourself and other people, develops your career, plans your life, gets healthy and loses weight, in fact, any area of your life can be improved by using a life coach.

There are so many benefits to having a life coach that many people are now reaching out to help them improve areas of their lives that they need to work on to get fast, lasting results. People have started to see the advantages of investing in themselves in the short term for long-term gain.

Instead of just seeing the expense of coaching, they are weighing up the real benefits that coaching can bring them and how it will help them to make more money, become more confident, boost self-esteem and have the lives that they have been wanting but have been too afraid to go out and get.

In essence, life coaching gives you the tools and skills to live the life that you dream of in the way that you want to live it.

By focusing on you real change is possible when you use a life coach.

What are the Benefits of coaching in improving performance?

How you perform in life will determine many of the outcomes that you get. The house that you live in, the car that you drive, the job that you do, the holidays that have, the friends in your life and how you feel about yourself.

Your performance in life affects every area of it and if you want a better life than the one that you are living, then you have to improve your performance.

This can be a difficult concept though. How do you improve your performance? Many people buffer through their lives. They want something better but are too afraid to move out of their comfort zone or are stuck in procrastination mode, unable to muster up the enthusiasm to really bring about change. This is where a life coach can help.

Life coaches are trained to help you to plan every area of your life. To give you the tools that will bring about change, to offer you the accountability to go out and get what you really want and to be there to support you whilst you are making those changes.

Life coaching can help you to bring about the change that you want in life and can aid in you making major improvements in the areas where assistance is needed. They can show you the direction to go in and give you the support and the encouragement to take back control of your life.

15 Powerful Transforming Ways

1. Boost your personal self-confidence

If you are suffering from a lack of self-esteem and are in need of a confidence boost then life coaching could be just for you.

Life coaching helps you to understand the negative thoughts that are running wild in your head and the unhelpful thinking that produces the pessimistic feelings that you have about yourself.

When you embark on a coaching journey, you will be given the tools that you need to turn around the thoughts that you are having now into ones that are going to serve you and start seeing yourself in a better light.

You will begin to understand why you are thinking in the way that you do and will be given the support needed to start viewing yourself in a far more positive way, boosting your confidence and raising your self-esteem.

2. Help you to have better relationships with the people around you

Do you have tricky relationships with those close to you?

Do you find it difficult to engage with people that you work with or find that spending time with friends and family can sometimes be tricky and something that you try to avoid doing?

The way you view yourself and other people can begin to have all sorts of negative implications on relationships.

We all need to have good relationships in order to do our jobs or live harmoniously. When you can’t interact with other people, it can begin to have a very negative impact on your life. Your job can suffer and you can become estranged from those around you leading to emotional problems and isolation.

Coaching can help you to figure out what you want from your relationships, how to talk to other people and how to treat other people.

It can help you to stop judging others for not acting in ways that you expect them to and can show you how to be yourself around other people.

3. Help you to defeat stress and lead a more relaxed life

Stress and anxiety can be very harmful to your emotional and physical health. If you find that you are suffering from stress and are trying to discover ways in which you can eradicate it from your life, then coaching is a great place to start.

Coaching, especially holistic life coaching can help you to examine all areas of your life. Your diet, how much exercise you get, your relationships, your job, how you feel about yourself and how you feel about your life. When you understand where the stress is coming from then you can begin to make changes to shift it from your life.

Coaching can show you how to remove stress and anxiety from your life so you can begin to feel more relaxed and settled.

4. Allow you to become the best version of yourself

Are you happy with who you are or are there areas of your life that you would love to change? Do you feel that you are living up to your true potential?

Are you happy with your weight, exercise routine, what you eat and drink and the job that you do? Do you feel that you are the best version of yourself or are there changes that you would love to make but don’t know how to even begin?

Coaching can help you to become the best version of yourself, to be the person that you have always wanted to be.

When you work with a life coach, you will have somebody to be accountable to but also someone who is there to support you 100%. This can make all the difference between success and failure.

5. Gives you a greater purpose and understanding of your life

Do you understand where your life is going? Do you know what you want from life and what your true purpose is? Do you fully understand your core values and beliefs and the actions that you take in life? Many people have no real understanding of what their purpose is in their own lives, they just drift on day after day, dissatisfied but without knowing why.

Working with a coach can give you a greater purpose and understanding of your life. They can help you to discover a whole different side to yourself and can help you to unlock your true potential.

6. Makes you more accountable to your goals and dreams

We all have goals and dreams it’s just that some people act on them and some people don’t. I am sure that you can remember a time when you thought, “ I would love to become a teacher” or “ I would love to travel to America”.

Whatever your dreams or goals were, have you achieved them? Did you become what you wanted to be, have you travelled to the places you wanted to see or are you still just dreaming about them?

Unless you set yourself goals, those dreams will remain just dreams. Fantasies in your head that are yet to be realised. Life coaching can help to turn those dreams into your reality.

By setting goals with a coach you can start to structure your life to achieve the things that you have always wanted.

7. Offers you emotional and psychological support through life’s difficulties

Life can be tough and no one will go through it without having some emotional and psychological upsets. We are all going to lose loved ones, have romantic upsets, many will face money worries or job insecurities. There will be times when a long-for desire will be crushed and life will seem painful.

This is where working with a life coach can help. They can help you to see that in these situations there are ways to make it through, that life is always going to have hurdles that need jumping but that once over them, life can begin to run smoothly again.

Coaching puts life into perspective, giving you tools to help you cope and offering support when it is needed.

8. Provide you with an objective perspective on your life

When you look at your life just through your eyes, it can often seem distorted.

You can struggle to see the wood from the trees and many areas can leave you feeling overwhelmed, not knowing which way to turn to get back on track.

This is when working with a life coach can be very beneficial. They can provide you with an objective perspective on your life.

Helping you to see challenges another way, and getting you set in the direction that you need to be going in.

9. Shows you how you can face your fears and overcome them

Everyone has fears. Some people though are just better at facing theirs and moving through them. Working with a life coach can help you to face your fears, overcome them and move on with your life, in a stronger frame of mind.

Often it can be a simple matter of overcoming unhelpful thinking, and often there can be a more persistent fear that is holding you back. When you learn to change your thinking around your fears so much more will be opened up for you. As the saying goes, “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” A coach can help you to get to the other side.

10. Gives you absolute clarity about what you truly desire out of your life

When you are seeing life clearly, you will know what you want and how to get it.

The problem is that many times, you don’t have the clarity in your life that you need to get what you truly desire out of IT.

Working with a coach can help you to establish the clarity that you need.

They will help you to look at what you want, set up SMART goals or HARD goals and then give you the tools to go out and achieve your vision for yourself.

When you know what it is you want from your life and how to get it, there should be nothing holding you back from achieving all of your dreams.

11. Helps you to build and maintain, positive rewarding good habits

Good habits are a strong foundation on which to build a satisfying and rewarding life. When you have good, positive habits in your life, you are on track to living the life that you want. Coaching can help you to establish good habits and eradicate bad habits.

When you have unhelpful, negative habits, it can be very difficult to get rid of them by yourself. No matter how good your intentions are, at times it can be too difficult to stick to the good habits no matter how hard you try. Working with a life coach will give you the accountability you need to stick to the new habits until they have become set in your mind and established for good.

12. Helps to improve your professional and career skills

You may want to work with a life coach to improve your professional and career skills.

Coaching is an excellent modality to help you to pursue your way up the career ladder or to improve the skill set that you have or to get a new skill set.

Working with a coach can help you to stay focused and on track to get to where you want to be in your professional life.

13. Improves your overall physical and mental health

Your mental and physical health are two of the most important assets that you will ever have. Learning to look after them is vitally important and yet so many people don’t see the importance of doing this.

When either your mental or physical health is underperforming, it will have a knock-on effect on other areas of your life. Using the skills of a life coach can help you fully understand the importance of having good overall health. They can help you to set goals, reduce stress and hold you to account to bring your mental and physical health up to scratch. You are the best investment you will ever make after all.

14. Help you to find a new direction in life

If you have lost your way in your life then a life coach can help you to find a new direction and get you back on track.

Everyone can lose their way every now and again but sometimes you can find that you have drifted so far away from where you want to be that you feel too overwhelmed and have no idea how to get back to where you need to be.

The support and guidance from a life coach can be just what you are looking for and they can even help you to discover places you didn't even think about.

15. Life coaching can give you greater personal self-awareness

When you really know and understand who you are, your life will be much easier. the issue for any is understanding who that is and gaining greater self-awareness.

A life coach can help you to discover who you are and who you want to be. They can help you to develop the skill set that you need and give you the tools to go and become the person that you feel is inside of you.

Final thoughts

If you have thought about how a life coach can change your life, as you can see there are many ways that this is possible.

Working with a life coach can transform every area of your life. They can show you tools to use to bring about real and lasting results.

They can offer you the support and encouragement needed to facilitate change and they can present you with accountability when you are struggling to motivate yourself.

You are worth investing in and the more you invest in yourself, the better your life will be. If you want change to happen in your life then you have to be the change and working with a life coach can mean that this change will happen.

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15 Powerful Transforming Ways: How Can a Life Coach Change Your Life? Sharon Crossett

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