21 Powerful Signs Your Higher Self is Talking to You
What is my Higher self?
Are you someone who works on your gut instinct? Do you listen to the feelings inside and make opinions based on how you feel about them? If so you are someone who listens to your higher self.
A higher self is that innate part of you the powerful inner guide inside of you that works for your best interests. When you are aligned in life, that is your higher self, working for your best interests, in a positive, productive way so you live the life you want to be living.
The higher self is associated with multiple belief systems. It is seen as an omnipotent, intelligent, conscious being that is a person's true self.
How do you connect with your higher self?
You don’t need to be some Eastern guru full of ancient wisdom and learning to tap into your higher self. Anyone can learn ways to connect with their higher self, it just takes patience and practice. This is something that takes time to master but if you are willing to spend the time and energy on this practice, you will be able to connect with your higher self.
To be connected to your higher self, you need to become more aligned with yourself. This may seem to be a strange paradox, as many believe to be connected with your higher self, you are already in alignment.
Making better choices in your life will start the process of alignment. Practising mindfulness and meditation will aid in your alignment. Living your life in a way that brings value and purpose and centring on love and communication with other people will help you to be more aligned.
You will understand when you are aligned with your higher self as it will begin to talk to you. Below are 21 signs your higher self is positively working for you and communicating with you.
21 Powerful Signs Your Higher Self Is Talking to You.
1. A feeling you're not reaching your full potential
You know you could do more and realise you are not reaching your full potential. When you experience these feelings, your higher self is talking to you, and encouraging you to push yourself further.
Your higher self is aware of the potential you possess. It wants you to live the best life and achieve everything you are capable of. Don’t fight these feelings, move out of your comfort zone and reach the heights you are made for.
2. You begin to get in touch with your intuition
If you already work with your gut instinct, you will understand how powerful a force this is. That feeling inside that gives you direction and tells you what you should do.
Your intuition is an innate force within you which gives you an innate ability to know something or do something without consciously weighing up the options.
This is an extremely powerful force to possess and have working for your best interests.
3. You experience an increased level of sensitivity
An increased level of sensitivity is another sign your higher self is talking to you. You begin to notice what is happening on a deeper level in your world and with the people around you.
You can become more empathetic, feel everything on a deeper level and become far more in tune with your emotions.
4. You feel a desire to change your social circle
It is not unusual to shed friends as you move through your life. Over time people change and grow in different directions. When you are more aligned with your higher self, you may find that your friendship circle no longer resonates with you in the same way.
You may begin to seek out more like-minded individuals who think and act in the same way as you. This is no one’s fault, it is just a sign you are moving in other directions.
5. When you are feeling unhappy in your career or job
Feeling unhappy or dissatisfied with your career or job is a sure sign your higher self is talking to you. Often you will take a job because it aligns with your core values and beliefs and you are happy and content to continue working.
If a job doesn’t align with the values you hold it can leave you feeling unsettled, wanting to find a new direction. These feelings come from your higher self, a nudge to get you to make a change.
6. Your dreams begin to communicate important messages
Every one of us dreams when we sleep. You will have many dreams during your lifetime, some you will remember and some you won’t. Some will be vivid and some will be hazy.
Some of your dreams will be a jumble of images that seem to make no sense while others will seem to offer you real clarity and understanding.
The psychiatrist Carl Jung believed that dreams were a way of our higher selves talking to us. He discussed this in his work on Dream Analysis. Jung believed that dreams are a way for the unconscious mind to communicate with the conscious mind.
If you have begun to have vivid dreams with messages coming through, this could be a sign your higher self is communicating with you. Listen to the meanings coming through your dreams and try to understand how they fit into your day-to-day life and then react accordingly.
7. You develop a focused purpose in your life
When you have a focused purpose in your life, this is a sign your higher self is talking to you.
Focus is important to living your life in alignment with your hopes and dreams and your values and beliefs. Your higher self will help you to stay focused and connected to your true purpose in your life.
8. You see the repetition of certain numbers in your life
When you are in touch with your higher self you will begin to see certain numbers repeated over and over. This could happen anywhere, car registration plates, telephone numbers, till receipts or ticket machines.
Numbers such as 11-11, 222, 444, 777 and 25-25 for example will be sequences many people see regularly. These numbers are often referred to as Angel Numbers and are an indication of direction or confirmation from your higher self.
9. A desire to start being more creative in your life
Have you had a sudden urge to get more creative in life? A desire to draw, paint, play music or write?
These are all signs your higher self is communicating with you and getting you to perform on a different level.
When you are creative, you are working with dreams and emotions.
Being creative can take you to much better places in your life. It can move you from a mundane realm to one of gratitude and happiness.
Do you remember being younger and using your creative mind? The way your imagination would take you off to different places where you were excited, happy and joyful?
When you are being creative, you are taking the time to use your imagination in a way that serves you differently.
This is you working on a higher level, helping you to connect with the larger universe.
10. You experience more synchronicity in your life
Have you ever experienced a whole string of events that seem too coincidental? This can be a sign your higher self is talking to you.
This is the Universe at work placing events and occurrences in a meaningful way for you to act upon. Acknowledge when this is happening in your life as your higher self is trying to give you a message to follow.
11. You begin to hear an inner voice guiding you
Your higher self can present as an inner voice guiding you in the direction you need to be taking.
Listen to this inner guide as it has your best intentions at heart.
Too many people ignore this inner voice and as a result, miss out on many wonderful experiences and personal growth.
This voice is there to work in your best interests.
Cut out all of the negative chatter and listen to this instead.
12. A feeling that you want to connect with nature again
Getting out into nature helps us to form a deep connection with the Universe. The sights, sounds and smells of the natural world, work with all of our senses, visual, auditory and kinesthetic.
Feeling a deep longing to be connected to nature is a sign your higher self is communicating with you. Telling you to connect to the natural world and cut out the chatter of the modern world.
13. You desire to spend more time in solitude
Do you ever feel a real longing to be alone, totally alone from everything and everyone? To spend time immersed in your world and total solitude?
This is a very powerful place to be in, it gives you time to reflect on your life, to connect with your dreams and desires and to align yourself to the life you want without the interference of other people - no matter how well-meaning they may be.
When you get the desire to spend time alone make sure you act upon it, your higher self is giving you a direct message to spend time with your thoughts.
14. You begin to connect with the law of attraction
When many people hear the Law of Attraction they believe it is all about manifesting masses amounts of money or a big house but it is so much more than that.
When you begin to attract to the law of attraction, what you are doing is aligning with your higher self. You are experiencing gratitude and abundance.
Not just material abundance but spiritual abundance as well, A desire to live a better, more fulfilled life that a belief in the law of attraction can bring.
15. You feel an emotional transformation
Your emotions communicate your innermost thoughts. Learning to understand your emotions and what they are communicating to you is one of the most important ways you can listen to your higher self.
When you feel intense joy it can be because you are aligned fully in your life. Grief and sadness can indicate you are healing and growing. Take note of these emotions as they happen to you.
16. You have a desire to add something to the world
A strong desire to add value to the world can be a big indicator your higher self is talking to you. Often when people add real value to the lives of others, they do so in an altruistic way. It is not so much about making money, but more about the desire to make the lives of everyone around them better.
Think of the people who do huge, gruelling events for charity, the many people who do amazing voluntary work.
The doctors and nurses who work tirelessly for the benefit of society.
If you have such a desire, listen to your higher self and act upon it.
17. You begin to feel guidance coming from within
At times you may feel a force within you driving you on in a different direction. This powerful guidance that wants you to move in other ways can be strong and overwhelming but you need to listen to it and act upon it.
Your higher self will always work for your greater good, there is no need to be afraid.
18. Important people suddenly appear in your life
When you are ready to move onto a higher level in your life, you will often have important people suddenly show up. They could be connected to your work, relationships, health or personal growth. Your higher self will bring these people to you when they are needed so you can grow.
19. You start to feel massive excitement in your whole being
A sudden rush of excitement in your body can be a definite sign from your higher self.
Your emotions work in tandem with the thoughts you have.
It is so important to be in tune with your emotions and act upon them.
This sudden rush of excitement could be your higher self breathing new life into a dream you have had that you gave up on.
It can open you up to discoveries and possibilities in your life.
This sudden feeling can make you believe anything is possible even if you have had doubts in the past.
20. You experience a disruption in your sleep patterns and intense vivid dreams
When you are asleep you can receive guidance from your subconscious mind. As you connect to your higher self your dreams can become more vivid and you can begin to experience a disruption in your sleep patterns.
Pay attention to your dreams, and keep a dream journal as they could indicate where you need to be going in your life and any obstacles you may face.
21. You start experiencing a deep sense of gratitude for all the positive things in your life
How often do you take stock of your life and everything you have in it? Your family and friends, health and wealth.
The material possessions you have and the joy that surrounds you?
If you aren’t living your life with gratitude you will be unhappy with your life.
A deep sense of gratitude is a sign you are working with your higher self and you are seeing all of the joy you have in your life.
Gratitude shifts your attention from a lack mentality, to all that you have.
It is a powerful force to live your life by and will bring you great riches once you embrace it.
Final Thoughts
When you start to listen and act upon the wisdom from your higher self your life will change for the better.
Trusting your intuition, getting in touch with your emotions, living a life of gratitude and becoming more involved in your world for the greater good are all ways your higher self is talking to you.
You are full of power and wisdom and by tuning into your higher self you will understand this. We are all designed in the same way and everyone can become more connected to their higher self.
The signs are there if you just listen out for them and become conscious of them.
The 21 signs above are powerful signs to act upon and can give your life real meaning.
Start to tune into your higher self to live a more transformative life.
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21 Powerful Signs Your Higher Self is Talking to You
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