17 Super Helpful Ways: How Women Can Stop Feeling Unfulfilled in Life
How do I feel more fulfilled in life?
Are you feeling unfulfilled? Do you feel like there is something missing from your life but you just can’t put your finger on what it is?
Are you looking for ways you can stop feeling unfulfilled in your life? Everyone can have times in their lives when they feel unfulfilled.
These can range from small niggles about not reaching certain goals to full-on existential crises’ about what you are doing, where you are going and what your life means.
Whether you are just struggling at the moment to be motivated in your life or whether there are more deep-rooted issues as to why you are feeling this way, the good news is there are steps you can take to overcome the feelings you have at this moment in time and to get you back on track with living your best life.
What is the emotion of unfulfillment?
Feeling unfulfilled can differ from person to person but generally, the feeling is akin to sadness and dissatisfaction with the way something has turned out in your life.
Whether it is with a relationship, your career, your social life or your life in general, the feeling of being unfulfilled can cause many negative issues. It can cause damage to existing relationships and can make it harder for you to form new ones. It can also cause you to make the wrong decisions or to be reckless.
How do I fight the feeling of emptiness?
Many people would describe feeling unfulfilled as a feeling of emptiness as if something is lacking from their lives.
It could be you always felt you were meant for something bigger in life, a better job, more money, a better social life, the ability to travel more and see the world or you were meant to live in a bigger house.
Whatever it means to you, there are ways you can fight these feelings of emptiness and produce a rich, rewarding and fulfilling life.
17 Super Helpful Ways
1. Reassess your priorities and values in life
What is it you really want from your life? Is it something you want or are you trying to achieve goals for another person and this is making you feel unfulfilled?
Start by reassessing your priorities and values in life. You could be trying to live a life that is completely unaligned with who you are as a person. Work out your core values and beliefs and how you want your life to look and then start making some new plans.
2. Write down your goals and aims for the future
When you know what you want out of your life, you can go out and get it.
The best way to discover your desires and how you would like your life to look is to write down your thoughts.
Writing down your goals and aims for your future will help you to plan how you can achieve them.
As well as writing your goals down, make sure you check in constantly to keep on track and to make any tweaks and changes you may need to stay focused and aligned.
3. Start developing healthy fitness habits
Your health and fitness will determine how much you can achieve in your life. If you are unhealthy, have a poor diet and do little physical fitness, then you will often lack drive and motivation.
Start developing some good habits to stay fit and healthy. Have a balanced diet and begin an exercise routine that drives you on.
4. Examine the overall purpose of your life
Start examining the overall purpose of your life. What are your main aims and objectives in your life? Have they changed from what they were years ago? Do you even know what they are?
Once you understand your overall purpose in life you can start to make plans to bring it to fruition. It could be you are studying to be a doctor but you really want to be off-travelling instead and are dreading the thought of being stuck in one place.
Understanding your life’s purpose will put your goals into perspective and will give you focus and order.
5. Ask yourself am I in the right Job?
Are you feeling unfulfilled because of your job? Are you in the right job for you? We all have qualities and values which align us to certain jobs. If you love animals for example working in a vet’s or an animal shelter could be a job you find the most fulfilling, whilst working for a fiance company may be completely out of alignment for you.
6. Are you being true to who you really are?
Are you being true to yourself? Do you find you act in a certain way to please other people? Do you do things in life for others when you know it won’t make you happy and it makes you feel unfulfilled?
Ask yourself why you do this. What makes you prioritize the feelings of others over your own?
Start being true to yourself and stop worrying about what other people will think of you.
7. Question if you are challenging your comfort zones
Are you someone who is stuck in a comfort zone, buffering from side to side without ever moving out? Most of us at times will have stayed in our comfort zones, not because it is the best place for us but more because often we fear what is on the other side.
Start challenging your comfort zones and begin pushing yourself to make changes. Even if you feel fear, do what makes you fearful, it is the only way to grow and is a great way to feel fulfilled in life.
8. Look at your personal relationships and ask how you can get them back on track
Many women feel unfulfilled in their relationships, whether it is with friends, family or work colleagues. If this is the case with you, then start looking at ways to get them back on track.
Think of the reasons why you became friends with someone or the reasons you fell in love with your partner. Look for ways you can begin to reconnect with them.
Try making conversations, involving them in different aspects of your life. Start seeking them out more, asking for their opinions or just involving them in some hobbies or interests that may also be of interest to them.
Reconnecting with people can be one of the most fulfilling things you will do in life, it can remind you of wonderful times you have together and can kick-start amazing things in your future.
9. Develop a commitment to stop procrastinating
Are you feeling unfulfilled because you procrastinate over your life? It could be you have goals you would love to reach but you are putting off doing them and are wasting time procrastinating instead. You may not even be fully aware you are doing this.
Start examining your life and what you’re doing in it. If you find you are spending a lot of time procrastinating make a commitment to yourself to stop and put plans in place to make this achievable.
10. Work on your social life to feel more connected
You may have felt far more fulfilled in your life when you had a much more active social life. As you get older, people from your social circle can start to drop off.
As people marry, start having families or move away from the area, friendships can suffer. Work on your social life, reconnect with people, and start putting some dates down in your diary.
You may not be as busy as you once were but you can certainly feel more fulfilled with a more active social life and things to look forward to.
11. Create a plan to stop distractions from wasting your time
There are many things in life that cause distractions and can prevent you from doing what you set out to do. Are you the type of person who gets easily distracted by TikTok or Instagram for example? As harmless as they seem, social media apps can drain not only time from your life but also many positive emotions and can leave you feeling unfulfilled.
These sorts of distractions should be kept to a minimum. Start creating some plans to stop them from wasting your time and instead do something that will make you feel more fulfilled and satisfied with your life.
12. Make sure your life balance
A good balance in your life will help you to feel more fulfilled and content. If you are working too hard, you are running the risk of becoming burnt out and exhausted.
This can bring about many negative feelings, and feeling unfulfilled is one of the main ones.
Try establishing a good balance, making sure you have plenty of time to relax and rejuvenate, socialise and do things that fill you with joy.
13. Are you heaping too much stress on yourself?
High levels of stress can produce a lot of toxic negativity in life. Are you loading stress into your life when you don’t need to?
Taking on too much at work or responsibility at home can mean you have little time to yourself leaving you feeling dissatisfied and unfulfilled.
14. Conquer your fears to feel fulfilled
What fears are holding you back from feeling fulfilled in life? Fear can ruin so much and often that fear is misplaced or unfounded.
Never let fear hold you back from reaching your goals. Fear is one of the quickest routes to being unfulfilled. Face your fears, conquer them and you will lead a rich and fulfilling life.
Fear is the killer of dreams and if you succumb to living your life in fear you will never do anything. Imagine now all of the times you held back from doing something because you were afraid. Is your life any better for doing so? Do you believe living in fear brings more into your life? I would imagine the answer to both of these questions is no. Step outside of your bubble of fear and start challenging yourself if you want to have a fulfilling and satisfying life.
15. Connect with yourself spiritually
Get back in touch with your spiritual side to feel more fulfilled in life. Materisalsm can begin to overtake your life if you let it, the constant need to be spending money, buying possessions and having more. Reconnecting with your spiritual side can help you to appreciate what you have already and can help you to feel more fulfilled and lead a more fulfilling lifestyle.
16. Don't fall into the comparison trap
Don’t compare your life to other people around you. This is a dangerous trap to get into and can never bring anything positive into your life. The tendency to believe the grass is always greener on the other side can lead to an unfulfilled and negative existence. Nobody ever knows what goes on in another person’s life, and nobody ever has a perfect life, even if on the outside it may seem like it.
Concentrate solely on your own life and leave other people to do the same with theirs.
17. Discover the awesome power of gratitude
Be grateful for everything in life now. Gratitude is often the gateway to a more contented and fulfilled life because you realise how much you already have in yours.
The feelings of gratitude can never sit with negative emotions, so by feeling grateful, you will automatically be placing yourself in a better emotional vibe.
Life will always feel better when you are grateful for all you have and it will make you feel more fulfilled.
Final Thoughts
Feeling unfulfilled can be the result of many different reasons, and you need to examine your life if you want to stop feeling unfulfilled.
Viewing your life as boring, being stuck or lacking motivation will all be the result of the way you are thinking and the actions you are taking. If you want change to occur you have to be the change, nobody else can do it for you.
The good news though is by adopting some of the tips above and incorporating them into your life, you can start to bring about change and begin to feel fulfilled and satisfied.
Always remember, you are in control of your life and it is up to you to live the life you want.
Of course, having other people sharing your life is great and friends, family and partners can all help to make you feel fulfilled but you are the one who ultimately knows what is going to make you satisfied, so you need to be the one to bring about the change.
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17 Super Helpful Ways: How Women Can Stop Feeling Unfulfilled in Life
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